Commit bd7fb492 authored by Roberto Rosca's avatar Roberto Rosca

Removed SIB19 related UE arguments

   - Removed ntn_koffset, ntn_ta_common, ntn_ta_commondrift arguments in order to be used directly from SIB19
   - Removed global NTN_UE_Koffset variable and it's use
   - Introduced getter functions for ntn related parameters
parent 486f4f5f
......@@ -1942,6 +1942,7 @@ target_link_libraries(lte-softmodem PRIVATE
target_link_libraries(lte-softmodem PRIVATE pthread m CONFIG_LIB rt sctp)
target_link_libraries(lte-softmodem PRIVATE ${T_LIB})
target_link_libraries(lte-softmodem PRIVATE asn1_nr_rrc_hdrs asn1_lte_rrc_hdrs)
target_link_libraries(lte-softmodem PRIVATE ${blas_LIBRARIES} ${cblas_LIBRARIES} ${lapacke_LIBRARIES} ${lapack_LIBRARIES})
target_compile_definitions(lte-softmodem PRIVATE ${E2AP_VERSION} ${KPM_VERSION} E2_AGENT)
......@@ -1997,6 +1998,7 @@ target_link_libraries(lte-uesoftmodem PRIVATE
target_link_libraries(lte-uesoftmodem PRIVATE pthread m CONFIG_LIB rt sctp)
target_link_libraries(lte-uesoftmodem PRIVATE ${T_LIB})
target_link_libraries(lte-uesoftmodem PRIVATE asn1_nr_rrc_hdrs asn1_lte_rrc_hdrs)
target_link_libraries(lte-uesoftmodem PRIVATE ${blas_LIBRARIES} ${cblas_LIBRARIES} ${lapacke_LIBRARIES} ${lapack_LIBRARIES})
# force the generation of ASN.1 so that we don't need to wait during the build
target_link_libraries(lte-uesoftmodem PRIVATE
......@@ -2217,6 +2219,7 @@ target_link_libraries(nr_pucchsim PRIVATE
target_link_libraries(nr_pucchsim PRIVATE asn1_nr_rrc_hdrs asn1_lte_rrc_hdrs)
......@@ -2252,6 +2255,7 @@ target_link_libraries(nr_ulschsim PRIVATE
target_link_libraries(nr_ulschsim PRIVATE asn1_nr_rrc_hdrs asn1_lte_rrc_hdrs)
......@@ -43,8 +43,6 @@
#include "common/utils/threadPool/notified_fifo.h"
#include "position_interface.h"
extern unsigned int NTN_UE_Koffset;
......@@ -828,12 +826,13 @@ void *UE_thread(void *arg)
readFrame(UE, &tmp, true);
double ntn_ta_common = (mac->ntn_ta.N_common_ta_adj + mac->ntn_ta.N_UE_TA_adj) * 2;
int ntn_koffset = mac->ntn_ta.cell_specific_k_offset;
double ntn_ta_common = GET_COMPLETE_TIME_ADVANCE_MS(mac);
int ntn_koffset = GET_NTN_UE_K_OFFSET(mac, 0);
int duration_rx_to_tx = DURATION_RX_TO_TX;
int duration_rx_to_tx = GET_DURATION_RX_TO_TX(mac);
int nr_slot_tx_offset = 0;
bool update_ntn_system_information = false;
bool apply_duration_next_run = false;
while (!oai_exit) {
nr_slot_tx_offset = 0;
......@@ -907,7 +906,7 @@ void *UE_thread(void *arg)
if (get_nrUE_params()->time_sync_I)
// ntn_ta_commondrift is in µs/s, max_pos_acc * time_sync_I is in samples/frame
UE->max_pos_acc = get_nrUE_params()->ntn_ta_commondrift * 1e-6 * fp->samples_per_frame / get_nrUE_params()->time_sync_I;
UE->max_pos_acc = mac->ntn_ta.ntn_ta_commondrift * 1e-6 * fp->samples_per_frame / get_nrUE_params()->time_sync_I;
UE->max_pos_acc = 0;
