Commit fc073e6a authored by Robert Schmidt's avatar Robert Schmidt

Implement DL HARQ using NR_list_t

parent dc1ffaec
......@@ -181,6 +181,20 @@ void nr_dlsim_preprocessor(module_id_t module_id,
sched_ctrl->mcs = g_mcsIndex;
sched_ctrl->time_domain_allocation = 2;
sched_ctrl->mcsTableIdx = g_mcsTableIdx;
/* the simulator assumes the HARQ PID is equal to the slot number */
sched_ctrl->dl_harq_pid = slot;
/* The scheduler uses lists to track whether a HARQ process is
* free/busy/awaiting retransmission, and updates the HARQ process states.
* However, in the simulation, we never get ack or nack for any HARQ process,
* thus the list and HARQ states don't match what the scheduler expects.
* Therefore, below lines just "repair" everything so that the scheduler
* won't remark that there is no HARQ feedback */
sched_ctrl->feedback_dl_harq.head = -1; // always overwrite feedback HARQ process
if (sched_ctrl->harq_processes[slot].round == 0) // depending on round set in simulation ...
add_front_nr_list(&sched_ctrl->available_dl_harq, slot); // ... make PID available
add_front_nr_list(&sched_ctrl->retrans_dl_harq, slot); // ... make PID retransmission
sched_ctrl->harq_processes[slot].is_waiting = false;
AssertFatal(sched_ctrl->rbStart >= 0, "invalid rbStart %d\n", sched_ctrl->rbStart);
AssertFatal(sched_ctrl->rbSize > 0, "invalid rbSize %d\n", sched_ctrl->rbSize);
AssertFatal(sched_ctrl->mcs >= 0, "invalid sched_ctrl->mcs %d\n", sched_ctrl->mcs);
......@@ -418,14 +418,13 @@ void nr_simple_dlsch_preprocessor(module_id_t module_id,
uint16_t *vrb_map = RC.nrmac[module_id]->common_channels[CC_id].vrb_map;
// for now HARQ PID is fixed and should be the same as in post-processor
const int current_harq_pid = slot % 8;
NR_UE_harq_t *harq = &sched_ctrl->harq_processes[current_harq_pid];
NR_UE_ret_info_t *retInfo = &sched_ctrl->retInfo[current_harq_pid];
/* get the PID of a HARQ process awaiting retransmission, or -1 otherwise */
sched_ctrl->dl_harq_pid = sched_ctrl->retrans_dl_harq.head;
const uint16_t bwpSize = NRRIV2BW(sched_ctrl->active_bwp->bwp_Common->genericParameters.locationAndBandwidth, 275);
int rbStart = NRRIV2PRBOFFSET(sched_ctrl->active_bwp->bwp_Common->genericParameters.locationAndBandwidth, 275);
if (harq->round != 0) { /* retransmission */
if (sched_ctrl->dl_harq_pid >= 0) { /* retransmission */
NR_UE_ret_info_t *retInfo = &sched_ctrl->retInfo[sched_ctrl->dl_harq_pid];
sched_ctrl->time_domain_allocation = retInfo->time_domain_allocation;
/* ensure that there is a free place for RB allocation */
......@@ -563,11 +562,29 @@ void nr_schedule_ue_spec(module_id_t module_id,
>> 3;
const int current_harq_pid = slot % 8;
int8_t current_harq_pid = sched_ctrl->dl_harq_pid;
if (current_harq_pid < 0) {
/* PP has not selected a specific HARQ Process, get a new one */
current_harq_pid = sched_ctrl->available_dl_harq.head;
AssertFatal(current_harq_pid >= 0,
"no free HARQ process available for UE %d\n",
} else {
/* PP selected a specific HARQ process. Check whether it will be a new
* transmission or a retransmission, and remove from the corresponding
* list */
if (sched_ctrl->harq_processes[current_harq_pid].round == 0)
remove_nr_list(&sched_ctrl->available_dl_harq, current_harq_pid);
remove_nr_list(&sched_ctrl->retrans_dl_harq, current_harq_pid);
NR_UE_harq_t *harq = &sched_ctrl->harq_processes[current_harq_pid];
add_tail_nr_list(&sched_ctrl->feedback_dl_harq, current_harq_pid);
NR_sched_pucch_t *pucch = &sched_ctrl->sched_pucch[0];
harq->feedback_slot = pucch->ul_slot;
harq->is_waiting = 1;
harq->is_waiting = true;
......@@ -360,6 +360,8 @@ void nr_preprocessor_phytest(module_id_t module_id,
sched_ctrl->mcs = 9;
