Commit d8fd7795 authored by Tien Thinh NGUYEN's avatar Tien Thinh NGUYEN

Fix issue for MNC/MCC conversion

parent 9b11f6d8
......@@ -164,17 +164,26 @@ bool conv::plmnFromString(
void conv::plmnToMccMnc(
const plmn_t& plmn, std::string& mcc, std::string& mnc) {
uint16_t mcc_dec = 0;
uint16_t mnc_dec = 0;
uint16_t mnc_len = 0;
int m_mcc = plmn.mcc_digit1 * 100 + plmn.mcc_digit2 * 10 + plmn.mcc_digit3;
mcc = std::to_string(m_mcc);
if ((plmn.mcc_digit2 == 0) and (plmn.mcc_digit1 == 0)) {
mcc = "00" + mcc;
} else if (plmn.mcc_digit1 == 0) {
mcc = "0" + mcc;
mcc_dec = plmn.mcc_digit1 * 100 + plmn.mcc_digit2 * 10 + plmn.mcc_digit3;
mnc_len = (plmn.mnc_digit3 == 0x0 ? 2 : 3);
mnc_dec = plmn.mnc_digit1 * 10 + plmn.mnc_digit2;
mnc_dec = (mnc_len == 2 ? mnc_dec : mnc_dec * 10 + plmn.mnc_digit3);
int m_mnc = 0;
if (plmn.mnc_digit3 == 0xf) {
m_mnc = plmn.mnc_digit1 * 10 + plmn.mnc_digit2;
if (plmn.mnc_digit1 == 0) {
mnc = "0" + std::to_string(m_mnc);
} else {
m_mnc = plmn.mnc_digit3 * 100 + plmn.mnc_digit1 * 10 + plmn.mnc_digit2;
mnc = std::to_string(m_mnc);
mcc = std::to_string(mcc_dec);
mnc = std::to_string(mnc_dec);
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