roux authored
extension version groups present in the RRC release 10 ASN.1 file (extensions between [[ and ]]). Basically we do a syntactic replacement at compile time. [[ becomes '<name> SEQUENCE {' ]] becomes '} OPTIONAL' <name> is 'ext<N>' where N is a number increasing at each new extension group in a given definition. The UPER encoding for the two syntaxes is identical (as far as y understanding of the specifications goes). The XER encoding is different, due to the new 'ext<N>' name. Other encodings may be different. The real solution is to fix the ASN.1 compiler. This is not a simple task. git-svn-id: http://svn.eurecom.fr/openair4G/trunk@7705 818b1a75-f10b-46b9-bf7c-635c3b92a50f