gnb.band78.tm1.fr1.106PRB.usrpb210.conf 11.2 KB
Newer Older
1 2 3
Active_gNBs = ( "gNB-Eurecom-5GNRBox");
# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
Asn1_verbosity = "none";

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

gNBs =
    ////////// Identification parameters:
    gNB_ID    =  0xe00;
    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_GNB";
    gNB_name  =  "gNB-Eurecom-5GNRBox";

    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
    tracking_area_code  =  1;
    plmn_list = ({mcc = 222; mnc = 01; mnc_length = 2;});   

    tr_s_preference     = "local_mac"

    ////////// Physical parameters:

    ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 31; //0;
    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
    servingCellConfigCommon = (

      physCellId                                                    = 0;

#  downlinkConfigCommon
      # this is 3600 MHz + 84 PRBs@30kHz SCS (same as initial BWP)
      absoluteFrequencySSB                                          = 641272; //641032;      #641968; 641968=start of ssb at 3600MHz + 82 RBs    641032=center of SSB at center of cell
      dl_frequencyBand                                                 = 78;
      # this is 3600 MHz
      dl_absoluteFrequencyPointA                                       = 640000;
        dl_offstToCarrier                                              = 0;
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120  
        dl_subcarrierSpacing                                           = 1;
        dl_carrierBandwidth                                            = 106;
        # this is RBstart=84,L=13 (275*(L-1))+RBstart
        initialDLBWPlocationAndBandwidth                                        = 6368;
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120  
        initialDLBWPsubcarrierSpacing                                           = 1;
        initialDLBWPcontrolResourceSetZero                                      = 0;
        initialDLBWPsearchSpaceZero                                             = 0;
        #pdschTimeDomainAllocationList (up to 16 entries)
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
        initialDLBWPk0_0                    = 0;  #for DL slot
        initialDLBWPmappingType_0           = 0;  #0=typeA,1=typeB
        initialDLBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0  = 40; #this is SS=1,L=13

        initialDLBWPk0_1                    = 0;  #for mixed slot
        initialDLBWPmappingType_1           = 0;
        initialDLBWPstartSymbolAndLength_1  = 57; #this is SS=1,L=5

65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
      ul_frequencyBand                                                 = 78;
      ul_offstToCarrier                                              = 0;
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120  
      ul_subcarrierSpacing                                           = 1;
      ul_carrierBandwidth                                            = 106;
      pMax                                                          = 20;
        initialULBWPlocationAndBandwidth                                        = 6368;
78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120  
        initialULBWPsubcarrierSpacing                                           = 1;
          prach_ConfigurationIndex                                  = 98;
#0 = one, 1=two, 2=four, 3=eight
          prach_msg1_FDM                                            = 0;
          prach_msg1_FrequencyStart                                 = 0;
          zeroCorrelationZoneConfig                                 = 13;
          preambleReceivedTargetPower                               = -100;
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
#preamblTransMax (0...10) = (3,4,5,6,7,8,10,20,50,100,200)
          preambleTransMax                                          = 6;
# 0=dB0,1=dB2,2=dB4,3=dB6
        powerRampingStep                                            = 1;
        ra_ResponseWindow                                           = 5;
        ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_PR                = 4;
#oneHalf (0..15) 4,8,12,16,...60,64
        ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB                   = 14; //15;
#(0..7) 8,16,24,32,40,48,56,64
        ra_ContentionResolutionTimer                                = 7;
        rsrp_ThresholdSSB                                           = 19;
#1 = 839, 2 = 139
        prach_RootSequenceIndex_PR                                  = 2;
        prach_RootSequenceIndex                                     = 1;
        # SCS for msg1, can only be 15 for 30 kHz < 6 GHz, takes precendence over the one derived from prach-ConfigIndex
        msg1_SubcarrierSpacing                                      = 1,

# restrictedSetConfig
# 0=unrestricted, 1=restricted type A, 2=restricted type B
        restrictedSetConfig                                         = 0,
      # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
        initialULBWPk2_0                      = 6;  # used for UL slot
        initialULBWPmappingType_0             = 1
        initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0    = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13

        initialULBWPk2_1                      = 6;  # used for mixed slot
        initialULBWPmappingType_1             = 1;
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        initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_1    = 52; # this is SS=10 L=4

        initialULBWPk2_2                      = 7;  # used for Msg.3 during RA
        initialULBWPmappingType_2             = 1;
        initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_2    = 52; # this is SS=10 L=4
130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170

        msg3_DeltaPreamble                                          = 1;
        p0_NominalWithGrant                                         =-90;

# pucch-ConfigCommon setup :
# pucchGroupHopping
# 0 = neither, 1= group hopping, 2=sequence hopping
        pucchGroupHopping                                           = 0;
        hoppingId                                                   = 40;
        p0_nominal                                                  = -90;
# ssb_PositionsInBurs_BitmapPR
# 1=short, 2=medium, 3=long
      ssb_PositionsInBurst_PR                                       = 2;
      ssb_PositionsInBurst_Bitmap                                   = 1; #0x80;

