Commit 04db6ef5 authored by Robert Schmidt's avatar Robert Schmidt

Update CI bench images

parent d0de678f
......@@ -45,29 +45,9 @@ Note: The available resources, and their current usage, is indicated here:
Note: obelix and porcepix are both used in the OTA testbench and the 5G
NSA/Faraday Cage testbench!
┌─────┐ ┌────┐
│ ├────────┤N300│
│ │ └────┘
porcepix │
┌─────┐ │ nrmodule2
│ ├───────────┘ ┌───────┐ ┌─────┐
│ │ │Quectel├─────────┤ │
└──┬─┬┘ obelix ┌────┐ └───────┘ │ │
│ │ ┌─────┐ │N300│ └─────┘
│ └──────────┤ ├────────┴────┘
│ │ │
│ └─────┴────────┬────┐
│ │X300│
│ └────┘
│ UEsimbox
│ ┌─────┐
└────────────┤ │ ┌────┐
│ ├────────┤SDR │
└─────┘ └────┘
![5G OTA Testbench](testbenches_doc_resources/5g-ota-bench.png)
[PDF version](testbenches_doc_resources/5g-ota-bench.pdf) | [LaTeX/TikZ version](testbenches_doc_resources/5g-ota-bench.tex) if you want to modify to reflect your setup
### 5G NSA/Faraday Cage Testbench
......@@ -76,58 +56,18 @@ porcepix │
Note: obelix and porcepix are both used in the OTA testbench and the 5G
NSA/Faraday Cage testbench!
[Proper image to be followed up]
│ ├─────B7────────────────────┐
│ │ Faraday Cage │
└┬────┘ ┌──────────────┼───┐
│ │ │ │
│ │ Y │
porcepix │ │ │
┌─────┐ │ │ │ idefix
│ ├──────┘ │ Y──┼────┐ ┌─────┐
│ │ │ Y--│----├───────┐ │ │
└────┬┘ │ Y──┼────┤Quectel├──────┤ │
│ │ Y--│----└───────┘ └─────┘
│ │ Y │
│ nepes │ │ │
│ ┌─────┐ └────────────┼─────┘
│ │ │ │
└──────┤ ├─────B78─────────────────┘
![5G NSA/Faraday Cage Testbench](testbenches_doc_resources/5g-nsa-faraday-bench.png)
[PDF version](testbenches_doc_resources/5g-nsa-faraday-bench.pdf) | [LaTeX/TikZ version](testbenches_doc_resources/5g-nsa-faraday-bench.tex) if you want to modify to reflect your setup
### 4G Testbench(es)
**Purpose**: 4G/LTE testbenches
[Proper image to be followed up]
│ ├─────B7────────────────────┐
┌──────┤ │ Faraday Cage │
│ └─────┘ ┌──────────────┼───┐
│ │ │ │
│ │ Y │
nano │ │ │
┌────┴┐ USB ┌──┼─UE │ carabe
│ ├─────────────────────┤ │ │ ┌─────┐
│ │ └──┼─UE │ │ │
└───┬─┘ │ Y──┼───────B7UE──┤ │
│ │ │ └─────┘
│ │ Y │
│ starsky │ │ │
│ ┌─────┐ └────────────┼─────┘
└───────┤ │ │
│ ├──┬───────B40────────────┘
└─────┘ │
Y (sniffer)
![4G Faraday Cage Testbench](testbenches_doc_resources/4g-faraday-bench.png)
[PDF version](testbenches_doc_resources/4g-faraday-bench.pdf) | [LaTeX/TikZ version](testbenches_doc_resources/4g-faraday-bench.tex) if you want to modify to reflect your setup
## Pipelines
\usetikzlibrary{backgrounds, positioning, shapes.symbols}
faraday/.style={minimum size=3cm, draw, dashed},
\node[faraday, label={[anchor=south west]above left:Faraday cage}] (faraday) {};
\node[above left=0cm and 2.8cm of faraday, label=above:hutch] (hutch)
\node[right=0.3cm of hutch, label=above:B210] (b210h)
{\includegraphics[width=1.2cm]{b210}} edge (hutch);
\node[below left=0.35cm of faraday.north east] (anto)
\draw (b210h) -| node [pos=0.25, duplexer] {B7} (anto);
\node[below left=0cm and 2.8cm of faraday, label=above:starsky] (starsky)
\node[right=0.3cm of starsky, label=above:B210] (b210s)
{\includegraphics[width=1.2cm]{b210}} edge (starsky);
\draw (hutch) -- (b210h);
\node[above left=0.35cm of faraday.south east] (antn)
\draw (b210s) -| node [pos=0.35, duplexer] {B40} (antn);
\node[below right=-0.2cm and 0.8cm of b210s] (antn2)
\draw (b210s) -| (antn2);
\node[left=5cm of faraday, label=above:nano] (nano)
\draw (hutch) -- (nano);
\draw (starsky) -- (nano);
\node[above right=0.0cm and 0.35cm of faraday.west] (phone1)
\node[below right=0.0cm and 0.35cm of faraday.west] (phone2)
\draw (nano) -- node[above] {USB/adb} +(5cm,0) |- (phone1);
\draw (nano) -- +(5cm,0) |- (phone2);
\node[right=1.5cm of faraday, label=above:B210] (b210c)
