Commit aad2f1ca authored by luis_pereira87's avatar luis_pereira87

Msg4 transmitted with UE Contention Resolution Identity and with RRCSetup

parent a1d6b1d5
......@@ -1825,7 +1825,7 @@ void nr_ue_process_mac_pdu(nr_downlink_indication_t *dl_info,
// MSG4 RRC Connection Setup 38.331
// varialbe length
// variable length
mac_ce_len |= (uint16_t)((NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_SHORT *)pduP)->L;
mac_subheader_len = 2;
......@@ -1833,6 +1833,13 @@ void nr_ue_process_mac_pdu(nr_downlink_indication_t *dl_info,
mac_subheader_len = 3;
LOG_D(NR_MAC,"DL_SCH_LCID_CCCH with payload len %d: bits\n", mac_ce_len);
// TODO: Forward RRCSetup to RRC
LOG_D(NR_MAC,"RRCSetup received at nr_ue_process_mac_pdu with payload len %d: \n bits, rx bytes: \n", mac_ce_len);
for (int i = 0; i < mac_ce_len/8; i++) {
LOG_D(NR_MAC, "%d: 0x%x\n", i, pduP[i + 2]);
......@@ -1942,10 +1949,13 @@ void nr_ue_process_mac_pdu(nr_downlink_indication_t *dl_info,
// Clause 5.1.5 and of 3GPP TS 38.321 version 16.2.1 Release 16
// WIP todo: handle CCCH_pdu
// MAC Header: 1 byte (R/R/LCID)
// MAC SDU: 6 bytes (UE Contention Resolution Identity)
mac_ce_len = 6;
LOG_I(MAC, "[UE %d][RAPROC] Frame %d : received contention resolution msg: %x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x, Terminating RA procedure\n", module_idP, frameP, pduP[0], pduP[1], pduP[2], pduP[3], pduP[4], pduP[5]);
LOG_I(MAC, "[UE %d][RAPROC] Frame %d : received contention resolution identity: 0x%x%x%x%x%x%x. Terminating RA procedure\n", module_idP, frameP, pduP[1], pduP[2], pduP[3], pduP[4], pduP[5], pduP[6]);
// FIXME: Only succeeds if received contention resolution equals to the first 48 bits of transmitted Mgs3
if (ra->RA_active == 1) {
nr_ra_succeeded(module_idP, frameP, slot);
......@@ -1063,10 +1063,35 @@ void nr_generate_Msg4(module_id_t module_idP, int CC_id, frame_t frameP, sub_fra
if (ra->Msg4_frame == frameP && ra->Msg4_slot == slotP ) {
uint8_t mac_pdu[100] = {};
uint16_t mac_pdu_length = 0;
const int offset = nr_write_ce_dlsch_pdu(module_idP, nr_mac->sched_ctrlCommon, (unsigned char *)mac_pdu, 255, ra->cont_res_id);
mac_pdu_length += offset;
uint8_t mac_sdu[30];
uint16_t mac_sdu_length = mac_rrc_nr_data_req(module_idP, CC_id, frameP, CCCH, ra->rnti, 1, mac_sdu);
((NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_SHORT *) &mac_pdu[mac_pdu_length])->R = 0;
((NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_SHORT *) &mac_pdu[mac_pdu_length])->F = 0;
((NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_SHORT *) &mac_pdu[mac_pdu_length])->LCID = DL_SCH_LCID_CCCH;
((NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_SHORT *) &mac_pdu[mac_pdu_length])->L = mac_sdu_length * 8;
mac_pdu_length += 2;
memcpy(&mac_pdu[mac_pdu_length], mac_sdu, sizeof(uint8_t) * mac_sdu_length);
mac_pdu_length += mac_sdu_length;
LOG_I(NR_MAC, "[gNB %d] Got %d bytes from CCCH\n", module_idP, mac_sdu_length);
//int header_length_total = 1 + 6 + 2 + (mac_sdu_length >= 128);
//int payload_length = mac_sdu_length + header_length_total;
int mcsIndex = 0;
int startSymbolAndLength = 0;
int StartSymbolIndex = -1;
int NrOfSymbols = 14;
int NrOfSymbols = 5;
int StartSymbolIndex_tmp = 0;
int NrOfSymbols_tmp = 0;
int x_Overhead = 0;
......@@ -1099,13 +1124,6 @@ void nr_generate_Msg4(module_id_t module_idP, int CC_id, frame_t frameP, sub_fra
uint8_t mac_sdu[30];
uint16_t mac_sdu_length = mac_rrc_nr_data_req(module_idP, CC_id, frameP, CCCH, ra->rnti, 1, mac_sdu);
LOG_I(NR_MAC, "[gNB %d] Got %d bytes from CCCH\n", module_idP, mac_sdu_length);
int header_length_total = 1 + 6 + 2 + (mac_sdu_length >= 128);
int payload_length = mac_sdu_length + header_length_total;
uint32_t TBS = 0;
do {
......@@ -1113,7 +1131,7 @@ void nr_generate_Msg4(module_id_t module_idP, int CC_id, frame_t frameP, sub_fra
TBS = nr_compute_tbs(nr_get_Qm_dl(nr_mac->sched_ctrlCommon->mcs, nr_mac->sched_ctrlCommon->mcsTableIdx),
nr_get_code_rate_dl(nr_mac->sched_ctrlCommon->mcs, nr_mac->sched_ctrlCommon->mcsTableIdx),
rbSize, NrOfSymbols, N_PRB_DMRS * N_DMRS_SLOT,0, 0,1) >> 3;