shiftForNextFrame = -(UE->init_sync_frame + trashed_frames + 2) * UE->max_pos_acc * get_nrUE_params()->time_sync_I; // compensate for the time drift that happened during initial sync
......@@ -946,17 +945,15 @@ void *UE_thread(void *arg)
if (update_ntn_system_information) {
update_ntn_system_information = false;
int ta_offset =
UE->frame_parms.samples_per_subframe * 2 * (mac->ntn_ta.N_common_ta_adj + mac->ntn_ta.N_UE_TA_adj - ntn_ta_common);
int ta_offset = UE->frame_parms.samples_per_subframe * (GET_COMPLETE_TIME_ADVANCE_MS(mac) - ntn_ta_common);
UE->timing_advance += ta_offset;
timing_advance = ntn_koffset * 7680;
ntn_ta_common = mac->ntn_ta.N_common_ta_adj + mac->ntn_ta.N_UE_TA_adj;
ntn_ta_common = GET_COMPLETE_TIME_ADVANCE_MS(mac);
ntn_koffset = GET_NTN_UE_K_OFFSET(mac, 0);
timing_advance = ntn_koffset * (UE->frame_parms.samples_per_subframe >> mac->current_UL_BWP->scs);
if (ntn_koffset != mac->ntn_ta.cell_specific_k_offset && ntn_ta_common != mac->ntn_ta.N_common_ta_adj) {
ntn_koffset = mac->ntn_ta.cell_specific_k_offset;
NTN_UE_Koffset = ntn_koffset;
if (ntn_koffset != (GET_NTN_UE_K_OFFSET(mac, 0)) && ntn_ta_common != GET_COMPLETE_TIME_ADVANCE_MS(mac)) {
update_ntn_system_information = true;
nr_slot_tx_offset = mac->ntn_ta.cell_specific_k_offset % nb_slot_frame;
......@@ -1061,8 +1058,14 @@ void *UE_thread(void *arg)
stream_status = STREAM_STATUS_SYNCED;
tx_wait_for_dlsch[slot] = 0;
if (duration_rx_to_tx != DURATION_RX_TO_TX) {
duration_rx_to_tx = DURATION_RX_TO_TX;
// apply new duration next run to avoid thread dead lock
if (apply_duration_next_run) {
duration_rx_to_tx = GET_DURATION_RX_TO_TX(mac);
apply_duration_next_run = false;
if (duration_rx_to_tx != GET_DURATION_RX_TO_TX(mac)) {
apply_duration_next_run = true;
......@@ -129,9 +129,6 @@ int otg_enabled;
double cpuf;
uint32_t N_RB_DL = 106;
// NTN cellSpecificKoffset-r17, but in slots for DL SCS
unsigned int NTN_UE_Koffset = 0;
int create_tasks_nrue(uint32_t ue_nb) {
LOG_D(NR_RRC, "%s(ue_nb:%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, ue_nb);
......@@ -518,9 +515,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
// NTN cellSpecificKoffset-r17, but in slots for DL SCS
NTN_UE_Koffset = nrUE_params.ntn_koffset << PHY_vars_UE_g[0][0]->frame_parms.numerology_index;
......@@ -12,9 +12,6 @@
#define CONFIG_HLP_MAX_LDPC_ITERATIONS "Maximum LDPC decoder iterations\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_TIME_SYNC_P "coefficient for Proportional part of time sync PI controller\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_TIME_SYNC_I "coefficient for Integrating part of time sync PI controller\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_NTN_KOFFSET "NTN cellSpecificKoffset-r17 (number of slots for a given subcarrier spacing of 15 kHz)\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_NTN_TA_COMMON "NTN ta-Common, but given in ms\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_NTN_TA_COMMONDRIFT "NTN ta-CommonDrift, but given in µs/s\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_AUTONOMOUS_TA "Autonomously update TA based on DL drift (useful if main contribution to DL drift is movement, e.g. LEO satellite)\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_AGC "Rx Gain control used for UE\n"
