Commit 7cb3739c authored by francescomani's avatar francescomani

bitmap occupation function

parent 1dd8c67f
......@@ -472,6 +472,11 @@ int get_subband_size(int NPRB,int size) {
// from start symbol index and nb or symbols to symbol occupation bitmap in a slot
uint16_t startandlength_to_bitmat(int startSymbolIndex, int nrOfSymbols) {
return (((1<<nrOfSymbols)-1)<<startSymbolIndex);
void SLIV2SL(int SLIV,int *S,int *L) {
int SLIVdiv14 = SLIV/14;
......@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ uint32_t nr_get_code_rate(uint8_t Imcs, uint8_t table_idx);
int get_subband_size(int NPRB,int size);
void SLIV2SL(int SLIV,int *S,int *L);
int get_dmrs_port(int nl, uint16_t dmrs_ports);
uint16_t startandlength_to_bitmat(int startSymbolIndex, int nrOfSymbols);
#define CEILIDIV(a,b) ((a+b-1)/b)
#define ROUNDIDIV(a,b) (((a<<1)+b)/(b<<1))
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