Commit 4becccc1 authored by Rohit Gupta's avatar Rohit Gupta

Merge branch 'feature-34-test_framework' into develop

parents 931b50fa 2ea2b6d7
......@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Obj.# Case# Test# Description
01 62 lte-softmodem tests with EXMIMO RF as eNB and OAI EPC (eNB and EPC are on same machines) w/ Bandrich COTS UE
01 63 lte-softmodem tests with EXMIMO RF as eNB and OAI EPC (eNB and EPC are on different machines) w/ Bandrich COTS UE
01 58 lte-softmodem-noS1 tests
01 64 lte-softmodem-noS1 tests
02 Functional test case
......@@ -181,7 +181,8 @@ class core:
rsp2 = self.prompt2
if sudo == True:
command = 'echo \'' + self.password + '\' | sudo -S -E ' + command
#command = 'echo \'' + self.password + '\' | sudo -S -E ' + command
command = 'echo \'' + '' + '\' | sudo -S -E bash -c \' ' + command + '\' '
if self.send_cr:
log.stats['cmd'] += 1
......@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ def SSHSessionWrapper(machine, username, key_file, password, logdir_remote_testc
#Function to clean old programs that might be running from earlier execution
#oai - parameter for making connection to machine
#programList - list of programs that must be terminated before execution of any test case
def cleanOldPrograms(oai, programList, CleanUpAluLteBox):
def cleanOldPrograms(oai, programList, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop):
cmd = 'killall -q -r ' + programList
result = oai.send(cmd, True)
print "Killing old programs..." + result
......@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ def cleanOldPrograms(oai, programList, CleanUpAluLteBox):
result = oai.send_expect_false(cmd, 'Match found', False)
print result
res=oai.send_recv(CleanUpAluLteBox, True)
res = oai.send_recv(ExmimoRfStop, True)
class myThread (threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, threadID, name, counter):
......@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ class oaiThread (threading.Thread):
#This class runs test cases with class execution, compilatation
class testCaseThread_generic (threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, threadID, name, machine, logdirOAI5GRepo, testcasename,oldprogramList, CleanupAluLteBox, password, timeout):
def __init__(self, threadID, name, machine, logdirOAI5GRepo, testcasename,oldprogramList, CleanupAluLteBox, password, timeout, ExmimoRfStop):
self.threadID = threadID = name
......@@ -338,6 +338,7 @@ class testCaseThread_generic (threading.Thread):
self.oldprogramList = oldprogramList
self.CleanupAluLteBox = CleanupAluLteBox
self.ExmimoRfStop = ExmimoRfStop
def run(self):
......@@ -347,7 +348,7 @@ class testCaseThread_generic (threading.Thread):
print "Starting test case : " + self.testcasename + " On machine " + self.machine + " timeout = " + str(self.timeout)
oai = openair('localdomain',self.machine)
oai.connect(user, self.password)
cleanOldPrograms(oai, self.oldprogramList, self.CleanupAluLteBox)
cleanOldPrograms(oai, self.oldprogramList, self.CleanupAluLteBox, self.ExmimoRfStop)
logdir_local = os.environ.get('OPENAIR_DIR')
logdir_local_testcase = logdir_local +'/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'+ self.testcasename
logdir_local_base = logdir_local +'/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'
......@@ -381,7 +382,7 @@ class testCaseThread_generic (threading.Thread):
#ssh.get_all(logdir_remote_testcase , logdir_local_base)
SSHSessionWrapper(self.machine, user, None, self.password, logdir_remote_testcase, logdir_local_base)
print "Finishing test case : " + self.testcasename + " On machine " + self.machine
cleanOldPrograms(oai, self.oldprogramList, self.CleanupAluLteBox)
cleanOldPrograms(oai, self.oldprogramList, self.CleanupAluLteBox, self.ExmimoRfStop)
except Exception, e:
......@@ -400,7 +401,7 @@ def addsudo (cmd, password=""):
cmd = 'echo \'' + password + '\' | sudo -S -E bash -c \' ' + cmd + '\' '
return cmd
def handle_testcaseclass_generic (testcasename, threadListGeneric, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRepo, MachineList, password, CleanupAluLteBox,timeout):
def handle_testcaseclass_generic (testcasename, threadListGeneric, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRepo, MachineList, password, CleanupAluLteBox,timeout, ExmimoRfStop):