......@@ -67,9 +64,6 @@
{"num-ues", NULL, 0, .iptr=&(NB_UE_INST), .defuintval=1, TYPE_INT, 0}, \
{"time-sync-P", CONFIG_HLP_TIME_SYNC_P, 0, .dblptr=&(nrUE_params.time_sync_P), .defdblval=0.5, TYPE_DOUBLE, 0}, \
{"time-sync-I", CONFIG_HLP_TIME_SYNC_I, 0, .dblptr=&(nrUE_params.time_sync_I), .defdblval=0.0, TYPE_DOUBLE, 0}, \
{"ntn-koffset", CONFIG_HLP_NTN_KOFFSET, 0, .uptr=&(nrUE_params.ntn_koffset), .defuintval=0, TYPE_UINT, 0}, \
{"ntn-ta-common", CONFIG_HLP_NTN_TA_COMMON, 0, .dblptr=&(nrUE_params.ntn_ta_common), .defdblval=0.0, TYPE_DOUBLE, 0}, \
{"ntn-ta-commondrift", CONFIG_HLP_NTN_TA_COMMONDRIFT, 0, .dblptr=&(nrUE_params.ntn_ta_commondrift), .defdblval=0.0, TYPE_DOUBLE, 0}, \
{"autonomous-ta", CONFIG_HLP_AUTONOMOUS_TA, PARAMFLAG_BOOL, .iptr=&(nrUE_params.autonomous_ta), .defintval=0, TYPE_INT, 0}, \
{"agc", CONFIG_HLP_AGC, PARAMFLAG_BOOL, .iptr=&(nrUE_params.agc), .defintval=0, TYPE_INT, 0}, \
......@@ -94,9 +88,6 @@ typedef struct {
int ldpc_offload_flag;
double time_sync_P;
double time_sync_I;
unsigned int ntn_koffset;
double ntn_ta_common;
double ntn_ta_commondrift;
int autonomous_ta;
int agc;
char *usrp_args;
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ position_t *init_position_coordinates(char *sectionName)
return position;
position_t *get_position(int Mod_id)
position_t *get_position_coordinates(int Mod_id)
return positionArray[Mod_id];
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ typedef struct {
void config_position_coordinates(int Mod_id);
position_t *init_position_coordinates(char *sectionName);
position_t *get_position(int Mod_id);
position_t *get_position_coordinates(int Mod_id);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -276,20 +276,6 @@
/* - between reception of un uplink grant and its related transmission (k2) */
/* When the OAI UE receives RX slot N, it starts sending TX slot N+DURATION_RX_TO_TX.
* Therefore DURATION_RX_TO_TX must not be larger than the minimum k1 and k2 values (NR_UE_CAPABILITY_SLOT_RX_TO_TX).
* In case of NTN, the propagation delay is so large, that the TX slot needs to be transmitted far in advance.
* Therefore, the NTN_UE_Koffset is added to DURATION_RX_TO_TX.
* Note: currently, the UE requires this to be a constant.
* But in case of NTN, Koffset is only known after receiving SIB19.
* Therefore, support should be added to allow changing DURATION_RX_TO_TX on reception of SIB19 (via FAPI-like interface).
* E.g. no transmission before successful reception of SIB19, and re-sync with disabled transmission if Koffset changes.
* When this has been implemented, the global variable NTN_UE_Koffset should be removed, too.
