Commit 6c0c27a2 authored by francescomani's avatar francescomani

do not start T304 RRC timer at UE for phy-test mode

parent 03946cd4
......@@ -972,9 +972,12 @@ static void nr_rrc_process_reconfigurationWithSync(NR_UE_RRC_INST_t *rrc, NR_Rec
NR_UE_Timers_Constants_t *tac = &rrc->timers_and_constants;
int t304_value = nr_rrc_get_T304(reconfigurationWithSync->t304);
nr_timer_setup(&tac->T304, t304_value, 10); // 10ms step
if (!get_softmodem_params()->phy_test) {
// T304 is stopped upon completion of RA procedure which is not done in phy-test mode
int t304_value = nr_rrc_get_T304(reconfigurationWithSync->t304);
nr_timer_setup(&tac->T304, t304_value, 10); // 10ms step
rrc->rnti = reconfigurationWithSync->newUE_Identity;
// reset the MAC entity of this cell group (done at MAC in handle_reconfiguration_with_sync)
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