Commit fea252a2 authored by Marwan Hammouda's avatar Marwan Hammouda

[develop] Added: Continous frequency offset estimation and compensation based on PBCH

    - PID controller implemented
    - post-compensation at UE for DL and pre-compensation at UE for UL
parent 484ab945
......@@ -122,6 +122,13 @@
#define CONFIG_HLP_FDopplerVar "Set Doppler variance, [fdoppler +/- fdopplerVar]\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_TDriftComp "Execute continous timing drift compensation\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_FDopplerPrePost "Set the pre/post compensation value for the Doppler shift at the gNB side\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_FP_ScalingFN "Set the P scaling factor (numerator) of the PID controller for the Doppler compensation at UE side"
#define CONFIG_HLP_FP_ScalingFD "Set the P scaling factor (denominator) of the PID controller for the Doppler compensation at UE side"
#define CONFIG_HLP_FI_ScalingFN "Set the I scaling factor (numerator) of the PID controller for the Doppler compensation at UE side"
#define CONFIG_HLP_FI_ScalingFD "Set the I scaling factor (denominator) of the PID controller for the Doppler compensation at UE side"
#define CONFIG_HLP_FD_ScalingFN "Set the D scaling factor (numerator) of the PID controller for the Doppler compensation at UE side"
#define CONFIG_HLP_FD_ScalingFD "Set the D scaling factor (denominator) of the PID controller for the Doppler compensation at UE side"
/* command line parameters for LOG utility */
/* optname helpstr paramflags XXXptr defXXXval type numelt */
......@@ -178,5 +185,11 @@ extern int32_t fdopplerRate; //Doppler rate in Hz/s
extern uint32_t fdopplerVar; //Doppler variance, [fdoppler +/- fdopplerVar]
extern int tdriftComp; // flag to activate/deactivate continous timing drift compensation
extern int32_t fdopplerPrePost; //pre/post compensation of the Doppler shift at the gNB side
extern uint16_t P_ScalingFN; //P scaling factor (numerator) of the PID controller for the Doppler compensation at UE side
extern uint16_t P_ScalingFD; //P scaling factor (denominator) of the PID controller for the Doppler compensation at UE side
extern uint16_t I_ScalingFN; //I scaling factor (numerator) of the PID controller for the Doppler compensation at UE side
extern uint16_t I_ScalingFD; //I scaling factor (denominator) of the PID controller for the Doppler compensation at UE side
extern uint16_t D_ScalingFN; //D scaling factor (numerator) of the PID controller for the Doppler compensation at UE side
extern uint16_t D_ScalingFD; //D scaling factor (denominator) of the PID controller for the Doppler compensation at UE side
......@@ -770,6 +770,7 @@ void *UE_thread(void *arg)
int absolute_slot=0, decoded_frame_rx=INT_MAX, trashed_frames=0;
int num_ind_fifo = nb_slot_frame;
for(int i=0; i < num_ind_fifo; i++) {
UE->tx_wait_for_dlsch[num_ind_fifo] = 0;
......@@ -434,6 +434,12 @@ uint32_t fdopplerVar; //Doppler variance, [fdoppler +/- fdopplerVar]
int fdopplerComp = 1; // flag to activate continous frequency offset compensation (=0 deacticated, =1 activated (default case))
int tdriftComp = 1;
int32_t fdopplerPrePost = 0; //pre/post compensation of the Doppler shift at the gNB side. Dummy definition at UE to avoid linking error.
