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Source      emmData.h

Version     0.1

Date        2012/10/18

Product     NAS stack

Subsystem   EPS Mobility Management

Author      Frederic Maurel

Description Defines internal private data handled by EPS Mobility
        Management sublayer.

#ifndef __EMMDATA_H__
#define __EMMDATA_H__

#include "commonDef.h"
#include "networkDef.h"
#include "securityDef.h"

#include "OctetString.h"
#include "nas_timer.h"

#include "esmData.h"
#include "emm_proc_defs.h"
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/*********************  G L O B A L    C O N S T A N T S  *******************/

 * The name of the file used as non-volatile memory device to store
 * persistent EMM data when the UE is switched off
#define EMM_NVRAM_FILENAME  ".ue_emm.nvram"

 * The name of the environment variable which defines the directory
 * where the EMM data file is located

/* Network selection modes of operation */

/* Checks Mobile Country Code equality */
#define MCCS_ARE_EQUAL(n1, n2)  (((n1).MCCdigit1 == (n2).MCCdigit1) && \
                                 ((n1).MCCdigit2 == (n2).MCCdigit2) && \
                                 ((n1).MCCdigit3 == (n2).MCCdigit3))

/* Checks Mobile Network Code equality */
#define MNCS_ARE_EQUAL(n1, n2)  (((n1).MNCdigit1 == (n2).MNCdigit1) &&  \
                                 ((n1).MNCdigit2 == (n2).MNCdigit2) &&  \
                                 ((n1).MNCdigit3 == (n2).MNCdigit3))

/* Checks PLMNs equality */
#define PLMNS_ARE_EQUAL(p1, p2) ((MCCS_ARE_EQUAL((p1),(p2))) && \

/* Checks TAIs equality */
#define TAIS_ARE_EQUAL(t1, t2)  ((PLMNS_ARE_EQUAL((t1).plmn,(t2).plmn)) && \
                                 ((t1).tac == (t2).tac))

/************************  G L O B A L    T Y P E S  ************************/

97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
 * Internal data used for attach procedure


typedef struct {
  unsigned int attempt_count; /* Counter used to limit the number of
                 * subsequently rejected attach attempts */
} emm_attach_data_t;

108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119
 * Internal data used for detach procedure
typedef struct {
  unsigned int count;      /* Counter used to limit the number of
                  * subsequently detach attempts    */
  int switch_off;      /* UE switch-off indicator     */
  emm_proc_detach_type_t type; /* Type of the detach procedure
                  * currently in progress       */
} emm_detach_data_t;

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120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * EPS NAS security context handled by EPS Mobility Management sublayer in
 * the UE and in the MME
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Type of security context */
typedef enum {
} emm_ksi_t;

/* EPS NAS security context structure */
typedef struct emm_security_context_s {
  emm_ksi_t type;     /* Type of security context        */
  int eksi;           /* NAS key set identifier for E-UTRAN      */
  OctetString kasme;      /* ASME security key (native context)      */
  //OctetString ksgsn;    /* SGSN security key (mapped context)      */
  OctetString knas_enc;   /* NAS cyphering key               */
  OctetString knas_int;   /* NAS integrity key               */
  struct count_s{
142 143 144
    uint32_t spare:8;
    uint32_t overflow:16;
    uint32_t seq_num:8;
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145 146
  } dl_count, ul_count;   /* Downlink and uplink count parameters    */
  struct {
147 148 149 150 151 152 153
    uint8_t eps_encryption;   /* algorithm used for ciphering            */
    uint8_t eps_integrity;    /* algorithm used for integrity protection */
    uint8_t umts_encryption;  /* algorithm used for ciphering            */
    uint8_t umts_integrity;   /* algorithm used for integrity protection */
    uint8_t gprs_encryption;  /* algorithm used for ciphering            */
    uint8_t umts_present:1;
    uint8_t gprs_present:1;
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154 155
  } capability;       /* UE network capability           */
  struct {
156 157
    uint8_t encryption:4;   /* algorithm used for ciphering           */
    uint8_t integrity:4;    /* algorithm used for integrity protection */
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158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223
  } selected_algorithms;       /* MME selected algorithms                */
} emm_security_context_t;

