sudo ./nr-softmodem -O ../../../targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/oran.fh.band78.fr1.273PRB.conf --sa--reorder-thread-disable 1 --thread-pool <list of non isolated cpus>
For example if you have two numa nodes (for example 18 CPU per socket) in your system and odd cores are non isolated then you can put the thread-pool on `1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15`. Else if you have 1 numa node either you can use isolated cores or non isolated. Just make sure that isolated cores are not the ones defined earlier.
For example if you have two NUMA nodes in your system (for example 18 CPUs per
socket) and odd cores are non-isolated, then you can put the thread-pool on
`1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15`. On the other hand, if you have one NUMA node, you can use
either isolated cores or non isolated cores, but make sure that isolated cores
are not the ones defined earlier for DPDK/xran.
<summary>Once the gNB runs, you should see counters for PDSCH/PUSCH/PRACH per
antenna port, as follows (4x2 configuration):</summary>