Commit 4d44eef9 authored by Florian Kaltenberger's avatar Florian Kaltenberger

fixing time domain signal in T tracer

parent e141b208
......@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ void tx_rf(RU_t *ru,int frame,int slot, uint64_t timestamp) {
unsigned int txs;
int i;
T(T_ENB_PHY_OUTPUT_SIGNAL, T_INT(0), T_INT(0), T_INT(frame), T_INT(slot),
T_INT(0), T_BUFFER(&ru->common.txdata[0][fp->get_samples_slot_timestamp(slot,fp,0)], fp->samples_per_subframe * 4));
T_INT(0), T_BUFFER(&ru->common.txdata[0][fp->get_samples_slot_timestamp(slot,fp,0)], fp->get_samples_per_slot(slot,fp) * 4));
int sf_extension = 0;
int siglen=fp->get_samples_per_slot(slot,fp);
int flags = 0;
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