sched_ctrl->numDmrsCdmGrpsNoData = 1;
/* get the PID of a HARQ process awaiting retransmission, or -1 otherwise */
sched_ctrl->dl_harq_pid = sched_ctrl->retrans_dl_harq.head;
/* mark the corresponding RBs as used */
for (int rb = 0; rb < sched_ctrl->rbSize; rb++)
......@@ -291,6 +291,31 @@ void nr_csi_meas_reporting(int Mod_idP,
static void handle_dl_harq(module_id_t mod_id,
int UE_id,
int8_t harq_pid,
bool success)
NR_UE_info_t *UE_info = &RC.nrmac[mod_id]->UE_info;
NR_UE_harq_t *harq = &UE_info->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].harq_processes[harq_pid];
harq->feedback_slot = -1;
harq->is_waiting = false;
if (success) {
add_tail_nr_list(&UE_info->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].available_dl_harq, harq_pid);
harq->round = 0;
harq->ndi ^= 1;
} else if (harq->round == MAX_HARQ_ROUNDS) {
add_tail_nr_list(&UE_info->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].available_dl_harq, harq_pid);
harq->round = 0;
harq->ndi ^= 1;
NR_mac_stats_t *stats = &UE_info->mac_stats[UE_id];
LOG_D(MAC, "retransmission error for UE %d (total %d)\n", UE_id, stats->dlsch_errors);
} else {
add_tail_nr_list(&UE_info->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].retrans_dl_harq, harq_pid);
void handle_nr_uci_pucch_0_1(module_id_t mod_id,
frame_t frame,
......@@ -310,50 +335,23 @@ void handle_nr_uci_pucch_0_1(module_id_t mod_id,
int max_harq_rounds = 4; // TODO define macro
NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc = RC.nrmac[mod_id]->common_channels->ServingCellConfigCommon;
const int num_slots = nr_slots_per_frame[*scc->ssbSubcarrierSpacing];
if (((uci_01->pduBitmap >> 1) & 0x01)) {
// handle harq
int harq_idx_s = 0;
// iterate over received harq bits
for (int harq_bit = 0; harq_bit < uci_01->harq->num_harq; harq_bit++) {
// search for the right harq process
for (int harq_idx = harq_idx_s; harq_idx < NR_MAX_NB_HARQ_PROCESSES; harq_idx++) {
// if the gNB received ack with a good confidence
if ((slot - 1) == sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].feedback_slot) {
sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].feedback_slot = -1;
if ((uci_01->harq->harq_list[harq_bit].harq_value == 1) &&
(uci_01->harq->harq_confidence_level == 0)) {
// toggle NDI and reset round
sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].ndi ^= 1;
sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].round = 0;
sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].is_waiting = 0;
harq_idx_s = harq_idx + 1;
// if the max harq rounds was reached
if (sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].round == max_harq_rounds) {
sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].ndi ^= 1;
sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].round = 0;
// if feedback slot processing is aborted
else if (sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].feedback_slot != -1
&& (slot - 1) > sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].feedback_slot
&& sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].is_waiting) {
sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].feedback_slot = -1;
if (sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].round == max_harq_rounds) {
sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].ndi ^= 1;
sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].round = 0;
sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].is_waiting = 0;
const uint8_t harq_value = uci_01->harq->harq_list[harq_bit].harq_value;
const uint8_t harq_confidence = uci_01->harq->harq_confidence_level;
const int8_t pid = sched_ctrl->feedback_dl_harq.head;
DevAssert(pid >= 0);
NR_UE_harq_t *harq = &sched_ctrl->harq_processes[pid];
