Commit cf4c1b3a authored by Raphael Defosseux's avatar Raphael Defosseux

CI: adding support for T tracing

  -- tracing is done w/ a single UE attach / detach
  -- traffic b/ EPC and eNB is captured by tshark
Signed-off-by: default avatarRaphael Defosseux <>
parent 16610287
/inet.*brd/{print "interfaceToUse="$NF"done"}
...@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ class SSHConnection(): ...@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ class SSHConnection():
self.iperf_args = '' self.iperf_args = ''
self.iperf_packetloss_threshold = '' self.iperf_packetloss_threshold = ''
self.iperf_profile = '' self.iperf_profile = ''
self.nbMaxUEtoAttach = -1
self.UEDevices = [] self.UEDevices = []
self.CatMDevices = [] self.CatMDevices = []
self.UEIPAddresses = [] self.UEIPAddresses = []
...@@ -358,6 +359,18 @@ class SSHConnection(): ...@@ -358,6 +359,18 @@ class SSHConnection():
self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.Initialize_eNB_args, 'KO', pStatus) self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.Initialize_eNB_args, 'KO', pStatus)
self.CreateHtmlFooter(False) self.CreateHtmlFooter(False)
sys.exit(1) sys.exit(1)
# If tracer options is on, running tshark on EPC side and capture traffic b/ EPC and eNB
result ='T_stdout', str(self.Initialize_eNB_args))
if result is not None:, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword)
self.command('ip addr show | awk -f /tmp/active_net_interfaces.awk | egrep -v "lo|tun"', '\$', 5)
result ='interfaceToUse=(?P<eth_interface>[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]+)done', str(self.ssh.before))
if result is not None:
eth_interface ='eth_interface')
logging.debug('\u001B[1m Launching tshark on interface ' + eth_interface + '\u001B[0m')
self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S rm -f /tmp/enb_' + SSH.testCase_id + '_s1log.pcap', '\$', 5)
self.command('echo $USER; nohup sudo tshark -f "host ' + self.eNBIPAddress +'" -i ' + eth_interface + ' -w /tmp/enb_' + SSH.testCase_id + '_s1log.pcap > /tmp/tshark.log 2>&1 &', self.EPCUserName, 5)
self.close(), self.eNBUserName, self.eNBPassword), self.eNBUserName, self.eNBPassword)
self.command('cd ' + self.eNBSourceCodePath, '\$', 5) self.command('cd ' + self.eNBSourceCodePath, '\$', 5)
# Initialize_eNB_args usually start with -O and followed by the location in repository # Initialize_eNB_args usually start with -O and followed by the location in repository
...@@ -365,6 +378,14 @@ class SSHConnection(): ...@@ -365,6 +378,14 @@ class SSHConnection():
extIdx = full_config_file.find('.conf') extIdx = full_config_file.find('.conf')
if (extIdx > 0): if (extIdx > 0):
extra_options = full_config_file[extIdx + 5:] extra_options = full_config_file[extIdx + 5:]
# if tracer options is on, compiling and running T Tracer
result ='T_stdout', str(extra_options))
if result is not None:
logging.debug('\u001B[1m Compiling and launching T Tracer\u001B[0m')
self.command('cd common/utils/T/tracer', '\$', 5)
self.command('make', '\$', 10)
self.command('echo $USER; nohup ./record -d ../T_messages.txt -o ' + self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/enb_' + SSH.testCase_id + '_record.raw -ON -off VCD -off HEAVY -off LEGACY_GROUP_TRACE -off LEGACY_GROUP_DEBUG > ' + self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/enb_' + SSH.testCase_id + '_record.log 2>&1 &', self.eNBUserName, 5)
self.command('cd ' + self.eNBSourceCodePath, '\$', 5)
full_config_file = full_config_file[:extIdx + 5] full_config_file = full_config_file[:extIdx + 5]
config_path, config_file = os.path.split(full_config_file) config_path, config_file = os.path.split(full_config_file)
else: else:
...@@ -608,11 +629,14 @@ class SSHConnection(): ...@@ -608,11 +629,14 @@ class SSHConnection():
multi_jobs = [] multi_jobs = []
status_queue = SimpleQueue() status_queue = SimpleQueue()
lock = Lock() lock = Lock()
nb_ue_to_connect = 0
for device_id in self.UEDevices: for device_id in self.UEDevices:
p = Process(target = SSH.AttachUE_common, args = (device_id, status_queue, lock,)) if (self.nbMaxUEtoAttach == -1) or (nb_ue_to_connect < self.nbMaxUEtoAttach):
p.daemon = True p = Process(target = SSH.AttachUE_common, args = (device_id, status_queue, lock,))
p.start() p.daemon = True
multi_jobs.append(p) p.start()
nb_ue_to_connect = nb_ue_to_connect + 1
for job in multi_jobs: for job in multi_jobs:
job.join() job.join()
...@@ -1645,8 +1669,21 @@ class SSHConnection(): ...@@ -1645,8 +1669,21 @@ class SSHConnection():
self.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGKILL lte-softmodem || true', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGKILL lte-softmodem || true', '\$', 5)
self.close() self.close()
result ='enb_', str(self.eNBLogFile)) result ='enb_', str(self.eNBLogFile))
# If tracer options is on, stopping tshark on EPC side
result ='T_stdout', str(self.Initialize_eNB_args))
if result is not None:, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword)
logging.debug('\u001B[1m Stopping tshark \u001B[0m')
self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGKILL tshark', '\$', 5)
pcap_log_file = self.eNBLogFile.replace('.log', '_s1log.pcap')
self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S chmod 666 /tmp/' + pcap_log_file, '\$', 5)
self.copyin(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword, '/tmp/' + pcap_log_file, '.')