uint16_t P_ScalingFN = 1; //P scaling factor (numerator) of the PID controller for the Doppler compensation at UE side
uint16_t P_ScalingFD = 3; //P scaling factor (denominator) of the PID controller for the Doppler compensation at UE side
uint16_t I_ScalingFN = 1; //I scaling factor (numerator) of the PID controller for the Doppler compensation at UE side
uint16_t I_ScalingFD = 2; //I scaling factor (denominator) of the PID controller for the Doppler compensation at UE side
uint16_t D_ScalingFN = 0; //D scaling factor (numerator) of the PID controller for the Doppler compensation at UE side
uint16_t D_ScalingFD = 1; //D scaling factor (denominator) of the PID controller for the Doppler compensation at UE side
int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
......@@ -71,7 +71,13 @@
{"TD" , CONFIG_HLP_TDRIFT, 0, .iptr=&RFsim_DriftPerFrame, .defintval=0, TYPE_INT, 0}, \
{"DSR" , CONFIG_HLP_FDopplerRate,0, .iptr=&fdopplerRate, .defintval=0, TYPE_INT32, 0}, \
{"DSV" , CONFIG_HLP_FDopplerVar, 0, .uptr=&fdopplerVar, .defintval=0, TYPE_UINT32, 0}, \
{"TC" , CONFIG_HLP_TDriftComp, 0, .iptr=&tdriftComp, .defintval=1, TYPE_INT, 0}, \
{"TC" , CONFIG_HLP_TDriftComp, 0, .iptr=&tdriftComp, .defintval=1, TYPE_INT, 0}, \
{"DCPN" , CONFIG_HLP_FP_ScalingFN,0, .u16ptr=&P_ScalingFN, .defintval=1, TYPE_UINT16, 0}, \
{"DCPD" , CONFIG_HLP_FP_ScalingFD,0, .u16ptr=&P_ScalingFD, .defintval=3, TYPE_UINT16, 0}, \
{"DCIN" , CONFIG_HLP_FI_ScalingFN,0, .u16ptr=&I_ScalingFN, .defintval=1, TYPE_UINT16, 0}, \
{"DCID" , CONFIG_HLP_FI_ScalingFD,0, .u16ptr=&I_ScalingFD, .defintval=2, TYPE_UINT16, 0}, \
{"DCDN" , CONFIG_HLP_FD_ScalingFN,0, .u16ptr=&D_ScalingFN, .defintval=0, TYPE_UINT16, 0}, \
{"DCDD" , CONFIG_HLP_FD_ScalingFD,0, .u16ptr=&D_ScalingFD, .defintval=1, TYPE_UINT16, 0} \
// clang-format on
......@@ -381,6 +381,9 @@ int init_nr_ue_signal(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue, int nb_connected_gNB)
// set the initial frequency offset to 0
ue->DopplerEst = 0;
return 0;
......@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
#define LOG_I(A,B...) printf(A)
extern int fdopplerComp;
int nr_slot_fep(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
UE_nr_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
unsigned char symbol,
......@@ -67,6 +69,15 @@ int nr_slot_fep(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
rx_offset += (idx_symb%(0x7<<frame_parms->numerology_index)) ? nb_prefix_samples : nb_prefix_samples0;
rx_offset += frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size * symbol;
unsigned int curr_nb_prefix = 0;
uint32_t SampIdxDopplerUERx = 0;
if (fdopplerComp == 1)
curr_nb_prefix = (abs_symbol%(0x7<<frame_parms->numerology_index)) ? nb_prefix_samples : nb_prefix_samples0;
SampIdxDopplerUERx = rx_offset - curr_nb_prefix; //sample index in the calculation of the Doppler shift compensation for a slot
// use OFDM symbol from within 1/8th of the CP to avoid ISI
rx_offset -= (nb_prefix_samples / frame_parms->ofdm_offset_divisor);
......@@ -77,6 +88,15 @@ int nr_slot_fep(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
for (unsigned char aa=0; aa<frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx; aa++) {
if (fdopplerComp == 1)
unsigned int nsamps = frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + curr_nb_prefix;
int16_t *rxdataDopp_ptr = (int16_t *)&common_vars->rxdata[aa][SampIdxDopplerUERx];
int DopplerToComp = -(ue->DopplerEst);
nr_apply_Doppler( rxdataDopp_ptr, nsamps, DopplerToComp , &SampIdxDopplerUERx, frame_parms);
int16_t *rxdata_ptr = (int16_t *)&common_vars->rxdata[aa][rx_offset];
// if input to dft is not 256-bit aligned
......@@ -221,7 +241,6 @@ int nr_slot_fep_init_sync(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
extern int fdopplerPrePost; //Doppler frequency shift
extern int fdopplerComp;
int nr_slot_fep_ul(NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
int32_t *rxdata,
int32_t *rxdataF,
......@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
#include "openair1/SCHED_NR_UE/defs.h"
#include <openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_transport_proto_ue.h>
#include <openair1/PHY/TOOLS/phy_scope_interface.h>
#include <complex.h>
#include "executables/nr-uesoftmodem.h"
//#define DEBUG_PBCH
......@@ -46,6 +48,7 @@
#define PBCH_A 24
#define PBCH_MAX_RE_PER_SYMBOL (20*12)
