Commit 64f0b314 authored by Tien-Thinh Nguyen's avatar Tien-Thinh Nguyen

fix issue for pdu session type/remove dead code

parent 4ce48382
......@@ -880,6 +880,7 @@ void smf_context::handle_pdu_session_create_sm_context_request(
//Step 3. find pdu_session
"jsonData": {
"supi": "208931234561000",
"pei": "pei",
"gpsi": "gpsi",
"pduSessionId": 5,
"dnn": "default",
"sNssai": {"sst":1, "sd":123},
"hplmnSnssai": {"sst":1, "sd": 345},
"servingNfId": "",
"guami": {"plmnId": {"mcc": "122", "mnc":"13"}, "amfId":"2"},
"serviceName": "",
"servingNetwork": {"mcc": "122", "mnc":"13"},
"requestType": 1,
"anType": "",
"secondAnType": "",
"ratType": "",
"presenceInLadn": "",
"ueTimeZone": "",
"smContextStatusUri": "",
"hSmfUri": "",
"additionalHsmfUri": [],
"oldPduSessionId": 1,
"pduSessionsActivateList": [1,2],
"ueEpsPdnConnection": "",
"hoState": "",
"pcfId": "",
"nrfUi": "",
"supportedFeatures": "",
"selMode": "VERIFIED",
"udmGroupId": "",
"routingIndicator": "",
"epsBearerCtxStatus": "",
"cpCiotEnabled": true,
"invokeNef": true,
"maPduIndication": false,
"smContextRef": "",
"n2SmInfo": {"contentId":"n2SmInfo"},
"n1SmMsg": {"contentId":"n1SmMsg"}
"binaryDataN1SmMessage_full":"00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 45 02 00 55 00 01 40 00 40 84 3c 25 7f 00 00 01 7f 00 00 01 df b0 96 0c ea 4c f5 4b 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 35 20 bc ec 86 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0f 40 21 00 00 01 00 26 00 1a 19 2e 03 1f c1 00 ff 93 a2 39 0f 61 62 63 64 65 66 40 67 68 69 6a 6b 2e 6c 6d"
"jsonData": {
"supi": "supi",
"pei": "pei",
"gpsi": "gpsi",
"pduSessionId": 1,
"dnn": "dnn",
"sNssai": {"sst":1, "sd":"sd"},
"hplmnSnssai": {"sst":1, "sd":"sd"},
"servingNfId": "",
"guami": {"plmnId": {"mcc": "122", "mnc":"13"}, "amfId":"2"},
"serviceName": "",
"servingNetwork": {"mcc": "122", "mnc":"13"},
"requestType": "",
"anType": "",
"secondAnType": "",
"ratType": "",
"presenceInLadn": "",
"ueLocation": "",
"ueTimeZone": "",
"addUeLocation": "",
"smContextStatusUri": "",
"hSmfUri": "",
"additionalHsmfUri": [],
"oldPduSessionId": "",
"pduSessionsActivateList": [1,2],
"ueEpsPdnConnection": "",
"hoState": "",
"pcfId": "",
"nrfUi": "",
"supportedFeatures": "",
"selMode": "",
"backupAmfInfo": [],
"traceData": "",
"udmGroupId": "",
"routingIndicator": "",
"epsInterworkingInd": "",
"indirectForwardingFlag": "",
"targetId": "",
"epsBearerCtxStatus": "",
"cpCiotEnabled": "",
"invokeNef": "",
"maPduIndication": "",
"smContextRef": "",
"n2SmInfo": "",
"n1SmMsg": {"contentId":"contentId"}
"binaryDataN2SmInformation": "binaryDataN2SmInformation"
00000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00008 00 00 00 00 08 00 45 02
00010 00 55 00 01 40 00 40 84
00018 3c 25 7f 00 00 01 7f 00
00020 00 01 df b0 96 0c ea 4c
00028 f5 4b 00 00 00 00 00 03
00030 00 35 20 bc ec 86 00 00
00038 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0f
00040 40 21 00 00 01 00 26 00
00048 1a 19 2e 03 1f c1 00 ff
00050 93 a2 39 0f 61 62 63 64
00058 65 66 40 67 68 69 6a 6b
00060 2e 6c 6d
"singleNssai": {"sst":1, "sd":123},
"dnnConfigurations": {
"default": {
"pduSessionTypes": {"defaultSessionType": "IPV4"} ,
"sscModes": {"defaultSscMode": "SSC_MODE_1"} ,
"5gQosProfile": {"5qi": 12345, "arp": {"priorityLevel": 1 , "preemptCap": "NOT_PREEMPT" , "preemptVuln": "NOT_PREEMPTABLE"} },
"sessionAmbr": {"uplink": "10Mbps", "downlink":"11Mbps"}
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