Commit aa308ab2 authored by francescomani's avatar francescomani

bugfix in get_nr_table_idx

parent 1dd51287
......@@ -1986,10 +1986,16 @@ int get_nr_table_idx(int nr_bandP, uint8_t scs_index)
AssertFatal(nr_bandP <= nr_bandtable[nr_bandtable_size-1].band, "NR band %d exceeds NR bands table maximum limit %d\n", nr_bandP, nr_bandtable[nr_bandtable_size-1].band);
for (i = 0; i < nr_bandtable_size && nr_bandtable[i].band != nr_bandP; i++);
// selection of correct Deltaf raster according to SCS
if ((nr_bandtable[i].deltaf_raster != 100) && (nr_bandtable[i].deltaf_raster != scs_khz))
// In frequency bands with two deltaFRaster,
// the higher deltaFRaster applies to channels using only the SCS that is equal to or larger than the higher deltaFRaster
// and SSB SCS is equal to the higher deltaFRaster.
while(((i+1)<nr_bandtable_size) &&
(nr_bandtable[i+1].band == nr_bandtable[i].band) &&
(nr_bandtable[i].deltaf_raster != scs_khz)) {
AssertFatal(nr_bandtable[i].band == nr_bandP, "Found band table %d does not correspond to the input one %d\n",nr_bandtable[i].band,nr_bandP);
LOG_D(PHY, "NR band table index %d (Band %d, dl_min %lu, ul_min %lu)\n", i, nr_bandtable[i].band, nr_bandtable[i].dl_min,nr_bandtable[i].ul_min);
return i;
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