Commit c8c331ed authored by Jaroslava Fiedlerova's avatar Jaroslava Fiedlerova Committed by sagar arora

Add ulsch decoding statistics measurements

Add ulsch decoding measurements, which are reported by nr_ulsim. Start ulsch_decoding_stats measurement before
nr_ulsch_decoding is called and stop it after collection of all decoder tasks from Tpool. In the context of nr_ulsim,
ULSCH_id is allways == 0, testing is performed per one TB, therefore measurement is started and stopped only once per trial.
Reported ulsch decoding statistics show the mean ulsch decoding time over x trials (specified by -n command line option of nr_ulsim).
This measurement does not provide valid information in case of nr-softmodem, when the loop is done over multiple ULSCH IDs -
start of the measurement is done multiple times and stops only once in this case.
For unitary physical simulators, ULSCH processing loop is executed only once
- the max number of PUSCH is set to 1. This ensures exactly one start and stop
of the ULSCH decoding time measurement per processed TB.

Note: ulsch decoding statistics reports average time of segmentation, rate matching, interleaving and decoding of the TB
parent 190a30b3
......@@ -690,6 +690,7 @@ typedef struct PHY_VARS_gNB_s {
time_stats_t ul_indication_stats;
time_stats_t slot_indication_stats;
time_stats_t schedule_response_stats;
time_stats_t ulsch_decoding_stats;
time_stats_t ulsch_ldpc_decoding_stats;
time_stats_t ulsch_deinterleaving_stats;
time_stats_t ulsch_channel_estimation_stats;
......@@ -428,7 +428,12 @@ static int nr_ulsch_procedures(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB, int frame_rx, int slot_rx, int
//--------------------- ULSCH decoding ---------------------
/* Do ULSCH decoding time measurement only when number of PUSCH is limited to 1
* (valid for unitary physical simulators). ULSCH processing lopp is then executed
* only once, which ensures exactly one start and stop of the ULSCH decoding time
* measurement per processed TB.*/
if (gNB->max_nb_pusch == 1)
int nbDecode =
nr_ulsch_decoding(gNB, ULSCH_id, gNB->pusch_vars[ULSCH_id].llr, frame_parms, pusch_pdu, frame_rx, slot_rx, harq_pid, G);
......@@ -916,6 +921,12 @@ int phy_procedures_gNB_uespec_RX(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB, int frame_rx, int slot_rx)
/* Do ULSCH decoding time measurement only when number of PUSCH is limited to 1
* (valid for unitary physical simulators). ULSCH processing loop is then executed
* only once, which ensures exactly one start and stop of the ULSCH decoding time
* measurement per processed TB.*/
if (gNB->max_nb_pusch == 1)
for (int i = 0; i < gNB->max_nb_srs; i++) {
NR_gNB_SRS_t *srs = &gNB->srs[i];
if (srs) {
......@@ -924,6 +924,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
......@@ -1548,6 +1549,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
printStatIndent2(&gNB->ulsch_channel_estimation_stats, "ULSCH channel estimation time");
printStatIndent2(&gNB->rx_pusch_init_stats, "RX PUSCH Initialization time");
printStatIndent2(&gNB->rx_pusch_symbol_processing_stats, "RX PUSCH Symbol Processing time");
printStatIndent(&gNB->ulsch_decoding_stats,"ULSCH total decoding time");
printf("\nUE TX\n");
printStatIndent(&UE->ulsch_encoding_stats,"ULSCH total encoding time");
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