Commit dea91c4c authored by Raphael Defosseux's avatar Raphael Defosseux

[CI] Gitlab notification was missing for the RHEL8 stage

Signed-off-by: default avatarRaphael Defosseux <>
parent 10b18bb3
......@@ -217,27 +217,29 @@ pipeline {
steps {
lock (rem_rhel8_resource) {
script {
if ("PUSH".equals(env.gitlabActionType)) {
// Currently this pipeline only runs for pushes to `develop` branch
// First clean image registry
try {
myShCmd('sudo podman image rm oai-amf:develop || true', rem_rhel_host_flag, rem_rhel_host_user, rem_rhel_host)
} catch (Exception e) {
echo "Maybe a previous build went wrong"
} else {
// In case we forgot during a previous run
myShCmd('sudo podman image rm oai-amf:' + amf_tag + ' || true', rem_rhel_host_flag, rem_rhel_host_user, rem_rhel_host)
myShCmd('sudo podman image prune --force', rem_rhel_host_flag, rem_rhel_host_user, rem_rhel_host)
// Copy the RHEL Host certificates for building
myShCmd('mkdir -p tmp/ca tmp/entitlement', rem_rhel_host_flag, rem_rhel_host_user, rem_rhel_host)
myShCmd('cp /etc/pki/entitlement/*pem tmp/entitlement', rem_rhel_host_flag, rem_rhel_host_user, rem_rhel_host)
myShCmd('sudo cp /etc/rhsm/ca/redhat-uep.pem tmp/ca', rem_rhel_host_flag, rem_rhel_host_user, rem_rhel_host)
myShCmd('sudo podman build --no-cache --target oai-amf --tag oai-amf:' + amf_tag + ' --file docker/Dockerfile.amf.rhel8.2 --build-arg EURECOM_PROXY="" . > archives/amf_podman_image_build.log 2>&1', rem_rhel_host_flag, rem_rhel_host_user, rem_rhel_host)
myShCmd('sudo podman image ls >> archives/amf_podman_image_build.log', rem_rhel_host_flag, rem_rhel_host_user, rem_rhel_host)
if ("MERGE".equals(env.gitlabActionType)) {
myShCmd('sudo podman image tag oai-amf:' + amf_tag + ' oai-amf:' + rhel_amf_tag, rem_rhel_host_flag, rem_rhel_host_user, rem_rhel_host)
gitlabCommitStatus(name: "Build RHEL8 AMF Image") {
if ("PUSH".equals(env.gitlabActionType)) {
// Currently this pipeline only runs for pushes to `develop` branch
// First clean image registry
try {
myShCmd('sudo podman image rm oai-amf:develop || true', rem_rhel_host_flag, rem_rhel_host_user, rem_rhel_host)
} catch (Exception e) {
echo "Maybe a previous build went wrong"
} else {
// In case we forgot during a previous run
myShCmd('sudo podman image rm oai-amf:' + amf_tag + ' || true', rem_rhel_host_flag, rem_rhel_host_user, rem_rhel_host)
myShCmd('sudo podman image prune --force', rem_rhel_host_flag, rem_rhel_host_user, rem_rhel_host)
// Copy the RHEL Host certificates for building
myShCmd('mkdir -p tmp/ca tmp/entitlement', rem_rhel_host_flag, rem_rhel_host_user, rem_rhel_host)
myShCmd('cp /etc/pki/entitlement/*pem tmp/entitlement', rem_rhel_host_flag, rem_rhel_host_user, rem_rhel_host)
myShCmd('sudo cp /etc/rhsm/ca/redhat-uep.pem tmp/ca', rem_rhel_host_flag, rem_rhel_host_user, rem_rhel_host)
myShCmd('sudo podman build --no-cache --target oai-amf --tag oai-amf:' + amf_tag + ' --file docker/Dockerfile.amf.rhel8.2 --build-arg EURECOM_PROXY="" . > archives/amf_podman_image_build.log 2>&1', rem_rhel_host_flag, rem_rhel_host_user, rem_rhel_host)
myShCmd('sudo podman image ls >> archives/amf_podman_image_build.log', rem_rhel_host_flag, rem_rhel_host_user, rem_rhel_host)
if ("MERGE".equals(env.gitlabActionType)) {
myShCmd('sudo podman image tag oai-amf:' + amf_tag + ' oai-amf:' + rhel_amf_tag, rem_rhel_host_flag, rem_rhel_host_user, rem_rhel_host)
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