Commit cab265a4 authored by laurent's avatar laurent

realtime for UE

parent 60b97d55
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ _Assert_(cOND, _Assert_Exit_, #vALUE1 ": %" PRIdMAX "\n" #vALUE2 ": %" PRIdMAX "
(intmax_t)vALUE1, (intmax_t)vALUE2, (intmax_t)vALUE3)
#define DevCheck4(cOND, vALUE1, vALUE2, vALUE3, vALUE4) \
_Assert_(cOND, _Assert_Exit_, #vALUE1": %"PRIdMAX"\n"#vALUE2": %"PRIdMAX"\n"#vALUE3": %"PRIdMAX"\n"#vALUE4": %"PRIdMAX"\n\n", \
_Assert_(cOND, _Assert_Exit_, #vALUE1": %" PRIdMAX "\n" #vALUE2 ": %" PRIdMAX "\n" #vALUE3 ": %" PRIdMAX "\n" #vALUE4 ": %" PRIdMAX "\n\n", \
(intmax_t)vALUE1, (intmax_t)vALUE2, (intmax_t)vALUE3, (intmax_t)vALUE4)
#define DevParam(vALUE1, vALUE2, vALUE3) DevCheck(0, vALUE1, vALUE2, vALUE3)
......@@ -371,6 +371,9 @@ typedef struct {
pthread_mutex_t mutex_rxtx;
/// scheduling parameters for RXn-TXnp4 thread
struct sched_param sched_param_rxtx;
int sub_frame_start;
int sub_frame_step;
unsigned long long gotIQs;
} UE_rxtx_proc_t;
/// Context data structure for eNB subframe processing
......@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ typedef struct protocol_ctxt_s {
(Ctxt_Pp)->subframe = sUBfRAME; \
#define PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT "[FRAME %05u][%s][MOD %02u][RNTI %"PRIx16"]"
#define PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT "[FRAME %05u][%s][MOD %02u][RNTI %" PRIx16 "]"
(CTXT_Pp)->frame, \
((CTXT_Pp)->enb_flag == ENB_FLAG_YES) ? "eNB":" UE", \
......@@ -53,6 +53,26 @@
extern "C" {
extern double cpuf;
static inline unsigned long long rdtsc(void) {
unsigned long long a, d;
__asm__ volatile ("rdtsc" : "=a" (a), "=d" (d));
return (d<<32) | a;
static inline unsigned long long checkT(int timeout, char * file, int line) {
static unsigned long long __thread last=0;
unsigned long long cur=rdtsc();
int microCycles=(int)(cpuf*1000);
int duration=(int)((cur-last)/microCycles);
if ( last!=0 && duration > timeout )
printf("%s:%d lte-ue delay %d (exceed %d)\n", file, line,
duration, timeout);
return cur;
#define check(a) checkT(a,__FILE__,__LINE__)
/** @defgroup _LOG LOG Generator
* @{*/
/* @}*/
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