extern unsigned int NTN_UE_Koffset;
#define NR_MAX_ULSCH_HARQ_PROCESSES (NR_MAX_HARQ_PROCESSES) /* cf 38.214 6.1 UE procedure for receiving the physical uplink shared channel */
#define NR_MAX_DLSCH_HARQ_PROCESSES (NR_MAX_HARQ_PROCESSES) /* cf 38.214 5.1 UE procedure for receiving the physical downlink shared channel */
......@@ -317,6 +303,6 @@ typedef struct {
#include "common/openairinterface5g_limits.h"
#include "assertions.h"
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#define SPEED_OF_LIGHT 299792458
//#include "mac_defs.h"
#include "mac_defs.h"
#include <NR_MAC_gNB/mac_proto.h>
#include "NR_MAC_UE/mac_proto.h"
#include "NR_MAC-CellGroupConfig.h"
......@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ static void config_common_ue(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac,
mac->phy_config.Mod_id = mac->ue_id;
mac->phy_config.CC_id = cc_idP;
// carrier config
LOG_D(MAC, "[UE %d] Entering UE Config Common\n", mac->ue_id);
......@@ -1771,28 +1771,32 @@ static double calculate_ue_sat_ta(position_t *position_params, struct NR_Positio
void nr_rrc_mac_config_req_sib19_r17(module_id_t module_id, NR_SIB19_r17_t *sib19_r17)
NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac = get_mac_inst(module_id);
struct NR_NTN_Config_r17 *ntn_Config_r17 = mac->sc_info.ntn_Config_r17;
// ntn-Config-r17 deep copy into mac
asn_copy(&asn_DEF_NR_NTN_Config_r17, (void **)&mac->sc_info.ntn_Config_r17, sib19_r17->ntn_Config_r17);
// update ntn_Config_r17 with received values
UPDATE_IE(ntn_Config_r17, sib19_r17->ntn_Config_r17, NR_NTN_Config_r17_t);
// populate ntn_ta structure from mac
// if ephemerisInfo_r17 present in SIB19
struct NR_EphemerisInfo_r17 *ephemeris_info = mac->sc_info.ntn_Config_r17->ephemerisInfo_r17;
struct NR_PositionVelocity_r17 *position_velocity = mac->sc_info.ntn_Config_r17->ephemerisInfo_r17->choice.positionVelocity_r17;
if (ephemeris_info && position_velocity
&& (position_velocity->positionX_r17 != 0 || position_velocity->positionY_r17 != 0
|| position_velocity->positionZ_r17 != 0)) {
mac->ntn_ta.N_UE_TA_adj =
calculate_ue_sat_ta(get_position(module_id), mac->sc_info.ntn_Config_r17->ephemerisInfo_r17->choice.positionVelocity_r17);
struct NR_EphemerisInfo_r17 *ephemeris_info = ntn_Config_r17->ephemerisInfo_r17;
if (ephemeris_info) {
struct NR_PositionVelocity_r17 *position_velocity = ntn_Config_r17->ephemerisInfo_r17->choice.positionVelocity_r17;
if (position_velocity
&& (position_velocity->positionX_r17 != 0 || position_velocity->positionY_r17 != 0
|| position_velocity->positionZ_r17 != 0)) {
mac->ntn_ta.N_UE_TA_adj = calculate_ue_sat_ta(get_position_coordinates(module_id), position_velocity);
// if cellSpecificKoffset_r17 is present
if (sib19_r17->ntn_Config_r17->cellSpecificKoffset_r17) {
mac->ntn_ta.cell_specific_k_offset = *sib19_r17->ntn_Config_r17->cellSpecificKoffset_r17;
if (ntn_Config_r17->cellSpecificKoffset_r17) {
mac->ntn_ta.cell_specific_k_offset = *ntn_Config_r17->cellSpecificKoffset_r17;
// Check if ta_Info_r17 is present and convert directly ta_Common_r17 (is in units of 4.072e-3 µs)
if (sib19_r17->ntn_Config_r17->ta_Info_r17) {
mac->ntn_ta.N_common_ta_adj = sib19_r17->ntn_Config_r17->ta_Info_r17->ta_Common_r17 * 4.072e-6;
if (ntn_Config_r17->ta_Info_r17) {
mac->ntn_ta.N_common_ta_adj = ntn_Config_r17->ta_Info_r17->ta_Common_r17 * 4.072e-6;
// ta_CommonDrift_r17 (is in units of 0.2e-3 µs/s)
if (ntn_Config_r17->ta_Info_r17->ta_CommonDrift_r17)