......@@ -438,7 +439,7 @@ def handle_testcaseclass_generic (testcasename, threadListGeneric, oldprogramLis
print "MachineListBusy = " + ','.join(MachineListBusy)
print "MachineList = " + ','.join(MachineList)
machine = MachineListFree[0]
thread = testCaseThread_generic(1,"Generic Thread_"+testcasename+"_"+ "machine_", machine, logdirOAI5GRepo, testcasename, oldprogramList, CleanupAluLteBox, password, timeout)
thread = testCaseThread_generic(1,"Generic Thread_"+testcasename+"_"+ "machine_", machine, logdirOAI5GRepo, testcasename, oldprogramList, CleanupAluLteBox, password, timeout, ExmimoRfStop)
param={"thread_id":thread, "Machine":machine, "testcasename":testcasename}
......@@ -471,7 +472,7 @@ def wait_testcaseclass_generic_threads(threadListGeneric, timeout = 1):
return threadListGenericNew
#Function to handle test case class : lte-softmodem
def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRepo , logdirOpenaircnRepo, MachineList, password, CleanUpAluLteBox):
def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRepo , logdirOpenaircnRepo, MachineList, password, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop):
#We ignore the password sent to this function for secuirity reasons for password present in log files
#It is recommended to add a line in /etc/sudoers that looks something like below. The line below will run sudo without password prompt
# your_user_name ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
......@@ -536,16 +537,20 @@ def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRepo ,
index_eNBMachine = MachineList.index(eNBMachine)
index_UEMachine = MachineList.index(UEMachine)
index_EPCMachine = MachineList.index(EPCMachine)
cmd = 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '; source oaienv ; env|grep OPENAIR'
oai_eNB = openair('localdomain', eNBMachine)
oai_eNB.connect(user, password)
res= oai_eNB.send_recv(cmd)
oai_UE = openair('localdomain', UEMachine)
oai_UE.connect(user, password)
res = oai_eNB.send_recv(cmd)
oai_EPC = openair('localdomain', EPCMachine)
oai_EPC.connect(user, password)
res = oai_eNB.send_recv(cmd)
cleanOldPrograms(oai_eNB, oldprogramList, CleanUpAluLteBox)
cleanOldPrograms(oai_UE, oldprogramList, CleanUpAluLteBox)
cleanOldPrograms(oai_EPC, oldprogramList, CleanUpAluLteBox)
cleanOldPrograms(oai_eNB, oldprogramList, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop)
cleanOldPrograms(oai_UE, oldprogramList, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop)
cleanOldPrograms(oai_EPC, oldprogramList, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop)
logdir_eNB = logdirOAI5GRepo+'/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'+ testcasename
logdir_UE = logdirOAI5GRepo+'/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'+ testcasename
logdir_EPC = logdirOpenaircnRepo+'/TEST/autotests/log/'+ testcasename
......@@ -759,9 +764,9 @@ def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRepo ,
#Now we get the log files from remote machines on the local machine
cleanOldPrograms(oai_eNB, oldprogramList, CleanUpAluLteBox)
cleanOldPrograms(oai_UE, oldprogramList, CleanUpAluLteBox)
cleanOldPrograms(oai_EPC, oldprogramList, CleanUpAluLteBox)
cleanOldPrograms(oai_eNB, oldprogramList, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop)
cleanOldPrograms(oai_UE, oldprogramList, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop)
cleanOldPrograms(oai_EPC, oldprogramList, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop)
logfile_UE_stop_script_out = logdir_UE + '/UE_stop_script_out' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
logfile_UE_stop_script = logdir_local_testcase + '/UE_stop_script' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
......@@ -992,6 +997,7 @@ CleanUpAluLteBox = xmlRoot.findtext('CleanUpAluLteBox',default='')
Timeout_execution = int (xmlRoot.findtext('Timeout_execution'))
MachineListGeneric = xmlRoot.findtext('MachineListGeneric',default='')
TestCaseExclusionList = xmlRoot.findtext('TestCaseExclusionList',default='')
ExmimoRfStop = xmlRoot.findtext('ExmimoRfStop',default='')
print "MachineList = " + MachineList
print "GitOpenair-cnRepo = " + GitOpenaircnRepo
