Commit 04bfabcb authored by Teodora's avatar Teodora

F release: fix for a distributed antenna array

  - in the Rx callback I reset the number of section descriptions/number of fragments to 0,
    but for each antenna up to max number of antennas per RU, instead of up to max number of a distributed antenna array
parent 64a472ae
......@@ -78,12 +78,15 @@ void oai_xran_fh_rx_callback(void *pCallbackTag, xran_status_t status)
static int32_t last_slot = -1;
static int32_t last_frame = -1;
/* xran context contains the same xran_fh_init struct info,
but xran_fh_config struct info is RU specific only */
struct xran_device_ctx *xran_ctx = xran_dev_get_ctx();
const struct xran_fh_init *fh_init = &xran_ctx->fh_init;
int num_ports = fh_init->xran_ports;
const struct xran_fh_config *fh_config = &xran_ctx->fh_cfg;
const int slots_per_subframe = 1 << fh_config->frame_conf.nNumerology;
/* assuming all RUs have the same numerology */
const int slots_per_subframe = 1 << xran_ctx->fh_cfg.frame_conf.nNumerology;
static int rx_RU[XRAN_PORTS_NUM][160] = {0};
uint32_t rx_tti = callback_tag->slotiId;
......@@ -103,17 +106,20 @@ void oai_xran_fh_rx_callback(void *pCallbackTag, xran_status_t status)
if (rx_sym == 7) { // in F release this value is defined as XRAN_FULL_CB_SYM (full slot (offset + 7))
#ifdef F_RELEASE
int32_t nCellIdx = callback_tag->cellId;
int32_t ntti = (rx_tti + XRAN_N_FE_BUF_LEN - 1) % XRAN_N_FE_BUF_LEN;
for(uint32_t ant_id = 0; ant_id < fh_config->neAxc; ant_id++) {
struct xran_prb_map *pRbMap = (struct xran_prb_map *)xran_ctx->sFrontHaulRxPrbMapBbuIoBufCtrl[ntti][nCellIdx][ant_id].sBufferList.pBuffers->pData;
AssertFatal(pRbMap != NULL, "(%d:%d:%d)pRbMap == NULL. Aborting.\n", nCellIdx, ntti, ant_id);
for (uint32_t sym_id = 0; sym_id < XRAN_NUM_OF_SYMBOL_PER_SLOT; sym_id++) {
for (uint32_t idxElm = 0; idxElm < pRbMap->nPrbElm; idxElm++ ) {
struct xran_prb_elm *pRbElm = &pRbMap->prbMap[idxElm];
pRbElm->nSecDesc[sym_id] = 0; // number of section descriptors per symbol; M-plane info <supported-section-types>
for (int ru_idx = 0; ru_idx < num_ports; ru_idx++) {
struct xran_device_ctx *xran_ctx_per_ru = xran_dev_get_ctx_by_id(ru_idx);
struct xran_fh_config *fh_config = &xran_ctx_per_ru->fh_cfg;
for (uint16_t cc_id = 0; cc_id < 1 /* fh_config->nCC */; cc_id++) { // OAI does not support multiple CC yet.
for(uint32_t ant_id = 0; ant_id < fh_config->neAxc; ant_id++) {
struct xran_prb_map *pRbMap = (struct xran_prb_map *)xran_ctx_per_ru->sFrontHaulRxPrbMapBbuIoBufCtrl[tti % XRAN_N_FE_BUF_LEN][cc_id][ant_id].sBufferList.pBuffers->pData;
AssertFatal(pRbMap != NULL, "(%d:%d:%d)pRbMap == NULL. Aborting.\n", cc_id, tti % XRAN_N_FE_BUF_LEN, ant_id);
for (uint32_t sym_id = 0; sym_id < XRAN_NUM_OF_SYMBOL_PER_SLOT; sym_id++) {
for (uint32_t idxElm = 0; idxElm < pRbMap->nPrbElm; idxElm++ ) {
struct xran_prb_elm *pRbElm = &pRbMap->prbMap[idxElm];
pRbElm->nSecDesc[sym_id] = 0; // number of section descriptors per symbol; M-plane info <supported-section-types>
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