 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  EMM internal data handled by EPS Mobility Management sublayer in the UE
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * EPS update status
 * -----------------
 * The EPS update status value is changed only after the execution of an attach
 * or combined attach, network initiated detach, authentication, tracking area
 * update or combined tracking area update, service request or paging for EPS
 * services using IMSI procedure.
 * EU1: The last attach or tracking area updating attempt was successful.
 * EU2: The last attach, service request or tracking area updating attempt
 *  failed procedurally, i.e. no response or reject message was received
 *  from the MME.
 * EU3: The last attach, service request or tracking area updating attempt
 *  was correctly performed, but the answer from the MME was negative
 *  (because of roaming or subscription restrictions).
typedef enum {
} emm_eps_update_t;

 * EPS Connection Management states
 * --------------------------------
 * ECM-IDLE:      No NAS signalling connection between UE and network exists.
 *        No UE context exists in the network.
 * ECM-CONNECTED: The signalling connection is established between the UE
 *        and the MME (RRC connection and S1_MME connection).
typedef enum {
} emm_ecm_state_t;

 * Structure of the EMM parameters stored in the UE's non-volatile memory
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * These EMM parameters can only be used if the IMSI from the USIM matches
 * the IMSI stored in the non-volatile memory; else the UE shall delete the
 * EMM parameters.
 * - EPLMN: List of equivalent PLMNs - Updated at the end of each attach or
 *   combined attach or tracking area updating or combined tracking area
 *   updating procedure. Deleted if the USIM is removed or when the UE attached
 *   for emergency bearer services enters the state EMM-DEREGISTERED.
 *   These PLMNs shall be regarded by the UE as equivalent to each other
 *   for PLMN selection, cell selection/re-selection and handover.
 *   The maximum number of possible entries in the stored list is 16.
typedef struct emm_nvdata_s {
  imsi_t imsi;
  plmn_t rplmn;   /* The registered PLMN  */
  /* List of equivalent PLMNs         */
#define EMM_DATA_EPLMN_MAX  16
} emm_nvdata_t;

224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237
typedef struct {
    struct nas_timer_t T3402;   /* attach failure timer         */
    struct nas_timer_t T3410;   /* attach timer             */
    struct nas_timer_t T3411;   /* attach restart timer         */
    struct nas_timer_t T3412;   /* periodic tracking area update timer  */
    struct nas_timer_t T3416;   /* EPS authentication challenge timer   */
    struct nas_timer_t T3417;   /* Service request timer        */
    struct nas_timer_t T3418;   /* MAC authentication failure timer */
    struct nas_timer_t T3420;   /* Synch authentication failure timer   */
    struct nas_timer_t T3421;   /* Detach timer             */
    struct nas_timer_t T3430;   /* tracking area update timer       */
    struct nas_timer_t T3423;   /* E-UTRAN deactivate ISR timer     */
} emm_timers_t;

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 * Structure of the EMM data
 * -------------------------
typedef struct emm_data_s {
  int                 usim_is_valid;  /* Indication of USIM data validity   */

  imei_t             *imei;   /* IMEI read from the UE's non-volatile memory*/
  const imsi_t       *imsi; /* The valid IMSI read from the USIM            */
  GUTI_t             *guti;   /* The valid GUTI read from the USIM          */
  tai_t              *tai;    /* Last visited registered Tracking Area Id   */

  emm_eps_update_t    status;    /* The current EPS update status           */
  emm_ecm_state_t     ecm_status; /* The EPS Connection Management status   */
  int                 is_attached;    /* Network attachment indicator       */
  int                 is_emergency;   /* Emergency bearer services indicator*/

  /* Tracking Areas list the UE is registered to
   * Contains the list of TAIs that identify the tracking areas that
   * the UE can enter without performing a tracking area updating
   * procedure. The TAIs in a TAI list assigned by an MME to a UE
   * pertain to the same MME area.
#define EMM_DATA_TAI_MAX        16

  int                 plmn_mode;  /* Network selection operating mode       */
  int                 plmn_index; /* Manually selected PLMN                 */
  int                 plmn_rat; /* Manually selected Radio Access Technology*/

  plmn_t              splmn;      /* The currently selected PLMN            */
  int                 is_rplmn;   /* splmn is the registered PLMN           */
  int                 is_eplmn; /* splmn is in the list of equivalent PLMNs */
  Stat_t              stat;    /* Current network registration status       */
  tac_t               tac;   /* Tracking area code                          */
  ci_t                ci;    /* GERAN/UTRAN/E-UTRAN serving cell identifier */
  AcT_t               rat; /* Radio Access Technology of the serving cell   */

