Commit 540d918a authored by Robert Schmidt's avatar Robert Schmidt

Detect double sync message and skip frames

parent 0e5bc42e
......@@ -280,6 +280,16 @@ int xran_fh_rx_read_slot(ru_info_t *ru, int *frame, int *slot)
// pull next even from oran_sync_fifo
notifiedFIFO_elt_t *res = pullNotifiedFIFO(&oran_sync_fifo);
notifiedFIFO_elt_t *f;
while ((f = pollNotifiedFIFO(&oran_sync_fifo)) != NULL) {
oran_sync_info_t *old_info = NotifiedFifoData(res);
oran_sync_info_t *new_info = NotifiedFifoData(f);
LOG_E(PHY, "Detected double sync message %d.%d => %d.%d\n", old_info->f, old_info->sl, new_info->f, new_info->sl);
res = f;
oran_sync_info_t *info = NotifiedFifoData(res);
*slot = info->sl;
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