Commit 06d2ec15 authored by Tien-Thinh Nguyen's avatar Tien-Thinh Nguyen

Fix issue for spdlod/fmt

parent 016c4873
......@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ install_fb_folly_from_source(){
git clone
ret=$?;[[ $ret -ne 0 ]] && popd && return $ret
cd folly
git checkout -f v2019.11.11.00
mkdir _build && cd _build
cmake ..
ret=$?;[[ $ret -ne 0 ]] && popd && return $ret
......@@ -383,15 +383,15 @@ check_install_smf_deps() {
ret=$?;[[ $ret -ne 0 ]] && return $ret
# Use fmt lib included in spdlog
install_fmt $1
ret=$?;[[ $ret -ne 0 ]] && return $ret
install_fb_folly_from_source $1 $2
ret=$?;[[ $ret -ne 0 ]] && return $ret
#install_fmt $1
#ret=$?;[[ $ret -ne 0 ]] && return $ret
install_spdlog_from_git $1 $2
ret=$?;[[ $ret -ne 0 ]] && return $ret
install_fb_folly_from_source $1 $2
ret=$?;[[ $ret -ne 0 ]] && return $ret
install_pistache_from_git $1 $2
ret=$?;[[ $ret -ne 0 ]] && return $ret
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