Commit 66b54806 authored by Robert Schmidt's avatar Robert Schmidt

Implement F1 Handover Trigger

Add a function to trigger an F1 handover, including the corresponding
telnet function implementation. The function looks up source&target DU,
creates a HO context, and reads PDU information to send a UE context
setup request to the target DU towards which to handover.
Co-authored-by: default avatarbatuhanduyuler <>
Co-authored-by: default avatarrmagueta <>
parent c0770cc1
......@@ -592,3 +592,31 @@ void dump_du_info(const gNB_RRC_INST *rrc, FILE *f)
nr_rrc_du_container_t *find_target_du(gNB_RRC_INST *rrc, sctp_assoc_t source_assoc_id)
nr_rrc_du_container_t *target_du = NULL;
nr_rrc_du_container_t *it = NULL;
bool next_du = false;
RB_FOREACH (it, rrc_du_tree, &rrc->dus) {
if (next_du == false && source_assoc_id != it->assoc_id) {
} else if (source_assoc_id == it->assoc_id) {
next_du = true;
} else {
target_du = it;
if (target_du == NULL) {
RB_FOREACH (it, rrc_du_tree, &rrc->dus) {
if (source_assoc_id == it->assoc_id) {
} else {
target_du = it;
return target_du;
......@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ int get_dl_band(const struct f1ap_served_cell_info_t *cell_info);
int get_ssb_scs(const struct f1ap_served_cell_info_t *cell_info);
int get_ssb_arfcn(const struct nr_rrc_du_container_t *du);
struct nr_rrc_du_container_t *find_target_du(struct gNB_RRC_INST_s *rrc, sctp_assoc_t source_assoc_id);
// the assoc_id might be 0 (if the DU goes offline). Below helper macro to
// print an error and return from the function in that case
#define RETURN_IF_INVALID_ASSOC_ID(assoc_id) \
......@@ -22,8 +22,16 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "assertions.h"
#include "rrc_gNB_mobility.h"
#include "nr_rrc_proto.h"
#include "rrc_gNB_du.h"
#include "rrc_gNB_radio_bearers.h"
#include "rrc_gNB_UE_context.h"
#include "openair2/F1AP/f1ap_ids.h"
#include "MESSAGES/asn1_msg.h"
typedef enum { HO_CTX_BOTH, HO_CTX_SOURCE, HO_CTX_TARGET } ho_ctx_type_t;
static nr_handover_context_t *alloc_ho_ctx(ho_ctx_type_t type)
......@@ -46,3 +54,190 @@ static void free_ho_ctx(nr_handover_context_t *ho_ctx)
/* \brief Initiate a handover of UE to a specific target cell handled by this
* CU.
* \param ue a UE context for which the handover should be triggered. The UE
* context must be non-null (if the HO request comes from "outside" (N2, Xn),
* the UE contex must be created first.
* \param target_du the DU towards which to handover. Note: currently, the CU
* is limited to one cell per DU, so DU and cell are equivalent here.