const int feedback_slot = (slot - 1 + num_slots) % num_slots;
AssertFatal(harq->feedback_slot == feedback_slot,
"expected feedback slot %d, but found %d instead\n",
harq->feedback_slot, feedback_slot);
handle_dl_harq(mod_id, UE_id, pid, harq_value == 1 && harq_confidence == 0);
......@@ -376,50 +374,21 @@ void handle_nr_uci_pucch_2_3_4(module_id_t mod_id,
int max_harq_rounds = 4; // TODO define macro
NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc = RC.nrmac[mod_id]->common_channels->ServingCellConfigCommon;
const int num_slots = nr_slots_per_frame[*scc->ssbSubcarrierSpacing];
if ((uci_234->pduBitmap >> 1) & 0x01) {
int harq_idx_s = 0;
int acknack;
// iterate over received harq bits
for (int harq_bit = 0; harq_bit < uci_234->harq.harq_bit_len; harq_bit++) {
acknack = ((uci_234->harq.harq_payload[harq_bit>>3])>>harq_bit)&0x01;
for (int harq_idx = harq_idx_s; harq_idx < NR_MAX_NB_HARQ_PROCESSES-1; harq_idx++) {
// if the gNB received ack with a good confidence or if the max harq rounds was reached
if ((slot - 1) == sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].feedback_slot) {
// TODO add some confidence level for when there is no CRC
sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].feedback_slot = -1;
if ((uci_234->harq.harq_crc != 1) && acknack) {
// toggle NDI and reset round
sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].ndi ^= 1;
sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].round = 0;
sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].is_waiting = 0;
harq_idx_s = harq_idx + 1;
// if the max harq rounds was reached
if (sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].round == max_harq_rounds) {
sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].ndi ^= 1;
sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].round = 0;
// if feedback slot processing is aborted
else if (sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].feedback_slot != -1
&& (slot - 1) > sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].feedback_slot
&& sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].is_waiting) {
sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].feedback_slot = -1;
if (sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].round == max_harq_rounds) {
sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].ndi ^= 1;
sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].round = 0;
sched_ctrl->harq_processes[harq_idx].is_waiting = 0;
const int acknack = ((uci_234->harq.harq_payload[harq_bit >> 3]) >> harq_bit) & 0x01;
const int8_t pid = sched_ctrl->feedback_dl_harq.head;
DevAssert(pid >= 0);
NR_UE_harq_t *harq = &sched_ctrl->harq_processes[pid];
const int feedback_slot = (slot - 1 + num_slots) % num_slots;
AssertFatal(harq->feedback_slot == feedback_slot,
"expected feedback slot %d, but found %d instead\n",
harq->feedback_slot, feedback_slot);
handle_dl_harq(mod_id, UE_id, pid, uci_234->harq.harq_crc != 1 && acknack);
......@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
#define MAX_NUM_BWP 2
#define MAX_NUM_CCE 90
/*!\brief Maximum number of random access process */
#define NR_NB_RA_PROC_MAX 4
#define MAX_NUM_OF_SSB 64
......@@ -338,7 +339,7 @@ typedef struct NR_sched_pusch {
} NR_sched_pusch_t;
typedef struct NR_UE_harq {
uint8_t is_waiting;
bool is_waiting;
uint8_t ndi;
uint8_t round;
uint16_t feedback_slot;
......@@ -425,6 +426,8 @@ typedef struct {
/// Retransmission-related information
NR_UE_ret_info_t retInfo[NR_MAX_NB_HARQ_PROCESSES];
/// DL HARQ PID to use for this UE, or -1 for "any new"
int8_t dl_harq_pid;
uint16_t ta_frame;
int16_t ta_update;
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