#define PBCH_DMRS_PER_SYMBOL (20*3) // 20 PRBs, and 3 DMRS in each of them --> in total 60 channel estimates per symbol (symbol 1 and 3)
#define print_shorts(s,x) printf("%s : %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n",s,((int16_t*)x)[0],((int16_t*)x)[1],((int16_t*)x)[2],((int16_t*)x)[3],((int16_t*)x)[4],((int16_t*)x)[5],((int16_t*)x)[6],((int16_t*)x)[7])
......@@ -55,11 +58,26 @@ static uint16_t nr_pbch_extract(uint32_t rxdataF_sz,
struct complex16 dl_ch_estimates[][estimateSz],
struct complex16 rxdataF_ext[][PBCH_MAX_RE_PER_SYMBOL],
struct complex16 dl_ch_estimates_ext[][PBCH_MAX_RE_PER_SYMBOL],
struct complex16 dl_ch_estimates_dmrs[][PBCH_DMRS_PER_SYMBOL],
uint32_t symbol,
uint32_t s_offset,
NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms) {
// check if PBCH crosses the DC, and find the affected RE
int reCrossingZero = (int)((12*frame_parms->N_RB_DL)/2) + frame_parms->first_carrier_offset;
uint16_t start_subcarrier = frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + frame_parms->ssb_start_subcarrier;
uint16_t idxInPBCH = 0; // index of the RE in the PBCH crossing the DC
if ((start_subcarrier < reCrossingZero) && (start_subcarrier+20*12 >= reCrossingZero)) {
idxInPBCH = (uint16_t)reCrossingZero - start_subcarrier;
LOG_I(PHY, "*** start_subcarrier: %u, ofdm_symbol_size: %u, first_carrier_offset: %u, ssb_start_subcarrier: %u, idxInPBCH: %u, reCrossingZero: %i\n",
start_subcarrier, frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size, frame_parms->first_carrier_offset, frame_parms->ssb_start_subcarrier, idxInPBCH, reCrossingZero);
uint16_t rb;
uint8_t i,j,aarx;
uint8_t i,j,aarx,k;
int nushiftmod4 = frame_parms->nushift;
AssertFatal(symbol>=1 && symbol<5,
"symbol %d illegal for PBCH extraction\n",
......@@ -137,9 +155,12 @@ static uint16_t nr_pbch_extract(uint32_t rxdataF_sz,
//printf("dl_ch0 addr %p\n",dl_ch0);
struct complex16 *dl_ch0_ext = dl_ch_estimates_ext[aarx];
struct complex16 *dl_ch0_dmrs = dl_ch_estimates_dmrs[aarx];
int reCounter = 0;
for (rb=0; rb<20; rb++) {
if (symbol==1 || symbol==3) {
for (i=0; i<12; i++) {
......@@ -156,10 +177,21 @@ static uint16_t nr_pbch_extract(uint32_t rxdataF_sz,
if (reCounter != idxInPBCH)
if (reCounter != idxInPBCH)
} else {
if ((rb < 4) || (rb >15)) {
for (i=0; i<12; i++) {
......@@ -427,17 +459,28 @@ int nr_rx_pbch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
// symbol refers to symbol within SSB. symbol_offset is the offset of the SSB wrt start of slot
double log2_maxh = 0;
/* ***************************************************
here implement the doppler estimation based on PBCH DMRS
***************************************************** */
int16_t DMRS_idx_current = 3;
int16_t DMRS_idx_last = 1;
__attribute__ ((aligned(32))) struct complex16 dl_ch_estimates_dmrs_symb1[frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx][PBCH_DMRS_PER_SYMBOL];
for (symbol=1; symbol<4; symbol++) {
const uint16_t nb_re=symbol == 2 ? 72 : 180;
__attribute__ ((aligned(32))) struct complex16 rxdataF_ext[frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx][PBCH_MAX_RE_PER_SYMBOL];
__attribute__ ((aligned(32))) struct complex16 dl_ch_estimates_ext[frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx][PBCH_MAX_RE_PER_SYMBOL];
memset(dl_ch_estimates_ext,0, sizeof dl_ch_estimates_ext);
__attribute__ ((aligned(32))) struct complex16 dl_ch_estimates_dmrs[frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx][PBCH_DMRS_PER_SYMBOL];
memset(dl_ch_estimates_dmrs,0, sizeof dl_ch_estimates_dmrs);
......@@ -451,6 +494,50 @@ int nr_rx_pbch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
log2_maxh = 3+(log2_approx(max_h)/2);
memcpy(&dl_ch_estimates_dmrs_symb1[0], &dl_ch_estimates_dmrs[0], sizeof dl_ch_estimates_dmrs[0]);
if (symbol == 3){
//For the PI controller
static int64_t Doppler_I_Ctrl = 0; //Integral controller for Doppler
static int64_t DopplerErrLast = (int64_t)1<<60; //Doppler from last estimation
int64_t DopplerErr = 0;
int16_t *dlChEstSymb1 = (int16_t*)&dl_ch_estimates_dmrs_symb1[0];
int16_t *dlChEstSymb3 = (int16_t*)&dl_ch_estimates_dmrs[0];
int channelLevel = nr_pbch_channel_level(dl_ch_estimates_ext, frame_parms, nbRE);
uint8_t channelLevelLog = log2_approx(channelLevel);
// the normalization factor has been derived based on multiple observations for different channel level values.
