Commit c0c8038f authored by Robert Schmidt's avatar Robert Schmidt Committed by sagar arora

Fix: Configure TDD beam association only in FR2; set to NULL otherwise

Before this commit, there was data that was not initialized, resulting
in Msg2 remaining unscheduled.
parent fa834d6b
......@@ -654,11 +654,14 @@ static void config_common(gNB_MAC_INST *nrmac, nr_pdsch_AntennaPorts_t pdsch_Ant
if (periods_per_frame < 0)
LOG_E(NR_MAC, "TDD configuration can not be done\n");
else {
LOG_I(NR_MAC, "TDD has been properly configurated\n");
nrmac->tdd_beam_association = (int16_t *)malloc16(periods_per_frame * sizeof(int16_t));
AssertFatal(periods_per_frame > 0, "TDD configuration cannot be configured\n");
if (frequency_range == FR2) {
LOG_I(NR_MAC, "Configuring TDD beam association to default\n");
nrmac->tdd_beam_association = malloc16(periods_per_frame * sizeof(int16_t));
for (int i = 0; i < periods_per_frame; ++i)
nrmac->tdd_beam_association[i] = -1; /* default: beams not configured */
} else {
nrmac->tdd_beam_association = NULL; /* default: no beams */
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