self.copyout(self.eNBIPAddress, self.eNBUserName, self.eNBPassword, pcap_log_file, self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/.')
if result is not None: if result is not None:
self.copyin(self.eNBIPAddress, self.eNBUserName, self.eNBPassword, self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/' + self.eNBLogFile, '.') self.copyin(self.eNBIPAddress, self.eNBUserName, self.eNBPassword, self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/' + self.eNBLogFile, '.')
logging.debug('\u001B[1m Analyzing eNB logfile \u001B[0m')
logStatus = self.AnalyzeLogFile_eNB() logStatus = self.AnalyzeLogFile_eNB()
if (logStatus < 0): if (logStatus < 0):
self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'KO', logStatus) self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'KO', logStatus)
...@@ -1672,11 +1709,8 @@ class SSHConnection(): ...@@ -1672,11 +1709,8 @@ class SSHConnection():
self.command('cd scripts', '\$', 5) self.command('cd scripts', '\$', 5)
self.command('rm -f ./', '\$', 5) self.command('rm -f ./', '\$', 5)
self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S daemon --name=simulated_hss --stop', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S daemon --name=simulated_hss --stop', '\$', 5)
time.sleep(2) time.sleep(1)
self.command('ps -aux | egrep --color=never "hss_sim|simulated_hss" | grep -v grep | awk \'BEGIN{n=0}{pidId[n]=$2;n=n+1}END{print "kill -9 " pidId[0] " " pidId[1]}\' > ./', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGKILL hss_sim', '\$', 5)
self.command('chmod 755 ./', '\$', 5)
self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S ./', '\$', 5)
self.command('rm ./', '\$', 5)
self.close() self.close()
self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
...@@ -1763,8 +1797,8 @@ class SSHConnection(): ...@@ -1763,8 +1797,8 @@ class SSHConnection():
self.command('cd ' + self.eNBSourceCodePath, '\$', 5) self.command('cd ' + self.eNBSourceCodePath, '\$', 5)
self.command('cd cmake_targets', '\$', 5) self.command('cd cmake_targets', '\$', 5)
self.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S rm -f', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S rm -f', '\$', 5)
self.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S zip enb*.log core*', '\$', 60) self.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S zip enb*.log core* enb_*record.raw enb_*.pcap', '\$', 60)
self.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S rm enb*.log core*', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S rm enb*.log core* enb_*record.raw enb_*.pcap', '\$', 5)
self.close() self.close()
def LogCollectPing(self): def LogCollectPing(self):
...@@ -2071,6 +2105,13 @@ def GetParametersFromXML(action): ...@@ -2071,6 +2105,13 @@ def GetParametersFromXML(action):
if (SSH.eNB_instance is None): if (SSH.eNB_instance is None):
SSH.eNB_instance = '0' SSH.eNB_instance = '0'
if action == 'Attach_UE':
nbMaxUEtoAttach = test.findtext('nbMaxUEtoAttach')
if (nbMaxUEtoAttach is None):
SSH.nbMaxUEtoAttach = -1
SSH.nbMaxUEtoAttach = int(nbMaxUEtoAttach)
if action == 'Ping': if action == 'Ping':
SSH.ping_args = test.findtext('ping_args') SSH.ping_args = test.findtext('ping_args')
SSH.ping_packetloss_threshold = test.findtext('ping_packetloss_threshold') SSH.ping_packetloss_threshold = test.findtext('ping_packetloss_threshold')
...@@ -2248,6 +2289,7 @@ elif re.match('^TesteNB$', mode, re.IGNORECASE): ...@@ -2248,6 +2289,7 @@ elif re.match('^TesteNB$', mode, re.IGNORECASE):
sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter')
SSH.copyout(SSH.EPCIPAddress, SSH.EPCUserName, SSH.EPCPassword, sys.path[0] + "/tcp_iperf_stats.awk", "/tmp") SSH.copyout(SSH.EPCIPAddress, SSH.EPCUserName, SSH.EPCPassword, sys.path[0] + "/tcp_iperf_stats.awk", "/tmp")
SSH.copyout(SSH.EPCIPAddress, SSH.EPCUserName, SSH.EPCPassword, sys.path[0] + "/active_net_interfaces.awk", "/tmp")
SSH.CreateHtmlHeader() SSH.CreateHtmlHeader()