\node[left=.5cm of faraday.east] (antc)
\draw (b210c) -- node [pos=0.35, duplexer] {B7UE} (antc);
\node[right=0.7cm of b210c, label=above:carabe] (carabe)
edge (b210c);
\usetikzlibrary{backgrounds, positioning, shapes.symbols}
faraday/.style={minimum size=3cm, draw, dashed},
\node[faraday, label={[anchor=south east]above right:Faraday cage}] (faraday) {};
\node[above left=0cm and 2.8cm of faraday, label=above:obelix] (obelix)
\node[right=0.3cm of obelix, label=above:B200-mini] (b210o)
{\includegraphics[width=1.2cm]{b200-mini}} edge (obelix);
\node[below right=0.35cm of faraday.north west] (anto)
\draw (b210o) -| node [pos=0.2, duplexer] {B7} (anto);
\node[below left=0cm and 2.8cm of faraday, label=above:nepes] (nepes)
\node[right=0.3cm of nepes, label=above:B200-mini] (b210n)
{\includegraphics[width=1.2cm]{b200-mini}} edge (nepes);
\draw (obelix) -- (b210o);
\node[above right=0.35cm of faraday.south west] (antn)
\draw (b210n) -| node [pos=0.2, duplexer] {B78} (antn);
\node[left=5cm of faraday, label=above:porcepix] (porcepix)
\draw (obelix) -- (porcepix);
\draw (nepes) -- (porcepix);
\node[right=1.5cm of faraday, label=above:RM500Q-GL] (quectel)
\node[above left=-0.1cm and 0.2cm of faraday.east] (aq2)
{\includegraphics[width=0.3cm]{antenna}} edge (quectel);
\node[above=-0.2cm of aq2] (aq1)
{\includegraphics[width=0.3cm]{antenna}} edge (quectel);
\node[below=-0.2cm of aq2] (aq3)
{\includegraphics[width=0.3cm]{antenna}} edge (quectel);
\node[below=-0.2cm of aq3]
{\includegraphics[width=0.3cm]{antenna}} edge (quectel);
\node[right=1cm of quectel, label=above:idefix] (idefix)
edge (quectel);
\usetikzlibrary{backgrounds, positioning, shapes.symbols}
faraday/.style={minimum size=3cm, draw, dashed},
\node[label=above:porcepix] (porcepix)
\node[above right=1cm and 2cm of porcepix, label=above:asterix] (asterix)
edge (porcepix);
\node[right=0.3cm of asterix, label=above:N310] (n310a)
{\includegraphics[width=1.5cm]{n310}} edge (asterix);
\node[right=.2cm of n310a, duplexer] (b78o) {B78} edge (n310a);
\node[below right=-0.1cm and 0.35cm of b78o.east] (anto1)
{\includegraphics[width=0.3cm]{antenna}} edge (b78o);
\node[above right=-0.1cm and 0.35cm of b78o.east] (anto2)
{\includegraphics[width=0.3cm]{antenna}} edge (b78o);
\node[right=2cm of porcepix, label=above:obelix] (obelix)
edge (porcepix);
\node[above right=-0.5cm and 0.3cm of obelix, label=above:N310] (n310o)
{\includegraphics[width=1.5cm]{n310}} edge (obelix);
\node[right=.2cm of n310o, duplexer] (b78o) {B40} edge (n310o);
\node[below right=-0.1cm and 0.35cm of b78o.east] (anto1)
{\includegraphics[width=0.3cm]{antenna}} edge (b78o);
\node[above right=-0.1cm and 0.35cm of b78o.east] (anto2)
{\includegraphics[width=0.3cm]{antenna}} edge (b78o);
\node[below right=-0.5cm and 0.3cm of obelix, label=above:X310] (x310o)
{\includegraphics[width=1.5cm]{x310}} edge (obelix);
\node[right=.2cm of x310o, duplexer] (b78o) {B78} edge (x310o);
\node[below right=-0.1cm and 0.35cm of b78o.east] (anto1)
{\includegraphics[width=0.3cm]{antenna}} edge (b78o);
\node[above right=-0.1cm and 0.35cm of b78o.east] (anto2)
{\includegraphics[width=0.3cm]{antenna}} edge (b78o);
\node[right=5.0cm of n310o, label=above:RM500Q-GL] (quectel)
\node[above left=-0.1cm and 0.8cm of quectel.west] (aq2)
{\includegraphics[width=0.3cm]{antenna}} edge (quectel);
\node[above=-0.2cm of aq2] (aq1)
{\includegraphics[width=0.3cm]{antenna}} edge (quectel);
\node[below=-0.2cm of aq2] (aq3)
{\includegraphics[width=0.3cm]{antenna}} edge (quectel);
\node[below=-0.2cm of aq3]
{\includegraphics[width=0.3cm]{antenna}} edge (quectel);
\node[right=1cm of quectel, label=above:nrmodule2] (nrmodule2)
edge (quectel);
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