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#! /usr/bin/python
# \file
# \par     Informations
#            - \b Project  : UED Autotest Framework
#            - \b Software : 
# \date		16 september 2016
# \version	0.1
# \brief	helper to test
# \author	Benoit ROBERT (
# \par		Statement of Ownership
#           COPYRIGHT (c) 2016  BY SYRTEM S.A.R.L
#           This software is furnished under license and may be used and copied 
#			only in accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion
#			of the above COPYRIGHT notice. This SOFTWARE or any other copies thereof
#			may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. 
#			No title to and ownership of the SOFTWARE is hereby transferred.
#			The information in this SOFTWARE is subject to change without notice 
#			and should not be constructed as a commitment by SYRTEM.
#           SYRTEM assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its 
#			SOFTWARE on equipment or platform not explicitly validated by SYRTEM.
# *******************************************************************************

import os
import getopt
import sys
from subprocess import call

38 39 40
import encoder

41 42 43

#test_cases = ('030001', '030901', '031001', '031601', '031701', '031801', '031901', '032001', '032101', '032201', '032301', '032501', '032601', '032801')
test_cases = ('032800' , '032730' ) 

nb_run = 2
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63

def error_opt(msg):
    print("Option error: " + msg)

def main(args):
		analyser = __import__("lib_autotest_analyser")
	except ImportError as err:
		print('Import error: ' + str(err))

	log_path = 'log_save_2016-08-14/log/'

64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73
	# metric = {}
	# metric['id'] 			= 'UE_DLSCH_BITRATE'
	# metric['description'] 	= 'UE downlink physical throughput'	
	# metric['regex'] 		= '(UE_DLSCH_BITRATE) =\s+(\d+\.\d+) kbps.+frame = (\d+)\)'
	# metric['unit_of_meas']	= 'kbps'
	# metric['min_limit']		= 14668.8

#AUTOTEST Metric : RRC Measurments RSRP[0]=-97.60 dBm/RE, RSSI=-72.83 dBm, RSRQ[0] 9.03 dB, N0 -125 dBm/RE, NF 7.2 dB (frame = 4490)

	metric = {}
75 76 77 78 79
	metric['id'] 		= 'UE_DL_RRC_MEAS'
	metric['description'] 	= 'UE downlink RRC Measurments'	
	metric['nb_metric']	= 5
#	metric['regex'] 	= 'AUTOTEST Metric : RRC Measurments (RSRP\[0\])=(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s+(.+),\s+(RSRQ\[0\])=(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s+(.+),,\s+(N0)=(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s+(.+),,\s+(NF)=(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s+(.+)\s+\(frame = (\d+)\) '
	metric['regex'] 	= 'AUTOTEST Metric : RRC Measurments (RSRP\[0\])=(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s+(.+)\,\s+(RSSI)=(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s+(.+)\,\s+(RSRQ\[0\])=(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s+(.+)\,\s+(N0)=(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s+(.+)\,\s+(NF)=(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s+(.+)\s+\(frame = (\d+)\)'
80 81 82 83
	metric['unit_of_meas']	= 'kbps'
	metric['min_limit']		= 14668.8


85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92
#report_path = log_path+'/report/'

#os.system(' mkdir -p ' + report_path)



	test_results = []

	for test_case in test_cases:
96 97

		for i in range(0, nb_run):
			fname = '..//log//'+test_case+'/run_'+str(i)+'/UE_exec_'+str(i)+'_.log'
99 100 101
			args = {'metric' : metric,
					'file' : fname }

102 103 104 105 106 107
			# cell_synch_status = analyser.check_cell_synchro(fname)
			# if cell_synch_status == 'CELL_SYNCH':
			#   print '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Cell synchronized !!!!!!!!!!!'
			#   metric_checks_flag = 0
			# else :
			#   print '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Cell NOT  NOT synchronized !!!!!!!!!!!'
109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130
#			metrics_extracted = analyser.do_extract_metrics_new(args)

			# de-xmlfy test report
			xml_file = '..//log//'+test_case+'/test.'+test_case+'_ng.xml'
			print xml_file

		# 	test_result =

  # 			test_results.append(test_result)

  # xmlFile = logdir_local_testcase + '/test.' + testcasename + '.xml'
  # xml="\n<testcase classname=\'"+ testcaseclass +  "\' name=\'" + testcasename + "."+tags +  "\' Run_result=\'" + test_result_string + "\' time=\'" + str(duration) + " s \' RESULT=\'" + testcase_verdict + "\'></testcase> \n"
  # write_file(xmlFile, xml, mode="w")

  # xmlFile_ng = logdir_local_testcase + '/test.' + testcasename + '_ng.xml'
  # xml_ng = xmlify(test_result, wrap=testcasename, indent="  ")
  # write_file(xmlFile_ng, xml_ng, mode="w")

131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147

#			print "min       = "+ str( metric_extracted['metric_min'] )
#			print "min_index = "+ str( metric_extracted['metric_min_index'] )
#			print "max       = "+ str( metric_extracted['metric_max'] )
#			print "max_index = "+ str( metric_extracted['metric_max_index'] )
#			print "mean      = "+ str( metric_extracted['metric_mean'] )
#			print "median    = "+ str( metric_extracted['metric_median'] )			

#			verdict = analyser.do_check_verdict(metric, metric_extracted)
#			print verdict

#			fname= 'report/2016-9-8_toto/'+test_case+'/UE_metric_UE_DLSCH_BITRATE_'+str(i)+'_.png'
#			fname= 'report/UE_metric_UE_DLSCH_BITRATE_'+test_case+'_'+str(i)+'.png'
#			print fname
#			analyser.do_img_metrics(metric, metric_extracted, fname)

			# fname = 'log//'+test_case+'/run_'+str(i)+'/UE_traffic_'+str(i)+'_.log'
			# args = {'file' : fname }

			# traffic_metrics = analyser.do_extract_traffic_metrics(args)

			# fname= 'report/iperf_'+test_case+'_'+str(i)+'.png'
156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168
			# print fname
			# analyser.do_img_traffic(traffic_metrics, fname)

	for test_result in test_results:
	  cmd = 'mkdir -p ' + report_dir + '/'+ test_result['testcase_name']
	  result = os.system(cmd)

	  report_file = report_dir + '/'+ test_result['testcase_name'] + '/'+ test_result['testcase_name']+ '_report.html'

	  analyser.create_test_report_detailed_html(test_result, report_file )

	  print test_result
169 170 171 172 173 174

if __name__ == "__main__":