Commit 61ee7a80 authored by Florian Kaltenberger's avatar Florian Kaltenberger

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop-nr' into nr_pdsch_debug

parents 4928618c 81941141
......@@ -1117,6 +1117,26 @@
<testCase id="015107">
<desc>nr_ulschsim Test cases. (Test1: 106 PRB),
(Test2: 217 PRB),
(Test3: 273 PRB)</desc>
<compile_prog_args> --phy_simulators -c </compile_prog_args>
<main_exec> $OPENAIR_DIR/targets/bin/nr_ulschsim.Rel15</main_exec>
<main_exec_args>-R 106 -m9 -s13 -n100
-R 217 -m15 -s15 -n100
-R 273 -m19 -s20 -n100</main_exec_args>
<tags>nr_ulschsim.test1 nr_ulschsim.test2 nr_ulschsim.test3</tags>
<search_expr_true>PUSCH test OK</search_expr_true>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
<testCase id="015110">
<desc>dlsim_tm4 test cases (Test 1: 10 MHz, R2.FDD (MCS 5), EVA5, -1dB),
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