Commit 5b2aa91b authored by Robert Schmidt's avatar Robert Schmidt

FlexRAN: new agent reconfiguration syntax, instead of YAML

parent d2204bb8
......@@ -5,3 +5,23 @@ enum flex_control_delegation_type {
FLCDT_MAC_DL_UE_SCHEDULER = 1; // DL UE scheduler delegation
FLCDT_AGENT_CONTROL_APP = 2; // Generic control application
message flex_agent_reconfiguration_system {
optional string system = 1;
repeated flex_agent_reconfiguration_subsystem subsystems = 2;
message flex_agent_reconfiguration_subsystem {
optional string name = 1; // Name of the object (app name or user plane object)
optional string behavior = 2; // For an app: a callback in a shared library. For any other subsystem: an object name (shared library) with defined syntax.
map<string, flex_agent_reconfiguration_param> params = 3; // Param configurations depending on callback/shared library above.
message flex_agent_reconfiguration_param {
oneof param {
int32 integer = 1;
float floating = 2;
bool boolean = 3;
string str = 4;
......@@ -237,6 +237,7 @@ message flex_control_delegation {
message flex_agent_reconfiguration {
optional flex_header header = 1;
optional string policy = 2; // The policy changes using YAML syntax in string format
repeated flex_agent_reconfiguration_system systems = 3; // The policy changes.
// Extensions of the echo request and reply
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