uint8_t outputShift = (uint8_t)((float)channelLevelLog*0.8 - 2.75);
nbRE = 56; // multiple of 8, as implemnted at the dot product function
const c32_t Dot_Prod_Res = dot_product( dlChEstSymb1, dlChEstSymb3, nbRE, outputShift);
//int32_t Dot_Prod_Res = dot_product( dlChEstSymb1, dlChEstSymb3, nbRE, outputShift);
//struct complex16 Res_cpx;
//Res_cpx.r = ((struct complex16*) &Dot_Prod_Res)->r;
//Res_cpx.i = ((struct complex16*) &Dot_Prod_Res)->i;
//double Res_phase = atan2( (double)Res_cpx.i, (double)Res_cpx.r);
double Res_phase = atan2( (double)Dot_Prod_Res.i, (double)Dot_Prod_Res.r);
double slotDuration = 0.01/((double)ue->frame_parms.slots_per_frame); // slot duration in sec
double TOfdm = slotDuration / ((double)ue->frame_parms.symbols_per_slot); // symbol duration in sec
double DopplerEst = Res_phase/ (2*M_PI*(DMRS_idx_current-DMRS_idx_last)*TOfdm);
// PI Controller
DopplerErr = (int64_t)DopplerEst;
if ( DopplerErrLast == (int64_t)1<<60 ) //Initialization of DopplerErrLast
DopplerErrLast = DopplerErr;
Doppler_I_Ctrl += DopplerErr;
ue->DopplerEst = (int32_t)(DopplerErr*P_ScalingFN/P_ScalingFD + Doppler_I_Ctrl*I_ScalingFN/I_ScalingFD +
(DopplerErr-DopplerErrLast)*D_ScalingFN/D_ScalingFD); //PID controller
DopplerErrLast = DopplerErr;
double rx_gain = openair0_cfg[0].rx_gain[0];
double rx_gain_offset = openair0_cfg[0].rx_gain_offset[0];
LOG_I(PHY, "**** DopplerEst: %f, ue->DopplerEst: %d, chLevel: %i, chLevelLog: %u, outShift: %u, re: %i, im: %i, phase: %f, rxG: %f, rxGOff: %f\n",
DopplerEst, ue->DopplerEst, channelLevel, channelLevelLog, outputShift, Res_cpx.r, Res_cpx.i, Res_phase, rx_gain, rx_gain_offset);
......@@ -595,6 +595,7 @@ uint8_t nr_ue_pusch_common_procedures(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *UE,
c16_t **txdataF)
const int tx_offset = frame_parms->get_samples_slot_timestamp(slot, frame_parms, 0);
uint32_t SampIdxDopplerUETx; //sample index for applying the Doppler shift at UE side for UL
c16_t **txdata = UE->common_vars.txData;
for(int ap = 0; ap < n_antenna_ports; ap++) {
......@@ -624,6 +625,18 @@ uint8_t nr_ue_pusch_common_procedures(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *UE,
SampIdxDopplerUETx = frame_parms->get_samples_slot_timestamp(slot,frame_parms,0);
int writeBlockSize = frame_parms->get_samples_per_slot(slot,frame_parms);
extern int fdopplerComp;
if (fdopplerComp == 1){
// First scale the offset computed on DL before being applied to UL
uint64_t dl_carrier, ul_carrier;
nr_get_carrier_frequencies(UE, &dl_carrier, &ul_carrier);
double freq_scale = (double)ul_carrier / dl_carrier;
int DopplerToComp = -(UE->DopplerEst * freq_scale);
nr_apply_Doppler( &txdata[0][tx_offset], writeBlockSize, DopplerToComp, &SampIdxDopplerUETx, frame_parms);
return 0;
......@@ -529,6 +529,9 @@ typedef struct {
int rx_offset_slot; /// Indicating time (in slots) after rx_offset calculation
int rx_offset_comp; /// Already compensated rx_offset
// Estimated Doppler frequency shift from the DMRS
int32_t DopplerEst;
/// Timing Advance updates variables
/// Timing advance update computed from the TA command signalled from gNB
int timing_advance;
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