mac->ntn_ta.ntn_ta_commondrift = *ntn_Config_r17->ta_Info_r17->ta_CommonDrift_r17 * 0.2e-3;
......@@ -2638,4 +2642,4 @@ void nr_rrc_mac_config_req_cg(module_id_t module_id,
ue_init_config_request(mac, mac->current_DL_BWP->scs);
ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mac->if_mutex);
AssertFatal(!ret, "mutex failed %d\n", ret);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -485,7 +485,6 @@ typedef struct nr_lcordered_info_s {
bool lc_SRMask;
} nr_lcordered_info_t;
typedef struct {
uint8_t payload[NR_CCCH_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MAX];
} __attribute__ ((__packed__)) NR_CCCH_PDU;
......@@ -555,9 +554,13 @@ typedef struct {
} si_schedInfo_t;
typedef struct ntn_timing_advance_components {
// N_common_ta_adj and N_UE_TA_adj are in ms
// N_common_ta_adj represents common propagation delay received in SIB19 (ms)
double N_common_ta_adj;
// N_UE_TA_adj calculated propagation delay from UE and SAT (ms)
double N_UE_TA_adj;
// drift rate of common ta in µs/s
double ntn_ta_commondrift;
// cell scheduling offset expressed in terms of 15kHz SCS
long cell_specific_k_offset;
} ntn_timing_advance_componets_t;
......@@ -670,5 +673,9 @@ typedef struct NR_UE_MAC_INST_s {
ue_mac_stats_t stats;
#define GET_NTN_UE_K_OFFSET(mac, scs) (mac->ntn_ta.cell_specific_k_offset << scs)
#define GET_COMPLETE_TIME_ADVANCE_MS(mac) ((mac)->ntn_ta.N_common_ta_adj + (mac)->ntn_ta.N_UE_TA_adj * 2)
#define GET_DURATION_RX_TO_TX(mac) (NR_UE_CAPABILITY_SLOT_RX_TO_TX + (mac)->ntn_ta.cell_specific_k_offset)
#endif /*__LAYER2_MAC_DEFS_H__ */
......@@ -42,12 +42,6 @@
#include "openair2/LAYER2/RLC/rlc.h"
#include "openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_UE/mac_defs.h"
#include "nr-uesoftmodem.h"
static double get_ta_Common_ms(const ntn_timing_advance_componets_t* ntn_ta)
return (ntn_ta->N_common_ta_adj + ntn_ta->N_UE_TA_adj) * 2;
int16_t get_prach_tx_power(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac)
......@@ -622,7 +616,7 @@ void nr_Msg3_transmitted(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac, uint8_t CC_id, frame_t frameP, s
RA_config_t *ra = &mac->ra;
NR_RACH_ConfigCommon_t *nr_rach_ConfigCommon = mac->current_UL_BWP->rach_ConfigCommon;
const double ta_Common_ms = get_ta_Common_ms(&mac->ntn_ta);
const double ta_Common_ms = GET_COMPLETE_TIME_ADVANCE_MS(mac);
const int mu = mac->current_UL_BWP->scs;
const int slots_per_ms = nr_slots_per_frame[mu] / 10;
......@@ -923,7 +917,7 @@ void nr_get_RA_window(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac)
NR_RACH_ConfigCommon_t *setup = mac->current_UL_BWP->rach_ConfigCommon;
AssertFatal(&setup->rach_ConfigGeneric != NULL, "In %s: FATAL! rach_ConfigGeneric is NULL...\n", __FUNCTION__);
const double ta_Common_ms = get_ta_Common_ms(&mac->ntn_ta);
const double ta_Common_ms = GET_COMPLETE_TIME_ADVANCE_MS(mac);
const int mu = mac->current_DL_BWP->scs;
const int slots_per_ms = nr_slots_per_frame[mu] / 10;
......@@ -147,13 +147,6 @@ static nr_dci_format_t nr_extract_dci_info(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac,
const uint8_t *dci_pdu,
const int slot);
static int get_NTN_UE_Koffset(NR_NTN_Config_r17_t *ntn_Config_r17, int scs)
if (ntn_Config_r17 && ntn_Config_r17->cellSpecificKoffset_r17)
return *ntn_Config_r17->cellSpecificKoffset_r17 << scs;
return 0;
int get_rnti_type(const NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac, const uint16_t rnti)
