Commit 593938e4 authored by Robert Schmidt's avatar Robert Schmidt

Add FlexRAN RAN API for slice configuration

adds support for:
* create/remove slices
* change UE-slice association
* read/write slice parameters
* find slice index via ID
parent d1f25105
This diff is collapsed.
...@@ -504,3 +504,155 @@ int flexran_get_rrc_neigh_plmn_mcc(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int cell_id); */ ...@@ -504,3 +504,155 @@ int flexran_get_rrc_neigh_plmn_mcc(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int cell_id); */
/*Get MNC PLMN identity neighbouring Cell*/ /*Get MNC PLMN identity neighbouring Cell*/
/* currently not implemented /* currently not implemented
int flexran_get_rrc_neigh_plmn_mnc(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int cell_id); */ int flexran_get_rrc_neigh_plmn_mnc(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int cell_id); */
/************************** Slice configuration **************************/
/* Get the DL slice ID for a UE */
int flexran_get_ue_dl_slice_id(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
/* Set the DL slice index(!) for a UE */
void flexran_set_ue_dl_slice_idx(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int slice_idx);
/* Get the UL slice ID for a UE */
int flexran_get_ue_ul_slice_id(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
/* Set the UL slice index(!) for a UE */
void flexran_set_ue_ul_slice_idx(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int slice_idx);
/* Whether intraslice sharing is active, return boolean */
int flexran_get_intraslice_sharing_active(mid_t mod_id);
/* Set whether intraslice sharing is active */
void flexran_set_intraslice_sharing_active(mid_t mod_id, int intraslice_active);
/* Whether intraslice sharing is active, return boolean */
int flexran_get_interslice_sharing_active(mid_t mod_id);
/* Set whether intraslice sharing is active */
void flexran_set_interslice_sharing_active(mid_t mod_id, int interslice_active);
/* Get the number of slices in DL */
int flexran_get_num_dl_slices(mid_t mod_id);
/* Query slice existence in DL. Return is boolean value */
int flexran_dl_slice_exists(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx);
/* Create slice in DL with values from another slice, returns the new slice index */
int flexran_create_dl_slice(mid_t mod_id, slice_id_t slice_id, int slice_default_values_idx);
/* Finds slice in DL with given slice_id and returns slice index */
int flexran_find_dl_slice(mid_t mod_id, slice_id_t slice_id);
/* Remove slice in DL, returns new number of slices or -1 on error */
int flexran_remove_dl_slice(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx);
/* Get the ID of a slice in DL */
slice_id_t flexran_get_dl_slice_id(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx);
/* Set the ID of a slice in DL */
void flexran_set_dl_slice_id(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx, slice_id_t slice_id);
/* Get the RB share a slice in DL, value 0-100 */
int flexran_get_dl_slice_percentage(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx);
/* Set the RB share a slice in DL, value 0-100 */
void flexran_set_dl_slice_percentage(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx, int percentage);
/* Whether a slice in DL is isolated */
int flexran_get_dl_slice_isolation(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx);
/* Set whether a slice in DL is isolated */
void flexran_set_dl_slice_isolation(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx, int is_isolated);
/* Get the priority of a slice in DL */
int flexran_get_dl_slice_priority(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx);
/* Get the priority of a slice in DL */
void flexran_set_dl_slice_priority(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx, int priority);
/* Get the lower end of the frequency range for the slice positioning in DL */
int flexran_get_dl_slice_position_low(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx);
/* Set the lower end of the frequency range for the slice positioning in DL */
void flexran_set_dl_slice_position_low(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx, int poslow);
/* Get the higher end of the frequency range for the slice positioning in DL */
int flexran_get_dl_slice_position_high(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx);
/* Set the higher end of the frequency range for the slice positioning in DL */
void flexran_set_dl_slice_position_high(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx, int poshigh);
/* Get the maximum MCS for slice in DL */
int flexran_get_dl_slice_maxmcs(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx);
/* Set the maximum MCS for slice in DL */
void flexran_set_dl_slice_maxmcs(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx, int maxmcs);
/* Get the sorting order of a slice in DL, return value is number of elements