print "GitOAI5GRepo = " + GitOAI5GRepo
......@@ -1056,7 +1062,7 @@ if localshell == 0:
print "Sudo permissions..." + result
print '\nCleaning Older running programs : ' + CleanUpOldProgs
cleanOldPrograms(oai_list[index], CleanUpOldProgs, CleanUpAluLteBox)
cleanOldPrograms(oai_list[index], CleanUpOldProgs, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop)
result = oai_list[index].send('mount ' + NFSResultsDir, True)
print "Mounting NFS Share " + NFSResultsDir + "..." + result
......@@ -1121,6 +1127,7 @@ for index in oai_list:
#cmd = cmd + 'rm -fR ' + logdir + '\n'
#cmd = cmd + 'mkdir -p ' + logdir + '\n'
cmd = cmd + 'cd '+ logdir + '\n'
cmd = cmd + 'git config --global http.sslVerify false \n'
cmd = cmd + 'git clone '+ GitOAI5GRepo + '\n'
cmd = cmd + 'git clone '+ GitOpenaircnRepo + '\n'
cmd = cmd + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '\n'
......@@ -1236,11 +1243,11 @@ for testcase in testcaseList:
print "eNBMachine : " + eNBMachine + "UEMachine : " + UEMachine + "EPCMachine : " + EPCMachine + "MachineList : " + ','.join(MachineList)
print "testcasename = " + testcasename + " class = " + testcaseclass
threadListGlobal = wait_testcaseclass_generic_threads(threadListGlobal, Timeout_execution)
handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, CleanUpOldProgs, logdirOAI5GRepo, logdirOpenaircnRepo, MachineList, pw, CleanUpAluLteBox )
handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, CleanUpOldProgs, logdirOAI5GRepo, logdirOpenaircnRepo, MachineList, pw, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop )
elif (testcaseclass == 'compilation'):
threadListGlobal = handle_testcaseclass_generic (testcasename, threadListGlobal, CleanUpOldProgs, logdirOAI5GRepo, MachineListGeneric, pw, CleanUpAluLteBox,Timeout_execution)
threadListGlobal = handle_testcaseclass_generic (testcasename, threadListGlobal, CleanUpOldProgs, logdirOAI5GRepo, MachineListGeneric, pw, CleanUpAluLteBox,Timeout_execution, ExmimoRfStop)
elif (testcaseclass == 'execution'):
threadListGlobal = handle_testcaseclass_generic (testcasename, threadListGlobal, CleanUpOldProgs, logdirOAI5GRepo, MachineListGeneric, pw, CleanUpAluLteBox,Timeout_execution)
threadListGlobal = handle_testcaseclass_generic (testcasename, threadListGlobal, CleanUpOldProgs, logdirOAI5GRepo, MachineListGeneric, pw, CleanUpAluLteBox,ExmimoRfStop)
else :
print "Unknown test case class: " + testcaseclass
This diff is collapsed.
for i=n-1:0
# OpenAirInterface
# Copyright(c) 1999 - 2015 Eurecom
# OpenAirInterface is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenAirInterface is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with OpenAirInterface.The full GNU General Public License is
# included in this distribution in the file called "COPYING". If not,
# see <>.
# Contact Information
# OpenAirInterface Admin:
# OpenAirInterface Tech :
# OpenAirInterface Dev :
# Address : Eurecom, Campus SophiaTech, 450 Route des Chappes, CS 50193 - 06904 Biot Sophia Antipolis cedex, FRANCE
# file init_nas_nos1
# brief loads the nasmesh module and sets up the radio bearers (used to provide ip interface without S1 interface)
# author Florian Kaltenberger
if awk "/$mod_name/ {found=1 ;exit} END {if (found!=1) exit 1}" /proc/modules
echo "module $mod_name already loaded: I remove it first"
sudo rmmod $mod_name
echo loading $mod_name
sudo insmod $1
function main()
PCI=`lspci -m | grep Xilinx`
if [ -z "$PCI" ]; then
echo "No card found. Stopping!"
## This part corrects the wrong configuration of the endpoint done by the bios in some machines
echo "$PCI" | while read config_reg; do
SLOT_NUMBER=`echo $config_reg | awk -F\" '{print $1}'`
sudo setpci -s $SLOT_NUMBER 60.b=10
load_module $OPENAIR_DIR/targets/bin/openair_rf.ko
sleep 1
if [ ! -e /dev/openair0 ]; then
sudo mknod /dev/openair0 c 127 0
sudo chmod a+rw /dev/openair0
DEVICE=`echo $PCI | awk -F\" '{print $(NF-1)}' | awk '{print $2}'`
if [ $DEVICE_SWID == '0a' ]; then
echo "Using firware version 10"
$OPENAIR_DIR/targets/bin/updatefw -s 0x43fffff0 -b -f $OPENAIR_TARGETS/ARCH/EXMIMO/USERSPACE/OAI_FW_INIT/sdr_expressmimo2_v10
echo 'No corresponding firmware found'
main "$@"
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