} while (rbStart + rbSize < BWPSize && !vrb_map[rbStart + rbSize] && TBS < payload_length);
} while (rbStart + rbSize < BWPSize && !vrb_map[rbStart + rbSize] && TBS < mac_pdu_length);
for (int i = 0; (i < rbSize) && (rbStart <= (BWPSize - rbSize)); i++) {
if (vrb_map[rbStart + i]) {
......@@ -1200,11 +1218,11 @@ void nr_generate_Msg4(module_id_t module_idP, int CC_id, frame_t frameP, sub_fra
if (bwp->bwp_Dedicated->pdsch_Config->choice.setup->mcs_Table == NULL) {
pdsch_pdu_rel15->mcsTable[0] = 0;
} else {
if (*bwp->bwp_Dedicated->pdsch_Config->choice.setup->mcs_Table == 0) {
pdsch_pdu_rel15->mcsTable[0] = 1;
} else {
pdsch_pdu_rel15->mcsTable[0] = 2;
if (*bwp->bwp_Dedicated->pdsch_Config->choice.setup->mcs_Table == 0) {
pdsch_pdu_rel15->mcsTable[0] = 1;
} else {
pdsch_pdu_rel15->mcsTable[0] = 2;
pdsch_pdu_rel15->rvIndex[0] = 0;
......@@ -1222,14 +1240,16 @@ void nr_generate_Msg4(module_id_t module_idP, int CC_id, frame_t frameP, sub_fra
pdsch_pdu_rel15->rbSize = rbSize;
pdsch_pdu_rel15->VRBtoPRBMapping = 0;
// FIXME: should use Initial BWP
for (int i=0; i<bwp->bwp_Common->pdsch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->pdsch_TimeDomainAllocationList->list.count; i++) {
startSymbolAndLength = bwp->bwp_Common->pdsch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->pdsch_TimeDomainAllocationList->list.array[i]->startSymbolAndLength;
SLIV2SL(startSymbolAndLength, &StartSymbolIndex_tmp, &NrOfSymbols_tmp);
if (NrOfSymbols_tmp < NrOfSymbols) {
//if (NrOfSymbols_tmp < NrOfSymbols) {
NrOfSymbols = NrOfSymbols_tmp;
StartSymbolIndex = StartSymbolIndex_tmp;
time_domain_assignment = i; // this is short PDSCH added to the config to fit mixed slot
AssertFatal(StartSymbolIndex >= 0, "StartSymbolIndex is negative\n");
......@@ -1291,31 +1311,24 @@ void nr_generate_Msg4(module_id_t module_idP, int CC_id, frame_t frameP, sub_fra
nr_get_tbs_dl(&dl_tti_pdsch_pdu->pdsch_pdu, x_Overhead, pdsch_pdu_rel15->numDmrsCdmGrpsNoData, dci_payload.tb_scaling);
const int cont_res_len = 1 + 6;
const int post_padding = TBS > header_length_total + payload_length + cont_res_len;
const int post_padding = TBS > mac_pdu_length;
LOG_D(NR_MAC, "Configuring DL_TX in %d.%d: TBS %d, header_length_total %d, sdu_length_total %d,cont_res_len %d, post_padding %d \n", frameP, slotP,
TBS, header_length_total, payload_length, cont_res_len, post_padding);
//LOG_I(NR_MAC, "Configuring DL_TX in %d.%d: TBS %d, header_length_total %d, sdu_length_total %d,cont_res_len %d, post_padding %d \n", frameP, slotP,
// TBS, header_length_total, payload_length, cont_res_len, post_padding);
// DL TX request
nfapi_nr_pdu_t *tx_req = &nr_mac->TX_req[CC_id].pdu_list[nr_mac->TX_req[CC_id].Number_of_PDUs];
uint8_t payload[50] = {};
const int offset = nr_write_ce_dlsch_pdu(module_idP, nr_mac->sched_ctrlCommon, (unsigned char *)payload, 255, ra->cont_res_id);
((NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_SHORT *) &payload[offset])->R = 0;
((NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_SHORT *) &payload[offset])->F = 0;
((NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_SHORT *) &payload[offset])->L = mac_sdu_length*8;
memcpy(&payload[9], mac_sdu, mac_sdu_length);
if (post_padding > 0) {
for (int j = 0; j < TBS - payload_length; j++)
payload[payload_length + j] = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < TBS - mac_pdu_length; j++)
mac_pdu[mac_pdu_length + j] = 0;
mac_pdu_length = TBS;
memcpy(&tx_req->TLVs[0], payload, payload_length);
memcpy(&tx_req->TLVs[0], mac_pdu, sizeof(uint8_t) * mac_pdu_length);
tx_req->PDU_length = TBS;
tx_req->PDU_index = pduindex;
......@@ -504,6 +504,10 @@ void nr_rx_sdu(const module_id_t gnb_mod_idP,
LOG_D(NR_MAC,"(%i): 0x%x\n",k,sduP[k]);
// UE Contention Resolution Identity
// Store the first 48 bits belonging to the uplink CCCH SDU within Msg3 to fill in Msg4
memcpy(ra->cont_res_id, sduP, sizeof(uint8_t) * 6);
// re-initialize ta update variables afrer RA procedure completion
UE_info->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ta_frame = frameP;
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