Commit 624f7017 authored by joliu's avatar joliu


parent d187bcec
......@@ -10,13 +10,50 @@
import sqlite3
import numpy as np
import json
import time
# 更新设备输入数据信息
def updateDataCach(device, decideValue):
# 检查是否存在该设备在预接收的列表中,如果不存在则丢弃
sql = "select * from datacach where deviceid='%s'" % device
(status, output) = sendToDB(sql)
if status == -1:
return (-1, output)
if output == []:
return (-1, "drop this data")
sql = "update datacach set data='%s', updatetime='%s' where deviceid='%s'" \
% (decideValue, time.time(), device)
return sendToDB(sql)
# 插入设备输入节点信息
def insertDataIntoDataCach(device):
# 检查是否存在当前输入,如果有则插入
sql = "select * from datacach where deviceid='%s'" % device
(status, output) = sendToDB(sql)
if status == -1:
return (status, output)
if output != []:
return (1, 'device has been added')
# 在配置输入信息节点时,使用该函数插入
sql = "insert into datacach (deviceid, updatetime, groupid) values \
('%s', '%s', %d)" % (device, time.time(), 1)
return sendToDB(sql)
# 获取输入数据库的内容
def getDataFromDataCach(device):
sql = "select data from datacach where deviceid='%s'" % device
return sendToDB(sql)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# 以下都是对output的数据库,即存储任务矩阵的数据库的操作
# 插入任务到数据库
def insertDB(taskMatrix, inputTypeList, deviceList, status):
def insertDB(taskMatrix, inputTypeList, deviceList, status, ctime):
sql = "insert into resulovetable \
(taskmatrix,inputtype, status, devicelist) values \
('%s','%s',%d,'%s')" % (taskMatrix, inputTypeList, status, deviceList)
(taskmatrix,inputtype, status, devicelist, ctime) values \
('%s','%s',%d,'%s',%d)" % (taskMatrix, inputTypeList, status, deviceList, ctime)
......@@ -52,10 +89,33 @@ def getTaskFromDBByID(id):
(status, output) = sendToDB(sql)
return output[0]
def getValueByNodeID(nodeid):
# 获取devicelist
(id, inputTask, inputTypeList, status, deviceList, ctime) = getTaskFromDB()
device = json.loads(deviceList)[nodeid]
if device == -1:
return (-1, "not a device")
data = getDataFromDataCach(device)
if data[1] == []:
return (-1, "not found device")
if data[1][0][0] == '-':
# 这里将缺省值都默认设置为0
return (1, 0)
return (1, int(data[1][0][0]))
# 获取循环时间
def getCircleTime():
data = getTaskFromDB()
if data == ():
return 5
return data[5]
def showDB():
# 打印数据库内容
sql = "select * from resulovetable"
# sql = "select * from resulovetable"
sql = "select * from datacach"
......@@ -63,10 +123,14 @@ def clearDB():
# 清空数据库
sql = "delete from resulovetable"
sql = "delete from datacach"
if __name__ == '__main__':
inputTask = np.array([[0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0],\
......@@ -75,14 +139,20 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
inputTypeList = np.array([1,3,2,3,0,4,4,4])
inputDeviceData = np.array([0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0])
inputTypeList = np.array([1,3,2,5,0,4,4,4])
inputDeviceData = np.array([0,0,0,5,0,1,1,0])
jsnInputTask = json.dumps(inputTask.tolist())
jsnInputTypeList = json.dumps(inputTypeList.tolist())
deviceList = [-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,"dht102","dht103","dht104"]
deviceList = [-1,-1,-1,"delay1","switch103","dht102","dht103","dht104"]
jsnDeviceList = json.dumps(deviceList)
# insertDB(jsnInputTask, jsnInputTypeList, jsnDeviceList, 1)
insertDB(jsnInputTask, jsnInputTypeList, jsnDeviceList, 1, 2)
# 添加输入信息到输入信息缓存中
data = [["delay1", "dht102", "dht103", "dht104"],[10,1,0,1]]
for i in range(len(data[0])):
updateDataCach(data[0][i], data[1][i])
(id, inputTask, inputTypeList, status, deviceList) = getDataFromDB(8)
# clearDB()
(id, inputTask, inputTypeList, status, deviceList, ctime) = getTaskFromDB()
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