Commit b34708fa authored by Robert Schmidt's avatar Robert Schmidt

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/docker-dev-env' into integration_2025_w05 (!3102)

Dockerized development environment

This commit introduces a fully dockerized dev env you can start on any
machine that has docker without installing any direct OAI dependencies
on host.

This allows to migrate development environments between machines easily.
Several complementary scripts were added to enable smooth transition
between your docker environment and host environment. Your user and sudo
should work inside the environment.

In its current state, the environment can be used to compile
nr-softmodem with 7.2 FHI but it cannot run it due to missing
parents 64a472ae 8ca0a80d
......@@ -135,3 +135,4 @@ The other SDRs (AW2S, LimeSDR, ...) have no READMEs.
- [formatting](../tools/formatting/ is a clang-format error detection tool
- [iwyu](../tools/iwyu/ is a tool to detect `#include` errors
- [docker-dev-env](../tools/docker-dev-env/ is a ubuntu22 docker development environment
FROM ran-base:latest
# More developer tools can be added here
RUN apt update && apt install -y vim sudo wget meson ninja-build libnuma-dev ccache
# Create the user
RUN groupadd --gid $USER_GID $USERNAME \
&& useradd --uid $USER_UID --gid $USER_GID -m $USERNAME \
&& echo $USERNAME ALL=\(root\) NOPASSWD:ALL > /etc/sudoers.d/$USERNAME \
&& chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/$USERNAME
## Download and build DPDK
RUN cd /oai-ran && \
wget && \
tar -xvf dpdk-20.11.9.tar.xz && \
cd dpdk-stable-20.11.9 && \
meson build && \
ninja -C build && \
ninja install -C build
## Build Fronthaul library
COPY cmake_targets/tools/oran_fhi_integration_patches/F/oaioran_F.patch /oaioran_F.patch
RUN git clone /opt/phy && \
cd /opt/phy && \
git checkout oran_f_release_v1.0 &&\
git apply /oaioran_F.patch && \
cd /opt/phy/fhi_lib/lib && \
WIRELESS_SDK_TOOLCHAIN=gcc RTE_SDK=/oai-ran/dpdk-stable-20.11.9/ XRAN_DIR=/opt/phy/fhi_lib make XRAN_LIB_SO=1
ENV xran_LOCATION=/opt/phy/fhi_lib/lib/
# This is a temporary solution to issue with apt: one of the installed packages creates a group that may
# not be present in the host: remove the group entry to allow apt usage in container
RUN dpkg-statoverride --remove /usr/bin/uml_net
# Override ccache directory to avoid permission issues
ENV CCACHE_DIR=/home/$USERNAME/.cache/ccache-oai-dev-env
# Containerized development environment for OAI
## Description
This contains bash scripts for managing a ubuntu22 dockerized development enviroment for OAI. No need to install any
tools on host machines except for docker
- `` - build development environment image and install the following bash aliases in `~/.bash_aliases`:
* `oai_start_dev_env` - start the development environment container and detach
* `oai_stop_dev_env` - stop the development environment container
* `oai_destroy_dev_env` - remove the container, deleting all data that is not on mapped volumes. All packages installed
using `apt` or other methods in system folders (e.g. `/usr/`) will be removed.
* `oai_enter_dev_env` - enter development environment
## Installing
Run `./`. This will build the `ran-base:latest` image if its not present on the system and
build the `openair-dev:$USER` image and install the aliases above.
If not present, please add `source ~/.bash_aliases` into your `~/.bashrc`.
## Assumptions
- The `` script will read the current environment to generate the docker image, running
it with sudo is not recommended.
- Your home directory is shared with the home directory inside the docker container.
- You can use the `oai_enter_dev_env` alias to enter the container from any directory within
your home directory - your home directory is mapped directly in the container. If you
need other directories to be mapped, add extra volumes to the `docker-compose.yml`
## Using sudo in container
`sudo` is not necessary in the container as it should already have the linux capabilities that running
OAI requires. However it is still possible to run `sudo` in the container.
## Updating and preserving your image
Each image is personally tagged with username. You can update your image (e.g. install ubuntu system packages)
either through modifying the Dockerfile (not recommended) or installing packages manually through `apt` and
saving the docker container snapshot. If the environment is running just type
docker commit openair-dev-$USER openair-dev:$USER
This will update the image that is used in the aliases and preserve the modifications when you start the environment again.
If you ever want to reset your image to the base prepared here just rerun the `` script
set -e
if [ "$EUID" -eq 0 ]; then
read -p "You are running this script as root. This might not work as expected. Do you want to continue? (Y/N): " response
if [[ ! "$response" =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
echo "Exiting script."
exit 1
if ! docker images | grep -q "ran-base"; then
echo "ran-base:latest image not found. Building the image..."
docker build -f ../../docker/Dockerfile.base.ubuntu22 -t ran-base:latest ../../
echo "ran-base:latest image found."
echo "Starting the build process for the Docker container..."
docker build -f Dockerfile -t openair-dev:$USER --build-arg USERNAME=$USER --build-arg USER_UID=$(id -u) --build-arg USER_GID=$(id -u) ../../
echo -e "\e[93mInstalling aliases to ~/.bash_aliases. Make sure to add 'source ~/.bash_aliases' in ~/.bashrc \e[0m"
mkdir -p ~/oai-dev-env
cp docker-compose.yml ~/oai-dev-env
touch ~/.bash_aliases
function add_alias() {
local alias=${1} cmd=${2}
if grep -q "${alias}" ~/.bash_aliases; then echo "cannot add alias ${alias}: already exists in ~/.bash_aliases"; return 1; fi
echo "alias ${alias}='${cmd}'" >> ~/.bash_aliases
add_alias oai_start_dev_env 'docker compose -f ~/oai-dev-env/docker-compose.yml up -d' || true
add_alias oai_stop_dev_env 'docker compose -f ~/oai-dev-env/docker-compose.yml down' || true
add_alias oai_enter_dev_env "docker exec -it -w \$(pwd) $CONTAINER_NAME /bin/bash" || true
add_alias oai_destroy_dev_env "docker container rm -f ${CONTAINER_NAME}" || true
source ~/.bash_aliases
container_name: "openair-dev-${USER}"
image: openair-dev:${USER}
command: "sleep infinity"
privileged: false
# CAPS for sudo to work
- /home/${USER}:/home/${USER}
working_dir: /home/${USER}
hostname: oai-dev-env
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