* in sorting_list */
int flexran_get_dl_slice_sorting(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx, Protocol__FlexDlSorting **sorting_list);
/* Set the sorting order of a slice in DL */
void flexran_set_dl_slice_sorting(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx, Protocol__FlexDlSorting *sorting_list, int n);
/* Get the accounting policy for a slice in DL */
Protocol__FlexDlAccountingPolicy flexran_get_dl_slice_accounting_policy(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx);
/* Set the accounting policy for a slice in DL */
void flexran_set_dl_slice_accounting_policy(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx, Protocol__FlexDlAccountingPolicy accounting);
/* Get the scheduler name for a slice in DL */
char *flexran_get_dl_slice_scheduler_name(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx);
/* Set the scheduler name for a slice in DL */
void flexran_set_dl_slice_scheduler_name(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx, char *name);
/* Get the number of slices in UL */
int flexran_get_num_ul_slices(mid_t mod_id);
/* Query slice existence in UL. Return is boolean value */
int flexran_ul_slice_exists(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx);
/* Create slice in UL with values from another slice, returns the new slice index */
int flexran_create_ul_slice(mid_t mod_id, slice_id_t slice_id, int slice_default_values_idx);
/* Finds slice in UL with given slice_id and returns slice index */
int flexran_find_ul_slice(mid_t mod_id, slice_id_t slice_id);
/* Remove slice in UL */
int flexran_remove_ul_slice(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx);
/* Get the ID of a slice in UL */
slice_id_t flexran_get_ul_slice_id(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx);
/* Set the ID of a slice in UL */
void flexran_set_ul_slice_id(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx, slice_id_t slice_id);
/* Get the RB share a slice in UL, value 0-100 */
int flexran_get_ul_slice_percentage(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx);
/* Set the RB share a slice in UL, value 0-100 */
void flexran_set_ul_slice_percentage(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx, int percentage);
/* TODO Whether a slice in UL is isolated */
/*int flexran_get_ul_slice_isolation(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx);*/
/* TODO Set whether a slice in UL is isolated */
/*void flexran_set_ul_slice_isolation(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx, int is_isolated);*/
/* TODO Get the priority of a slice in UL */
/*int flexran_get_ul_slice_priority(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx);*/
/* TODO Set the priority of a slice in UL */
/*void flexran_set_ul_slice_priority(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx, int priority);*/
/* Get the first RB for allocation in a slice in UL */
int flexran_get_ul_slice_first_rb(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx);
/* Set the first RB for allocation in a slice in UL */
void flexran_set_ul_slice_first_rb(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx, int first_rb);
/* TODO Get the number of RB for the allocation in a slice in UL */
/*int flexran_get_ul_slice_length_rb(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx);*/
/* TODO Set the of number of RB for the allocation in a slice in UL */
/*void flexran_set_ul_slice_length_rb(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx, int poshigh);*/
/* Get the maximum MCS for slice in UL */
int flexran_get_ul_slice_maxmcs(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx);
/* Set the maximum MCS for slice in UL */
void flexran_set_ul_slice_maxmcs(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx, int maxmcs);
/* TODO Get the sorting order of a slice in UL, return value is number of elements
* in sorting_list */
/*int flexran_get_ul_slice_sorting(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx, Protocol__FlexUlSorting **sorting_list);*/
/* TODO Set the sorting order of a slice in UL */
/*void flexran_set_ul_slice_sorting(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx, Protocol__FlexUlSorting *sorting_list, int n);*/
/* TODO Get the accounting policy for a slice in UL */
/*Protocol__UlAccountingPolicy flexran_get_ul_slice_accounting_policy(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx);*/
/* TODO Set the accounting policy for a slice in UL */
/*void flexran_get_ul_slice_accounting_policy(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx, Protocol__UlAccountingPolicy accountin);*/
/* Get the scheduler name for a slice in UL */
char *flexran_get_ul_slice_scheduler_name(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx);
/* Set the scheduler name for a slice in UL */
void flexran_set_ul_slice_scheduler_name(mid_t mod_id, int slice_idx, char *name);
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