const RA_config_t *ra = &mac->ra;
......@@ -506,7 +499,7 @@ static int nr_ue_process_dci_ul_00(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac,
frame_t frame_tx;
int slot_tx;
const int ntn_ue_koffset = get_NTN_UE_Koffset(mac->sc_info.ntn_Config_r17, mac->current_UL_BWP->scs);
const int ntn_ue_koffset = GET_NTN_UE_K_OFFSET(mac, mac->current_UL_BWP->scs);
if (-1 == nr_ue_pusch_scheduler(mac, 0, frame, slot, &frame_tx, &slot_tx, tda_info.k2 + ntn_ue_koffset)) {
LOG_E(MAC, "Cannot schedule PUSCH\n");
return -1;
......@@ -604,7 +597,7 @@ static int nr_ue_process_dci_ul_01(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac,
tda_info.k2 = csi_K2;
const int ntn_ue_koffset = get_NTN_UE_Koffset(mac->sc_info.ntn_Config_r17, mac->current_UL_BWP->scs);
const int ntn_ue_koffset = GET_NTN_UE_K_OFFSET(mac, mac->current_UL_BWP->scs);
if (-1 == nr_ue_pusch_scheduler(mac, 0, frame, slot, &frame_tx, &slot_tx, tda_info.k2 + ntn_ue_koffset)) {
LOG_E(MAC, "Cannot schedule PUSCH\n");
return -1;
......@@ -921,14 +914,14 @@ static int nr_ue_process_dci_dl_10(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac,
// according to TS 38.213 9.2.3
const int ntn_ue_koffset = get_NTN_UE_Koffset(mac->sc_info.ntn_Config_r17, dlsch_pdu->SubcarrierSpacing);
const int ntn_ue_koffset = GET_NTN_UE_K_OFFSET(mac, dlsch_pdu->SubcarrierSpacing);
const uint16_t feedback_ti = 1 + dci->pdsch_to_harq_feedback_timing_indicator.val + ntn_ue_koffset;
if (rnti_type != TYPE_RA_RNTI_ && rnti_type != TYPE_SI_RNTI_) {
AssertFatal(feedback_ti > DURATION_RX_TO_TX,
"PDSCH to HARQ feedback time (%d) needs to be higher than DURATION_RX_TO_TX (%d).\n",
AssertFatal(feedback_ti > GET_DURATION_RX_TO_TX(mac),
"PDSCH to HARQ feedback time (%d) needs to be higher than DURATION_RX_TO_TX (%ld).\n",
// set the harq status at MAC for feedback
const int tpc[] = {-1, 0, 1, 3};
......@@ -1266,14 +1259,14 @@ static int nr_ue_process_dci_dl_11(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac,
// according to TS 38.213 Table 9.2.3-1
const int ntn_ue_koffset = get_NTN_UE_Koffset(mac->sc_info.ntn_Config_r17, dlsch_pdu->SubcarrierSpacing);
const int ntn_ue_koffset = GET_NTN_UE_K_OFFSET(mac, dlsch_pdu->SubcarrierSpacing);
const uint16_t feedback_ti = pucch_Config->dl_DataToUL_ACK->list.array[dci->pdsch_to_harq_feedback_timing_indicator.val][0] + ntn_ue_koffset;
AssertFatal(feedback_ti > DURATION_RX_TO_TX,
"PDSCH to HARQ feedback time (%d) needs to be higher than DURATION_RX_TO_TX (%d). Min feedback time set in config "
AssertFatal(feedback_ti > GET_DURATION_RX_TO_TX(mac),
"PDSCH to HARQ feedback time (%d) needs to be higher than DURATION_RX_TO_TX (%ld). Min feedback time set in config "
"file (min_rxtxtime).\n",
// set the harq status at MAC for feedback
const int tpc[] = {-1, 0, 1, 3};
......@@ -3453,7 +3446,7 @@ static void set_time_alignment(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac, int ta, ta_type_t type, in
ul_time_alignment->ta_command = ta;
ul_time_alignment->ta_apply = type;
const int ntn_ue_koffset = get_NTN_UE_Koffset(mac->sc_info.ntn_Config_r17, mac->current_UL_BWP->scs);
const int ntn_ue_koffset = GET_NTN_UE_K_OFFSET(mac, mac->current_UL_BWP->scs);
const int n_slots_frame = nr_slots_per_frame[mac->current_UL_BWP->scs];
ul_time_alignment->frame = (frame + (slot + ntn_ue_koffset) / n_slots_frame) % MAX_FRAME_NUMBER;
ul_time_alignment->slot = (slot + ntn_ue_koffset) % n_slots_frame;
