@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ int load_module_shlib(char *modname,loader_shlibfunc_t *farray, int numf)
* Formats the full shared library path, using the `modname` argument and the loader `shlibpath` and `shlibversion`configuration parameters.
* loads the shared library, using the dlopen system call
* looks for `< modname >_autoinit` symbol, using the `dlsym` system call and possibly call the corresponding function.
* looks for `< modname >_checkbuildver` symbol, using the `dlsym` system call and possibly calls the corresponding function. If the return value of this call is `-1`, program execution is stopped. It is the responsibility of the shared library developer to implement or not a `< modname >_checkbuildver` function and to decide if a version mismatch is a fatal condition. The `< modname >_checkbuildver` function must match the `checkverfunc_t` function type. The first argument is the main executable version, as set in the `PACKAGE_VERSION` macro defined in the [oai CMakeLists](https://gitlab.eurecom.fr/oai/openairinterface5g/blob/develop/cmake_targets/CMakeLists.txt#L218), around line 218. The second argument points to the shared library version which should be set by the `< modname >_checkbuildver` function.
* looks for `< modname >_checkbuildver` symbol, using the `dlsym` system call and possibly calls the corresponding function. If the return value of this call is `-1`, program execution is stopped. It is the responsibility of the shared library developer to implement or not a `< modname >_checkbuildver` function and to decide if a version mismatch is a fatal condition. The `< modname >_checkbuildver` function must match the `checkverfunc_t` function type. The first argument is the main executable version, as set in the `PACKAGE_VERSION` macro defined in the [oai CMakeLists](https://gitlab.eurecom.fr/oai/openairinterface5g/blob/develop/CMakeLists.txt#L218), around line 218. The second argument points to the shared library version which should be set by the `< modname >_checkbuildver` function.
* If the farray pointer is null, looks for `< modname >_getfarray` symbol, calls the corresponding function when the symbol is found. `< modname >_getfarray` takes one argument, a pointer to a `loader_shlibfunc_t` array, and returns the number of items in this array, as defined by the `getfarrayfunc_t` type. The `loader_shlibfunc_t` array returned by the shared library must be fully filled (both `fname` and `fptr` fields).
* looks for the `numf` function symbols listed in the `farray[i].fname` arguments and set the corresponding `farray[i].fptr`function pointers
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Running the [build_oai](../cmake_targets/build_oai) script also generates some
-`rb_tool`: radio bearer utility
-`genids` T Tracer utility, used at build time to generate T_IDs.h include file. This binary is located in the [T Tracer source file directory](../common/utils/T) .
The build system for OAI uses [cmake](https://cmake.org/) which is a tool to generate makefiles. The `build_oai` script is a wrapper using cmake, make and standard linux shell commands to ease the oai build and use . The file describing how to build the executables from source files is the [CMakeLists.txt](../cmake_targets/CMakeLists.txt), it is used as input by cmake to generate the makefiles.
The build system for OAI uses [cmake](https://cmake.org/) which is a tool to generate makefiles. The `build_oai` script is a wrapper using cmake, make and standard linux shell commands to ease the oai build and use . The file describing how to build the executables from source files is the [CMakeLists.txt](../CMakeLists.txt), it is used as input by cmake to generate the makefiles.
The oai softmodem supports many use cases, and new ones are regularly added. Most of them are accessible using the configuration file or the command line options and continuous effort is done to avoid introducing build options as it makes tests and usage more complicated than run-time options. The following functionalities, originally requiring a specific build are now accessible by configuration or command line options: