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// Comments

pipeline {
    agent {
        label 'bellatrix'
    options {
        gitLabConnection('OAI GitLab')
        gitlabBuilds(builds: ["Build eNb-USRP", "Build basic-sim", "Build phy-sim", "Analysis with cppcheck"])

    stages {
        stage ("Verify Guidelines") {
            steps {
                echo "Git URL         is ${GIT_URL}"
                echo "GitLab Act      is ${env.gitlabActionType}"
                script {
                    if ("MERGE".equals(env.gitlabActionType)) {
                        // GitLab-Jenkins plugin integration is lacking to perform the merge by itself
                        // Doing it manually --> it may have merge conflicts
                        sh "./ci-scripts/ --src-branch ${env.gitlabSourceBranch} --src-commit ${env.gitlabMergeRequestLastCommit} --target-branch ${env.gitlabTargetBranch} --target-commit ${GIT_COMMIT}"
                        sh "zip -r -qq ."

                        // Running astyle options on the list of modified files by the merge request
                        // For the moment, there is no fail criteria. Just a notification of number of files that do not follow
                        sh "./ci-scripts/ --src-branch ${env.gitlabSourceBranch} --target-branch ${env.gitlabTargetBranch}"
                        def res=readFile('./oai_rules_result.txt').trim();
                        if ("0".equals(res)) {
                            def message = "OAI " + JOB_NAME + " build (" + BUILD_ID + "): All Changed files in Merge Request follow OAI Formatting Rules"
                            addGitLabMRComment comment: message
                        } else {
                            def message = "OAI " + JOB_NAME + " build (" + BUILD_ID + "): Some Changed files in Merge Request DO NOT follow OAI Formatting Rules"
                            addGitLabMRComment comment: message
                    } else {
                        echo "Git Branch      is ${GIT_BRANCH}"
                        echo "Git Commit      is ${GIT_COMMIT}"

                        sh "zip -r -qq ."
                        // Running astyle options on all C/H files in the repository
                        // For the moment, there is no fail criteria. Just a notification of number of files that do not follow
                        sh "./ci-scripts/"

        stage ("Variant Builds") {
            parallel {
                stage ("Analysis with cppcheck") {
                    steps {
                        gitlabCommitStatus(name: "Analysis with cppcheck") {
                            sh "./ci-scripts/ --workspace $WORKSPACE --variant cppcheck --job-name ${JOB_NAME} --build-id ${BUILD_ID} --keep-vm-alive"
                stage ("Build eNb-USRP") {
                    steps {
                        gitlabCommitStatus(name: "Build eNb-USRP") {
                            sh "./ci-scripts/ --workspace $WORKSPACE --variant enb-usrp --job-name ${JOB_NAME} --build-id ${BUILD_ID} --keep-vm-alive"
                stage ("Build basic simulator") {
                    steps {
                        gitlabCommitStatus(name: "Build basic-sim") {
                            sh "./ci-scripts/ --workspace $WORKSPACE --variant basic-sim --job-name ${JOB_NAME} --build-id ${BUILD_ID} --keep-vm-alive"
                stage ("Build physical simulators") {
                    steps {
                        gitlabCommitStatus(name: "Build phy-sim") {
                            sh "./ci-scripts/ --workspace $WORKSPACE --variant phy-sim --job-name ${JOB_NAME} --build-id ${BUILD_ID} --keep-vm-alive"
            post {
                always {
                    script {
                        dir ('archives') {
                            sh "zip -r basic_sim enb_usrp phy_sim cppcheck"
                        if(fileExists('archives/')) {
                            archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'archives/'
                        if ("MERGE".equals(env.gitlabActionType)) {
                            sh "./ci-scripts/ --git-url ${GIT_URL} --job-name ${JOB_NAME} --build-id ${BUILD_ID} --trigger merge-request --src-branch ${env.gitlabSourceBranch} --src-commit ${env.gitlabMergeRequestLastCommit} --target-branch ${env.gitlabTargetBranch} --target-commit ${GIT_COMMIT}"
                        } else {
                            sh "./ci-scripts/ --git-url ${GIT_URL} --job-name ${JOB_NAME} --build-id ${BUILD_ID} --trigger push --branch ${GIT_BRANCH} --commit ${GIT_COMMIT}"
                        if(fileExists('build_results.html')) {
                            archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'build_results.html'

        stage ("Destroy all Virtual Machines") {
            steps {
                sh "./ci-scripts/ --job-name ${JOB_NAME} --build-id ${BUILD_ID}"
    post {
        always {
            script {
                // Stage destroy may not be run if error in previous stage
                sh "./ci-scripts/ --job-name ${JOB_NAME} --build-id ${BUILD_ID}"
        success {
            script {
                def message = "OAI " + JOB_NAME + " build (" + BUILD_ID + "): passed (" + BUILD_URL + ")"
                if ("MERGE".equals(env.gitlabActionType)) {
                    echo "This is a MERGE event"
                    addGitLabMRComment comment: message
                    def message2 = "OAI " + JOB_NAME + " build (" + BUILD_ID + "): passed (" + BUILD_URL + ") -- MergeRequest #" + env.gitlabMergeRequestIid + " (" + env.gitlabMergeRequestTitle + ")"
                    slackSend channel: 'ci-enb', color: 'good', message: message2
                } else {
                    slackSend channel: 'ci-enb', color: 'good', message: message
        failure {
            script {
                def message = "OAI " + JOB_NAME + " build (" + BUILD_ID + "): failed (" + BUILD_URL + ")"
                if ("MERGE".equals(env.gitlabActionType)) {
                    echo "This is a MERGE event"
                    addGitLabMRComment comment: message
                    def message2 = "OAI " + JOB_NAME + " build (" + BUILD_ID + "): failed (" + BUILD_URL + ") -- MergeRequest #" + env.gitlabMergeRequestIid + " (" + env.gitlabMergeRequestTitle + ")"
                    slackSend channel: 'ci-enb', color: 'danger', message: message2
                } else {
                    slackSend channel: 'ci-enb', color: 'danger', message: message