This directory contains different targets for implementations
RTAI/USER - Target to run .11p (uses openairITS) or LTE modem (uses openair1 and openair2) for x86 in RTAI user-space
SIMU - Simulator/Emulator target for x86
DOCS - Doxygen documentation generation for openair1/openair2
First, you must have all four openair SW directories, openair1, openair2, openair3, and targets at the same hierarchical level as this directory.
1. The following packages must be available on your system:
- ssh, python, python pexpect
- libblas and libblas-dev
- libconfig++8-dev
- libgtk-3-dev
- libpgm-5.1 and libpgm-5.1-dev for distributed simulation with reliable multicast transmport
- libxml2 and libxml2-dev
- libforms-bin libforms-dev
- openssl libssl-dev
- libatlas-base-dev and libatlas-headers (for Ubuntu 11.04, libatlas-dev instead of libatlas-headers)
- asn1c and the LTE ASN1 files (for more information on how to install this and generate the required files see the README file in openair2/RRC/LITE/MESSAGES)