Commit 54a57bd2 authored by Bartosz Podrygajlo's avatar Bartosz Podrygajlo

RLC optimization - allocate SDU header and SDU data together

By allocating sdu data and sdu header together the total amount of
free/malloc calls per SDU is reduced by 1 increasing overall performance.
parent 7ae1aa21
......@@ -30,7 +30,11 @@ nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t *nr_rlc_new_sdu(
char *buffer, int size,
int upper_layer_id)
nr_rlc_sdu_t *sdu = calloc(1, sizeof(nr_rlc_sdu_t));
/* allocate sdu header and data together */
nr_rlc_sdu_t *sdu = malloc(sizeof(nr_rlc_sdu_t) + size);
/* only memset the header */
memset(sdu, 0 , sizeof(*sdu));
nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t *ret = calloc(1, sizeof(nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t));
if (sdu == NULL || ret == NULL)
goto oom;
......@@ -38,9 +42,7 @@ nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t *nr_rlc_new_sdu(
sdu->ref_count = 1;
sdu->sn = -1; /* set later */
sdu->upper_layer_id = upper_layer_id;
sdu->data = malloc(size);
if (sdu->data == NULL)
goto oom;
sdu->data = (char*)(sdu + 1);
memcpy(sdu->data, buffer, size);
sdu->size = size;
sdu->retx_count = -1;
......@@ -64,7 +66,6 @@ int nr_rlc_free_sdu_segment(nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t *sdu)
if (sdu->sdu->free_count == sdu->sdu->ref_count) {
ret = 1;
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