Commit a1eb8f35 authored by Cedric Roux's avatar Cedric Roux Committed by Guido Casati

bugfix: use correct algorithm and derive keys accordingly

This was not a big problem, but we were advertising wrong
algorithm and deriving keys using this wrong algorithm in case
DRB ciphering and/or integrity was not active. (Say SRBs
are configured with NIA2 but DRBs are configured without
integrity, we would advertise NIA2 and send the integrity
key derived for NIA2, instead of NIA0 for both.)

It was not a problem because in the PDU Session Resource To Setup
item, there is "securityIndication" which we use to effectively
activate/deactivate the ciphering and/or integrity.

But it did not look clean to see a SecurityInformation with
incorrect data when inspecting the message in wireshark.

So let's use the correct values.

We could also not include the SecurityInformation if both ciphering
and integrity are not used, and only include ciphering if integrity
is not used (because integrity settings are optional).

But then if only integrity is used, we still need to include
ciphering, setting algorithm to NEA0 (no ciphering), because
the ciphering settings are always included.

This logic is too complex, let's use the simple one to always
include SecurityInformation with NEA0 and/or NIA0 if ciphering
and/or integrity is not activated.
parent 627f8171
......@@ -356,10 +356,10 @@ bool trigger_bearer_setup(gNB_RRC_INST *rrc, gNB_RRC_UE_t *UE, int n, pdusession
bearer_req.gNB_cu_cp_ue_id = UE->rrc_ue_id;
security_information_t *secInfo = &bearer_req.secInfo;
secInfo->cipheringAlgorithm = UE->ciphering_algorithm;
secInfo->integrityProtectionAlgorithm = UE->integrity_algorithm;
nr_derive_key(UP_ENC_ALG, UE->ciphering_algorithm, UE->kgnb, (uint8_t *)secInfo->encryptionKey);
nr_derive_key(UP_INT_ALG, UE->integrity_algorithm, UE->kgnb, (uint8_t *)secInfo->integrityProtectionKey);
secInfo->cipheringAlgorithm = rrc->security.do_drb_ciphering ? UE->ciphering_algorithm : 0;
secInfo->integrityProtectionAlgorithm = rrc->security.do_drb_integrity ? UE->integrity_algorithm : 0;
nr_derive_key(UP_ENC_ALG, secInfo->cipheringAlgorithm, UE->kgnb, (uint8_t *)secInfo->encryptionKey);
nr_derive_key(UP_INT_ALG, secInfo->integrityProtectionAlgorithm, UE->kgnb, (uint8_t *)secInfo->integrityProtectionKey);
bearer_req.ueDlAggMaxBitRate = ueAggMaxBitRateDownlink;
pdu_session_to_setup_t *pdu = bearer_req.pduSession + bearer_req.numPDUSessions;
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