Commit 9b7e39b1 authored by Thomas Schlichter's avatar Thomas Schlichter

NR UE: fix writeTimestamp inconsistencies

The "writeTimestamp inconsistencies" are coming from the fact that during the actual processing we write `N_TA_offset` samples _and_ `NR_UE_CAPABILITY_SLOT_RX_TO_TX` slots ahead,
but both was not corrently considered in readFrame() and syncInFrame().
Therefore, there was always a warning about a gap in write timestamps as soon the actual processing starts.
parent f1ca3066
......@@ -491,9 +491,10 @@ static void RU_write(nr_rxtx_thread_data_t *rxtxD, bool sl_tx_action)
openair0_timestamp writeTimestamp = proc->timestamp_tx;
int writeBlockSize = rxtxD->writeBlockSize;
if ( writeBlockSize > fp->get_samples_per_slot(proc->nr_slot_tx, fp)) {
// if writeBlockSize gets longer that slot size, fill with dummy
const int dummyBlockSize = writeBlockSize - fp->get_samples_per_slot(proc->nr_slot_tx, fp);
// if writeBlockSize gets longer that slot size, fill with dummy
const int maxWriteBlockSize = fp->get_samples_per_slot(proc->nr_slot_tx, fp);
while (writeBlockSize > maxWriteBlockSize) {
const int dummyBlockSize = min(writeBlockSize - maxWriteBlockSize, maxWriteBlockSize);
int tmp = openair0_write_reorder(&UE->rfdevice, writeTimestamp, txp, dummyBlockSize, fp->nb_antennas_tx, flags);
AssertFatal(tmp == dummyBlockSize, "");
......@@ -741,29 +742,32 @@ void readFrame(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *UE, openair0_timestamp *timestamp, bool toTrash)
void *rxp[NB_ANTENNAS_RX];
if (toTrash)
for (int i = 0; i < fp->nb_antennas_rx; i++)
rxp[i] = malloc16(fp->get_samples_per_slot(0, fp) * 4);
for (int x = 0; x < num_frames * NR_NUMBER_OF_SUBFRAMES_PER_FRAME; x++) { // two frames for initial sync
for (int slot = 0; slot < fp->slots_per_subframe; slot++) {
for (int i = 0; i < fp->nb_antennas_rx; i++) {
if (toTrash)
rxp[i] = malloc16(fp->get_samples_per_slot(slot, fp) * 4);
if (!toTrash)
for (int i = 0; i < fp->nb_antennas_rx; i++)
rxp[i] = ((void *)&UE->common_vars.rxdata[i][0])
+ 4 * ((x * fp->samples_per_subframe) + fp->get_samples_slot_timestamp(slot, fp, 0));
int read_block_size = fp->get_samples_per_slot(slot, fp);
int tmp = UE->rfdevice.trx_read_func(&UE->rfdevice, timestamp, rxp, read_block_size, fp->nb_antennas_rx);
UEscopeCopy(UE, ueTimeDomainSamplesBeforeSync, rxp[0], sizeof(c16_t), 1, read_block_size, 0);
AssertFatal(read_block_size == tmp, "");
dummyWrite(UE, *timestamp, fp->get_samples_per_slot(slot, fp));
if (toTrash)
for (int i = 0; i < fp->nb_antennas_rx; i++)
const openair0_timestamp writeTimestamp = *timestamp + fp->get_samples_slot_timestamp(slot, fp, NR_UE_CAPABILITY_SLOT_RX_TO_TX) - UE->N_TA_offset;
dummyWrite(UE, writeTimestamp, fp->get_samples_per_slot(slot, fp));
if (toTrash)
for (int i = 0; i < fp->nb_antennas_rx; i++)
static void syncInFrame(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *UE, openair0_timestamp *timestamp, openair0_timestamp rx_offset)
......@@ -774,27 +778,18 @@ static void syncInFrame(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *UE, openair0_timestamp *timestamp, opena
LOG_I(PHY, "Resynchronizing RX by %ld samples\n", rx_offset);
// Resynchonize by slot (will work with numerology 1 only)
for (int size = rx_offset; size > 0; size -= fp->samples_per_subframe / 2) {
int unitTransfer = size > fp->samples_per_subframe / 2 ? fp->samples_per_subframe / 2 : size;
int tmp =
UE->rfdevice.trx_read_func(&UE->rfdevice, timestamp, (void **)UE->common_vars.rxdata, unitTransfer, fp->nb_antennas_rx);
DevAssert(unitTransfer == tmp);
} else {
*timestamp += fp->get_samples_per_slot(1, fp);
for (int size = rx_offset; size > 0; size -= fp->samples_per_subframe) {
int unitTransfer = size > fp->samples_per_subframe ? fp->samples_per_subframe : size;
// we write before read because gNB waits for UE to write and both executions halt
// this happens here as the read size is samples_per_subframe which is very much larger than samp_per_slot
dummyWrite(UE, *timestamp, unitTransfer);
int res =
UE->rfdevice.trx_read_func(&UE->rfdevice, timestamp, (void **)UE->common_vars.rxdata, unitTransfer, fp->nb_antennas_rx);
DevAssert(unitTransfer == res);
*timestamp += unitTransfer; // this does not affect the read but needed for RFSIM write
int slot = 0;
int size = rx_offset;
while (size > 0) {
const int unitTransfer = min(fp->get_samples_per_slot(slot, fp), size);
const int res = UE->rfdevice.trx_read_func(&UE->rfdevice, timestamp, (void **)UE->common_vars.rxdata, unitTransfer, fp->nb_antennas_rx);
DevAssert(unitTransfer == res);
const openair0_timestamp writeTimestamp = *timestamp + fp->get_samples_slot_timestamp(slot, fp, NR_UE_CAPABILITY_SLOT_RX_TO_TX) - UE->N_TA_offset;
dummyWrite(UE, writeTimestamp, unitTransfer);
slot = (slot + 1) % fp->slots_per_subframe;
size -= unitTransfer;
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