* \param ho_ctxt contextual data for the type of handover (F1, N2, Xn) */
static void nr_initiate_handover(const gNB_RRC_INST *rrc,
gNB_RRC_UE_t *ue,
const nr_rrc_du_container_t *source_du,
const nr_rrc_du_container_t *target_du,
uint8_t *ho_prep_buf,
uint32_t ho_prep_len,
ho_req_ack_t ack,
ho_success_t success,
ho_cancel_t cancel)
DevAssert(rrc != NULL);
DevAssert(ue != NULL);
DevAssert(target_du != NULL);
// source_du might be NULL -> inter-CU handover
DevAssert(ho_prep_buf != NULL && ho_prep_len > 0);
if (ue->ho_context != NULL) {
LOG_E(NR_RRC, "handover for UE %u ongoing, cannot trigger new\n", ue->rrc_ue_id);
// if any reconfiguration is ongoing, abort handover request
for (int i = 0; i < NR_RRC_TRANSACTION_IDENTIFIER_NUMBER; ++i) {
if (ue->xids[i] != RRC_ACTION_NONE) {
LOG_E(NR_RRC, "UE %d: ongoig transaction %d (action %d), cannot trigger handover\n", ue->rrc_ue_id, i, ue->xids[i]);
// if we know the source DU (F1 handover), allocate the context for it,
// otherwise only for the target DU (N2, Xn)
ho_ctx_type_t ctx_type = source_du != NULL ? HO_CTX_BOTH : HO_CTX_TARGET;
nr_handover_context_t *ho_ctx = alloc_ho_ctx(ctx_type);
ho_ctx->target->du = target_du;
// we will know target->{du_ue_id,new_rnti} once we have UE ctxt setup
// response
ho_ctx->target->ho_req_ack = ack;
ho_ctx->target->ho_success = success;
const f1_ue_data_t ue_data = cu_get_f1_ue_data(ue->rrc_ue_id);
if (source_du != NULL) {
DevAssert(source_du->assoc_id == ue_data.du_assoc_id);
// we also have the source DU (F1 handover), store meta info
ho_ctx->source->ho_cancel = cancel;
ho_ctx->source->du = source_du;
ho_ctx->source->du_ue_id = ue_data.secondary_ue;
ho_ctx->source->old_rnti = ue->rnti;
ue->ho_context = ho_ctx;
"Handover triggered for UE %u/RNTI %04x towards DU %ld/assoc_id %d/PCI %d\n",
cu_to_du_rrc_information_t cu2du = {
.handoverPreparationInfo = ho_prep_buf,
.handoverPreparationInfo_length = ho_prep_len,
f1ap_drb_to_be_setup_t drbs[32] = {0}; // maximum DRB can be 32
int nb_drb = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { /* for each DRB */
drb_t *rrc_drb = &ue->established_drbs[i];
if (rrc_drb->status == DRB_INACTIVE)
f1ap_drb_to_be_setup_t *drb = &drbs[nb_drb];
drb->drb_id = rrc_drb->drb_id;
drb->rlc_mode = rrc->configuration.um_on_default_drb ? F1AP_RLC_MODE_UM_BIDIR : F1AP_RLC_MODE_AM;
memcpy(&drb->up_ul_tnl[0].tl_address, &rrc_drb->cuup_tunnel_config.addr.buffer, sizeof(uint8_t) * 4);
drb->up_ul_tnl[0].port = rrc->eth_params_s.my_portd;
drb->up_ul_tnl[0].teid = rrc_drb->cuup_tunnel_config.teid;
drb->up_ul_tnl_length = 1;
/* fetch an existing PDU session for this DRB */
rrc_pdu_session_param_t *pdu = find_pduSession_from_drbId(ue, drb->drb_id);
AssertFatal(pdu != NULL, "no PDU session for DRB ID %ld\n", drb->drb_id);
drb->nssai = pdu->param.nssai;
// for the moment, we only support one QoS flow. Put a reminder in case
// this changes
AssertFatal(pdu->param.nb_qos == 1, "only 1 Qos flow supported\n");
drb->drb_info.flows_to_be_setup_length = 1;
drb->drb_info.flows_mapped_to_drb = calloc(1, sizeof(f1ap_flows_mapped_to_drb_t));
AssertFatal(drb->drb_info.flows_mapped_to_drb, "could not allocate memory\n");
int qfi = rrc_drb->cnAssociation.sdap_config.mappedQoS_FlowsToAdd[0];
DevAssert(qfi > 0);
drb->drb_info.flows_mapped_to_drb[0].qfi = qfi;
pdusession_level_qos_parameter_t *in_qos_char = get_qos_characteristics(qfi, pdu);
drb->drb_info.flows_mapped_to_drb[0].qos_params.qos_characteristics = get_qos_char_from_qos_flow_param(in_qos_char);
/* the DRB QoS parameters: we just reuse the ones from the first flow */
drb->drb_info.drb_qos = drb->drb_info.flows_mapped_to_drb[0].qos_params;
f1ap_srb_to_be_setup_t srbs[2] = {{.srb_id = 1, .lcid = 1}, {.srb_id = 2, .lcid = 2}};
f1ap_served_cell_info_t *cell_info = &target_du->setup_req->cell[0].info;
f1ap_ue_context_setup_t ue_context_setup_req = {
.gNB_CU_ue_id = ue->rrc_ue_id,
.gNB_DU_ue_id = 0, /* TODO: this should be optional! */
.plmn.mcc = cell_info->plmn.mcc,
.plmn.mnc = cell_info->plmn.mnc,
.plmn.mnc_digit_length = cell_info->plmn.mnc_digit_length,
.nr_cellid = cell_info->nr_cellid,
.servCellId = 0, // TODO: correct value?
