• Cedric Roux's avatar
    alternative RLC implementation · 3310f5c6
    Cedric Roux authored
    This commit introduces an alternative RLC implementation
    based on 36.322 version 8. AM and UM done, TM not done.
    See openair2/LAYER2/rlc_v2/TODO for missing parts.
To run tests, simply type: make

Each test is made of:
  testXX.h         definition of the test
  testXX.txt.gz    compressed expected output of the test

At runtime, we generate:
  testXX.run    actual output of the test

test.c is the test driving program.

Only the output lines of the test program starting with "TEST" are
stored into testXX.txt and testXX.run.

A test is considered a success if testXX.txt and testXX.run are equal.

Only failed tests are reported.

How to define a new test?

1 - get the ID

    Look in the file run_tests.sh, the variable test_count gives you
    the number of existing tests. The ID of your test has to be
    test_count + 1.

2 - create files

    Create the file test<ID>.h containing the test, then generate test<ID>.run
    by running 'make all TEST=test<ID>' and copy test<ID>.run to test<ID>.txt.
    Then compress this file (gzip -9 test<ID>.txt). Be sure that the output
    is correct, of course.

    For the file names, replace <ID> by the actual number of the test.
    For example, if your test ID is 47, then name the files test47.h and
    test47.txt. And run 'make all TEST=test47' to generate test47.run.

The available instructions for a test are described at the top of test.c.