ConnectionUSB.h 3.47 KB
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@file   ConnectionUSB.h
@author Lime Microsystems (
@brief  Class for data writing and reading through USB port


#include "IConnection.h"

#ifndef __unix__
#include "windows.h"
#include "CyAPI.h"
#include <libusb-1.0/libusb.h>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <chrono>

#define USB_MAX_CONTEXTS 64 //maximum number of contexts for asynchronous transfers

/** @brief Wrapper class for holding USB asynchronous transfers contexts
class USBTransferContext
	USBTransferContext() : used(false)
		#ifndef __unix__
		inOvLap = new OVERLAPPED;
		memset(inOvLap, 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED));
		inOvLap->hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, false, false, NULL);
		context = NULL;
		transfer = libusb_alloc_transfer(0);
		bytesXfered = 0;
		bytesExpected = 0;
		done = 0;
		#ifndef __unix__
		delete inOvLap;
	bool reset()
            return false;
        #ifndef __unix__
        memset(inOvLap, 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED));
        inOvLap->hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, false, false, NULL);
        return true;
	bool used;
	#ifndef __unix__
	PUCHAR context;
	libusb_transfer* transfer;
	long bytesXfered;
	long bytesExpected;
	bool done;
	std::mutex m_lock;
    std::condition_variable mPacketProcessed;

class ConnectionUSB : public IConnection

    void FindDevices();
	DeviceStatus Open();
	DeviceStatus Open(unsigned index);
	void Close();
	bool IsOpen();
	int GetOpenedIndex();

	int Write(const unsigned char *buffer, int length, int timeout_ms = 0);
	int Read(unsigned char *buffer, int length, int timeout_ms = 0);

	virtual int BeginDataReading(char *buffer, long length);
	virtual int WaitForReading(int contextHandle, unsigned int timeout_ms);
	virtual int FinishDataReading(char *buffer, long &length, int contextHandle);
	virtual void AbortReading();
    virtual int ReadDataBlocking(char *buffer, long &length, int timeout_ms);

	virtual int BeginDataSending(const char *buffer, long length);
	virtual int WaitForSending(int contextHandle, unsigned int timeout_ms);
	virtual int FinishDataSending(const char *buffer, long &length, int contextHandle);
	virtual void AbortSending();

	std::vector<std::string> GetDeviceNames();
	int RefreshDeviceList();
	void ClearComm();
    int currentDeviceIndex;
    std::string DeviceName();

    std::vector<std::string> m_deviceNames;
    std::string m_hardwareName;
    int m_hardwareVer;

	USBTransferContext contexts[USB_MAX_CONTEXTS];
	USBTransferContext contextsToSend[USB_MAX_CONTEXTS];
	void Initialize();

	bool isConnected;
	int currentPortIndex;

	#ifndef __unix__
	CCyUSBDevice *USBDevicePrimary;
	//control endpoints for DigiRed
	CCyControlEndPoint *InCtrlEndPt3;
	CCyControlEndPoint *OutCtrlEndPt3;

    //control endpoints for DigiGreen
	CCyUSBEndPoint *OutCtrEndPt;
	CCyUSBEndPoint *InCtrEndPt;

    //end points for samples reading and writing
	CCyUSBEndPoint *InEndPt;
	CCyUSBEndPoint *OutEndPt;

    libusb_device **devs; //pointer to pointer of device, used to retrieve a list of devices
    libusb_device_handle *dev_handle; //a device handle
    libusb_context *ctx; //a libusb session
    std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > m_dev_pid_vid;
