Commit 2be431f2 authored by Guido Casati's avatar Guido Casati Committed by sagar arora

Remove hardcoding of 5G-S-TMSI on nrUE

parent 36bc1145
......@@ -893,19 +893,7 @@ uint8_t do_RRCSetupComplete(uint8_t *buffer,
NR_RRCSetupComplete_IEs_t *ies = RrcSetupComplete->criticalExtensions.choice.rrcSetupComplete;
ies->selectedPLMN_Identity = sel_plmn_id;
ies->registeredAMF = NULL;
ies->ng_5G_S_TMSI_Value = CALLOC(1, sizeof(struct NR_RRCSetupComplete_IEs__ng_5G_S_TMSI_Value));
ies->ng_5G_S_TMSI_Value->present = NR_RRCSetupComplete_IEs__ng_5G_S_TMSI_Value_PR_ng_5G_S_TMSI;
NR_NG_5G_S_TMSI_t *stmsi = &ies->ng_5G_S_TMSI_Value->choice.ng_5G_S_TMSI;
stmsi->size = 6;
stmsi->buf = calloc(stmsi->size, sizeof(*stmsi->buf));
AssertFatal(stmsi->buf != NULL, "out of memory\n");
stmsi->buf[0] = 0x12;
stmsi->buf[1] = 0x34;
stmsi->buf[2] = 0x56;
stmsi->buf[3] = 0x78;
stmsi->buf[4] = 0x9A;
stmsi->buf[5] = 0xBC;
ies->ng_5G_S_TMSI_Value = NULL;
OCTET_STRING_fromBuf(&ies->dedicatedNAS_Message, dedicatedInfoNAS, dedicatedInfoNASLength);
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