# ssb_periodicityServingCell
# 0 = ms5, 1=ms10, 2=ms20, 3=ms40, 4=ms80, 5=ms160, 6=spare2, 7=spare1 
      ssb_periodicityServingCell                                    = 2;

# dmrs_TypeA_position
# 0 = pos2, 1 = pos3
      dmrs_TypeA_Position                                           = 0;

# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120  
      subcarrierSpacing                                             = 1;

# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120  
      referenceSubcarrierSpacing                                    = 1;
      # pattern1 
      # dl_UL_TransmissionPeriodicity
      # 0=ms0p5, 1=ms0p625, 2=ms1, 3=ms1p25, 4=ms2, 5=ms2p5, 6=ms5, 7=ms10
      dl_UL_TransmissionPeriodicity                                 = 6;
      nrofDownlinkSlots                                             = 7; //8; //7;
      nrofDownlinkSymbols                                           = 6; //0; //6;
      nrofUplinkSlots                                               = 2;
      nrofUplinkSymbols                                             = 4; //0; //4;

  ssPBCH_BlockPower                                             = -25;
172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186


    # ------- SCTP definitions
    SCTP :
        # Number of streams to use in input/output
        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;

    ////////// MME parameters:
187 188 189 190 191 192 193
#    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "CI_MME_IP_ADDR";
#                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
#                              port       = 36412 ;
#                              active     = "yes";
#                              preference = "ipv4";
#                            }
#                          );
194 195

    enable_x2         = "yes";
197 198
    t_reloc_prep      = 1000;      /* unit: millisecond */
    tx2_reloc_overall = 2000;      /* unit: millisecond */
Cedric Roux's avatar
Cedric Roux committed
199 200
    t_dc_prep         = 1000;      /* unit: millisecond */
    t_dc_overall      = 2000;      /* unit: millisecond */
201 202 203 204 205 206

    target_enb_x2_ip_address = ( { ipv4       = "CI_FR1_CTL_ENB_IP_ADDR";
                                   ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
                                   preference = "ipv4";
207 208 209

210 211 212 213 214 215 216
      GNB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME  = "eth0";
      GNB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U     = "eth0";
      GNB_PORT_FOR_S1U               = 2152; # Spec 2152
      GNB_PORT_FOR_X2C               = 36422; # Spec 36422

219 220 221 222

223 224 225 226 227 228 229
    num_cc              = 1;
    tr_s_preference     = "local_L1";
    tr_n_preference     = "local_RRC";
    pusch_TargetSNRx10  = 200;
    pucch_TargetSNRx10  = 200;
230 231 232

L1s = (
234 235
    num_cc = 1;
    tr_n_preference = "local_mac";
    pusch_proc_threads = 6;
237 238
    ofdm_offset_divisor = 8; #set this to UINT_MAX for offset 0
239 240 241

RUs = (
242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253
    local_rf       = "yes"
    nb_tx          = 1
    nb_rx          = 1
    att_tx         = 3
    att_rx         = 0;
    bands          = [7];
    max_pdschReferenceSignalPower = -27;
    max_rxgain     = 111;
    eNB_instances  = [0];
#    clock_src      = "external";
254 255 256 257 258

    #three config for level of parallelism "PARALLEL_SINGLE_THREAD", "PARALLEL_RU_L1_SPLIT", or "PARALLEL_RU_L1_TRX_SPLIT"
    parallel_config    = "PARALLEL_RU_L1_TRX_SPLIT";
260 261 262 263 264
    #two option for worker "WORKER_DISABLE" or "WORKER_ENABLE"
    worker_config      = "WORKER_ENABLE";

265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281
security = {
  # preferred ciphering algorithms
  # the first one of the list that an UE supports in chosen
  # valid values: nea0, nea1, nea2, nea3
  ciphering_algorithms = ( "nea0" );

  # preferred integrity algorithms
  # the first one of the list that an UE supports in chosen
  # valid values: nia0, nia1, nia2, nia3
  integrity_algorithms = ( "nia2", "nia0" );

  # setting 'drb_ciphering' to "no" disables ciphering for DRBs, no matter
  # what 'ciphering_algorithms' configures; same thing for 'drb_integrity'
  drb_ciphering = "yes";
  drb_integrity = "no";

282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298
log_config :
  global_log_level      ="info";
  global_log_verbosity  ="medium";
  hw_log_level          ="info";
  hw_log_verbosity      ="medium";
  phy_log_level         ="info";
  phy_log_verbosity     ="medium";
  mac_log_level         ="info";
  mac_log_verbosity     ="high";
  rlc_log_level         ="info";
  rlc_log_verbosity     ="medium";
  pdcp_log_level        ="info";
  pdcp_log_verbosity    ="medium";
  rrc_log_level         ="info";
  rrc_log_verbosity     ="medium";
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Laurent committed

uicc: {
  opc = "testopc";