• Bartosz Podrygajlo's avatar
    Add option to use global noise power for all RX channels in RFSimulator · 2fb541a6
    Bartosz Podrygajlo authored
    Added new command line option to channelmod: noise_power_dBFS. This options
    allows the user to configure noise power in dBFS added instead of the per-channel
    This makes it so noise is not accumulated per channel reaching higher than expected
    The dBFS unit allows easy configuration. The gNB by default uses -36 dBFS setting.
    To reach 3dB SNR one should set the noise_power_dBFS value to -39.
    To configure using command line use --channelmod.noise_power_dBFS -50. Using this
    setting the gNB and nrUE connect without issue.
random_channel.c 89.9 KB