  /* An octet string representation of operators present in the network */
  struct {
#define EMM_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE    2048
    char buffer[EMM_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE+1];
  } plist;

   * Data used for PLMN selection procedure
   * --------------------------------------
  plmn_t hplmn;       /* The Home PLMN derived from the IMSI  */
  /* List of Forbidden PLMNs
  * Contains the list of PLMN identities for which a Location
  * Registration has been rejected with EMM cause code #11 (PLMN
  * not allowed). A PLMN is removed from this list if, after a
  * subsequent manual selection of that PLMN, there is a successful
  * Location Request.                */
  /* List of Forbidden PLMNs for GPRS service
  * Contains the list of PLMN identities for which an Attach Request
  * has been rejected with EMM cause code #14 (GPRS/EPS services not
  * allowed in this PLMN). A PLMN is removed from this list if, after
  * a subsequent manual selection of that PLMN, there is a successful
  * GPRS attach or EPS attach.           */
  /* List of Equivalent HPLMNs            */
  /* List of user controlled PLMNs        */
#define EMM_DATA_PLMN_MAX   4
  uint16_t userAcT[EMM_DATA_PLMN_MAX];
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310 311 312
  /* List of operator controlled PLMNs        */
  uint16_t operAcT[EMM_DATA_OPLMN_MAX];
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314 315
  /* List of operator network name records    */
#define EMM_DATA_OPNN_MAX   16
  uint8_t n_opnns;
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317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364
  struct {
    const plmn_t *plmn;
    const char *fullname;
    const char *shortname;
  } opnn[EMM_DATA_OPNN_MAX];

   * Data used for roaming service
   * -----------------------------
  /* List of Forbidden Tracking Areas
  * Contains the list of TAIs for which an attach request has been
  * rejected with EMM cause code #12 (tracking area not allowed).
#define EMM_DATA_FTAI_MAX       40
  /* List of Forbidden Tracking Areas for roaming
  * Contains the list of TAIs for which an attach request has been
  * rejected with EMM cause code #13 (roaming not allowed in this
  * tracking area).

   * NAS configuration parameters
   * ----------------------------
   * see "Non Access Stratum Configuration" in USIM API header file
  Byte_t NAS_SignallingPriority;
  Byte_t NMO_I_Behaviour;
  Byte_t AttachWithImsi;
  Byte_t MinimumPeriodicSearchTimer;
  Byte_t ExtendedAccessBarring;
  Byte_t Timer_T3245_Behaviour;

   * EMM data stored in the UE's memory
   * ----------------------------------
  emm_nvdata_t nvdata;

   * EPS NAS security context
   * ------------------------
  emm_security_context_t *security;    /* current security context     */
  emm_security_context_t *non_current; /* non-current security context */
365 366 367 368 369
   * EPS mobility management timers – UE side
   * ----------------------------------------
  emm_timers_t *emm_timers;
  emm_detach_data_t *emm_detach_data;
  emm_attach_data_t *emm_attach_data;
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} emm_data_t;

/********************  G L O B A L    V A R I A B L E S  ********************/

#define T3402_DEFAULT_VALUE 720 /* 12 minutes   */
#define T3410_DEFAULT_VALUE 15  /* 15 seconds   */
#define T3411_DEFAULT_VALUE 10  /* 10 seconds   */
#define T3412_DEFAULT_VALUE 3240    /* 54 minutes   */
#define T3416_DEFAULT_VALUE 30  /* 30 seconds   */
#define T3417_DEFAULT_VALUE 5   /* 5 seconds    */
#define T3417ext_DEFAULT_VALUE  10  /* 10 seconds   */
#define T3418_DEFAULT_VALUE 20  /* 20 seconds   */
#define T3420_DEFAULT_VALUE 15  /* 15 seconds   */
#define T3421_DEFAULT_VALUE 15  /* 15 seconds   */
#define T3430_DEFAULT_VALUE 15  /* 15 seconds   */
#define T3440_DEFAULT_VALUE 10  /* 10 seconds   */

/******************  E X P O R T E D    F U N C T I O N S  ******************/

#endif /* __EMMDATA_H__*/