Commit 959a71de authored by Cedric Roux's avatar Cedric Roux Committed by sagar arora

minor cleanup - use variable defined above

parent c45ec279
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ void nas_stream_encrypt_eia2(nas_stream_cipher_t const *stream_cipher, uint8_t o
size_t const m_length = stream_cipher->blength >> 3;
uint8_t result[16] = {0};
byte_array_t msg = {.buf = stream_cipher->message, .len = m_length };
cipher_aes_128_cbc_cmac((cbc_cmac_ctx_t *)stream_cipher->context, &k_iv, msg, sizeof(result), result);
cipher_aes_128_cbc_cmac(ctx, &k_iv, msg, sizeof(result), result);
memcpy(out, result, 4);
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