Commit 3f74749a authored by Robert Schmidt's avatar Robert Schmidt Committed by Roberto Rosca

Simplify position reading

parent 2989bb59
......@@ -160,7 +160,6 @@ void init_nr_ue_vars(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue, uint8_t UE_id)
ue->ntn_config_message = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*ue->ntn_config_message));
ue->ntn_config_message->update = false;
// initialize all signal buffers
init_nr_ue_signal(ue, nb_connected_gNB);
......@@ -22,32 +22,22 @@
#include "position_interface.h"
extern uint16_t NB_UE_INST;
static position_t **positionArray = 0;
void config_position_coordinates(int Mod_id)
static position_t read_position_coordinates(char *sectionName)
AssertFatal(Mod_id < NB_UE_INST, "Mod_id must be less than NB_UE_INST. Mod_id:%d NB_UE_INST:%d", Mod_id, NB_UE_INST);
if (positionArray == NULL) {
positionArray = (position_t **)calloc(1, sizeof(position_t *) * NB_UE_INST);
if (!positionArray[Mod_id]) {
char positionName[64];
sprintf(positionName, "position%d", Mod_id);
positionArray[Mod_id] = (void *) init_position_coordinates(positionName);
position_t *init_position_coordinates(char *sectionName)
position_t *position = (position_t *)calloc(sizeof(position_t), 1);
position_t p;
position_t *position = &p;
paramdef_t position_params[] = POSITION_CONFIG_PARAMS_DEF;
int ret = config_get(config_get_if(), position_params, sizeofArray(position_params), sectionName);
AssertFatal(ret >= 0, "configuration couldn't be performed for position name: %s", sectionName);
return position;
return p;
position_t *get_position_coordinates(int Mod_id)
position_t get_position_coordinates(int Mod_id)
return positionArray[Mod_id];
\ No newline at end of file
AssertFatal(Mod_id < NB_UE_INST, "Mod_id must be less than NB_UE_INST. Mod_id:%d NB_UE_INST:%d", Mod_id, NB_UE_INST);
char positionName[64];
snprintf(positionName, sizeof(positionName), "position%d", Mod_id);
return read_position_coordinates(positionName);
......@@ -53,7 +53,5 @@ typedef struct position {
double positionZ;
} position_t;
void config_position_coordinates(int Mod_id);
position_t *init_position_coordinates(char *sectionName);
position_t *get_position_coordinates(int Mod_id);
position_t get_position_coordinates(int Mod_id);
......@@ -242,8 +242,8 @@ static void nr_decode_SI(NR_UE_RRC_SI_INFO *SI_info, NR_SystemInformation_t *si,
SI_info->SInfo_r17.sib19_validity = true;
if (g_log->log_component[NR_RRC].level >= OAILOG_DEBUG)
xer_fprint(stdout, &asn_DEF_NR_SIB19_r17, (const void *)typeandinfo->choice.sib19_v1700);
position_t *p = get_position_coordinates(0);
nr_rrc_mac_config_req_sib19_r17(ue_id, p, typeandinfo->choice.sib19_v1700);
position_t p = get_position_coordinates(0);
nr_rrc_mac_config_req_sib19_r17(ue_id, &p, typeandinfo->choice.sib19_v1700);
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