#read test_case_list.xml file #read test_case_list.xml file
...@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ ...@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
<TestCaseRequestedList> <TestCaseRequestedList>
010101 010101
050101 060101 070101 040101 050101 060101 070101 040101
030100 040300 040401 040201 030201
030101 040301 040501 040603 040604 040605 040606 040607 040641 040642 040643 040644 040401 040201 030201 030101 040301 040501 040603 040604 040605 040606 040607 040641 040642 040643 040644 040401 040201 030201
030111 040301 040511 040613 040614 040615 040616 040617 040651 040652 040653 040654 040401 040201 030201 030111 040301 040511 040613 040614 040615 040616 040617 040651 040652 040653 040654 040401 040201 030201
030121 040301 040521 040623 040624 040625 040626 040627 040662 040661 040663 040664 040401 040201 030201 030121 040301 040521 040623 040624 040625 040626 040627 040662 040661 040663 040664 040401 040201 030201
...@@ -37,6 +38,12 @@ ...@@ -37,6 +38,12 @@
<Build_eNB_args>-w USRP -c --eNB</Build_eNB_args> <Build_eNB_args>-w USRP -c --eNB</Build_eNB_args>
</testCase> </testCase>
<testCase id="030100">
<desc>Initialize eNB (FDD/Band7/5MHz) with T Tracer on</desc>
<Initialize_eNB_args>-O ci-scripts/conf_files/enb.band7.tm1.25PRB.usrpb210.conf --T_stdout 0</Initialize_eNB_args>
<testCase id="030101"> <testCase id="030101">
<class>Initialize_eNB</class> <class>Initialize_eNB</class>
<desc>Initialize eNB (FDD/Band7/5MHz)</desc> <desc>Initialize eNB (FDD/Band7/5MHz)</desc>
...@@ -70,6 +77,12 @@ ...@@ -70,6 +77,12 @@
<desc>Terminate UE</desc> <desc>Terminate UE</desc>
</testCase> </testCase>
<testCase id="040300">
<desc>Attach single UE</desc>
<testCase id="040301"> <testCase id="040301">
<class>Attach_UE</class> <class>Attach_UE</class>
<desc>Attach UE</desc> <desc>Attach UE</desc>
...@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ ...@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
<TestCaseRequestedList> <TestCaseRequestedList>
010101 010101
050101 060101 070101 040101 050101 060101 070101 040101
030100 040300 040401 040201 030201
030104 040301 040501 040602 040601 040603 040642 040641 040643 040401 040201 030201 030104 040301 040501 040602 040601 040603 040642 040641 040643 040401 040201 030201
030114 040301 040511 040612 040611 040613 040652 040651 040653 040401 040201 030201 030114 040301 040511 040612 040611 040613 040652 040651 040653 040401 040201 030201
050201 060201 070201 050201 060201 070201
...@@ -40,12 +41,18 @@ ...@@ -40,12 +41,18 @@
<Build_eNB_args>-w USRP -c --eNB</Build_eNB_args> <Build_eNB_args>-w USRP -c --eNB</Build_eNB_args>
</testCase> </testCase>
<testCase id="030100">
<desc>Initialize eNB (TDD/Band40/5MHz) with T Tracer on</desc>
<Initialize_eNB_args>-O ci-scripts/conf_files/enb.band40.tm1.25PRB.FairScheduler.usrpb210.conf --T_stdout 0</Initialize_eNB_args>
<testCase id="030104"> <testCase id="030104">
<class>Initialize_eNB</class> <class>Initialize_eNB</class>
<desc>Initialize eNB (TDD/Band40/5MHz)</desc> <desc>Initialize eNB (TDD/Band40/5MHz)</desc>
<Initialize_eNB_args>-O ci-scripts/conf_files/enb.band40.tm1.25PRB.FairScheduler.usrpb210.conf</Initialize_eNB_args> <Initialize_eNB_args>-O ci-scripts/conf_files/enb.band40.tm1.25PRB.FairScheduler.usrpb210.conf</Initialize_eNB_args>
</testCase> </testCase>
<testCase id="030114"> <testCase id="030114">
<class>Initialize_eNB</class> <class>Initialize_eNB</class>
<desc>Initialize eNB (TDD/Band40/10MHz/info)</desc> <desc>Initialize eNB (TDD/Band40/10MHz/info)</desc>
...@@ -73,6 +80,12 @@ ...@@ -73,6 +80,12 @@
<desc>Terminate UE</desc> <desc>Terminate UE</desc>
</testCase> </testCase>
<testCase id="040300">
<desc>Attach single UE</desc>
<testCase id="040301"> <testCase id="040301">
<class>Attach_UE</class> <class>Attach_UE</class>
<desc>Attach UE</desc> <desc>Attach UE</desc>
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