......@@ -4108,7 +4101,7 @@ static void nr_ue_process_rar(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac, nr_downlink_indication_t *d
LOG_E(MAC, "Cannot schedule Msg3. Something wrong in TDA information\n");
const int ntn_ue_koffset = get_NTN_UE_Koffset(mac->sc_info.ntn_Config_r17, mac->current_UL_BWP->scs);
const int ntn_ue_koffset = GET_NTN_UE_K_OFFSET(mac, mac->current_UL_BWP->scs);
ret = nr_ue_pusch_scheduler(mac, is_Msg3, frame, slot, &frame_tx, &slot_tx, tda_info.k2 + ntn_ue_koffset);
// TA command
......@@ -1266,9 +1266,9 @@ void nr_ue_aperiodic_srs_scheduling(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac, long resource_trigger
AssertFatal(slot_offset > DURATION_RX_TO_TX,
"Slot offset between DCI and aperiodic SRS (%d) needs to be higher than DURATION_RX_TO_TX (%d)\n",
slot_offset, DURATION_RX_TO_TX);
AssertFatal(slot_offset > GET_DURATION_RX_TO_TX(mac),
"Slot offset between DCI and aperiodic SRS (%d) needs to be higher than DURATION_RX_TO_TX (%ld)\n",
slot_offset, GET_DURATION_RX_TO_TX(mac));
int n_slots_frame = nr_slots_per_frame[current_UL_BWP->scs];
int sched_slot = (slot + slot_offset) % n_slots_frame;
NR_TDD_UL_DL_ConfigCommon_t *tdd_config = mac->tdd_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon;
......@@ -1732,7 +1732,7 @@ static uint8_t nr_locate_BsrIndexByBufferSize(const uint32_t *table, int size, i
// PUSCH scheduler:
// - Calculate the slot in which ULSCH should be scheduled. This is current slot + K2,
// - where K2 is the offset between the slot in which UL DCI is received and the slot
// - in which ULSCH should be scheduled. K2 is configured in RRC configuration.
// - in which ULSCH should be scheduled. K2 is configured in RRC configuration.
// PUSCH Msg3 scheduler:
// - scheduled by RAR UL grant according to 8.3 of TS 38.213
// Note: Msg3 tx in the uplink symbols of mixed slot
......@@ -1772,24 +1772,24 @@ int nr_ue_pusch_scheduler(const NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac,
AssertFatal(1 == 0, "Invalid numerology %i\n", mu);
AssertFatal((k2 + delta) > DURATION_RX_TO_TX,
"Slot offset (%ld) for Msg3 needs to be higher than DURATION_RX_TO_TX (%d). Please set min_rxtxtime at least to %d in gNB config file or gNBs.[0].min_rxtxtime=%d via command line.\n",
AssertFatal((k2 + delta) > GET_DURATION_RX_TO_TX(mac),
"Slot offset (%ld) for Msg3 needs to be higher than DURATION_RX_TO_TX (%ld). Please set min_rxtxtime at least to %ld in gNB config file or gNBs.[0].min_rxtxtime=%ld via command line.\n",
*slot_tx = (current_slot + k2 + delta) % nr_slots_per_frame[mu];
*frame_tx = (current_frame + (current_slot + k2 + delta) / nr_slots_per_frame[mu]) % MAX_FRAME_NUMBER;
} else {
AssertFatal(k2 > DURATION_RX_TO_TX,
"Slot offset K2 (%ld) needs to be higher than DURATION_RX_TO_TX (%d). Please set min_rxtxtime at least to %d in gNB config file or gNBs.[0].min_rxtxtime=%d via command line.\n",
AssertFatal(k2 > GET_DURATION_RX_TO_TX(mac),
"Slot offset K2 (%ld) needs to be higher than DURATION_RX_TO_TX (%ld). Please set min_rxtxtime at least to %ld in gNB config file or gNBs.[0].min_rxtxtime=%ld via command line.\n",
if (k2 < 0) { // This can happen when a false DCI is received
LOG_W(PHY, "%d.%d. Received k2 %ld\n", current_frame, current_slot, k2);
......@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ nssai_sd=1;
position0 = {
x = 0.0;
y = 0.0;
z = 6371400.0;
z = 6377900.0;
\ No newline at end of file
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