.srbs_to_be_setup_length = 2,
.srbs_to_be_setup = srbs,
.drbs_to_be_setup_length = nb_drb,
.drbs_to_be_setup = drbs,
.cu_to_du_rrc_information = &cu2du,
rrc->mac_rrc.ue_context_setup_request(target_du->assoc_id, &ue_context_setup_req);
void nr_rrc_trigger_n2_ho(gNB_RRC_INST *rrc, int nr_cgi, uint8_t *ho_prep_info, uint32_t *ho_prep_len, void *pdu_session)
// call from outside (via NGAP message), with the request for handover for a
// (any) UE. This handler should, in order:
// 1. look up the target DU =du= via get_du_by_cell_id(nr_cgi)
// (and reject the request if it can't find the DU)
// 2. create a context for a new UE =UE=, based on pdu_session information
// 3. call nr_initiate_handover(rrc, UE, NULL, du, ho_prep_info, ho_prep_len);
// after success of the DU, send the result via =success_ptr= to the source
// CU.
void nr_rrc_trigger_f1_ho(gNB_RRC_INST *rrc, gNB_RRC_UE_t *ue, nr_rrc_du_container_t *source_du, nr_rrc_du_container_t *target_du)
DevAssert(rrc != NULL);
DevAssert(ue != NULL);
uint8_t buf[NR_RRC_BUF_SIZE];
int size = do_NR_HandoverPreparationInformation(ue->ue_cap_buffer.buf, ue->ue_cap_buffer.len, buf, sizeof buf);
// corresponds to a "handover request", 38.300 Sec
// see also 38.413 Sec for information on source-CU to target-CU
// information (Source NG-RAN Node to Target NG-RAN Node Transparent Container)
// here: target Cell is preselected, target CU has access to UE information
// and therefore also the PDU sessions. Orig RRC reconfiguration should be in
// handover preparation information
ho_req_ack_t ack = NULL;
ho_success_t success = NULL;
ho_cancel_t cancel = NULL;
nr_initiate_handover(rrc, ue, source_du, target_du, buf, size, ack, success, cancel);
void nr_HO_F1_trigger_telnet(gNB_RRC_INST *rrc, uint32_t rrc_ue_id)
rrc_gNB_ue_context_t *ue_context_p = rrc_gNB_get_ue_context(rrc, rrc_ue_id);
if (ue_context_p == NULL) {
LOG_E(NR_RRC, "cannot find UE context for UE ID %d\n", rrc_ue_id);
gNB_RRC_UE_t *ue = &ue_context_p->ue_context;
nr_rrc_du_container_t *source_du = get_du_for_ue(rrc, ue->rrc_ue_id);
if (source_du == NULL) {
f1_ue_data_t ue_data = cu_get_f1_ue_data(rrc_ue_id);
LOG_E(NR_RRC, "cannot get source gNB-DU with assoc_id %d for UE %u\n", ue_data.du_assoc_id, ue->rrc_ue_id);
nr_rrc_du_container_t *target_du = find_target_du(rrc, source_du->assoc_id);
if (target_du == NULL) {
LOG_E(NR_RRC, "No target gNB-DU found. Handover for UE %u aborted.\n", ue->rrc_ue_id);
nr_rrc_trigger_f1_ho(rrc, ue, source_du, target_du);
......@@ -66,4 +66,6 @@ typedef struct nr_handover_context_s {
nr_ho_target_cu_t *target;
} nr_handover_context_t;
void nr_rrc_trigger_f1_ho(gNB_RRC_INST *rrc, gNB_RRC_UE_t *ue, nr_rrc_du_container_t *source_du, nr_rrc_du_container_t *target_du);
#endif /* RRC_GNB_MOBILITY_H_ */
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