if(ru->nb_tx>1){//Enable beamforming when nb_tx > 1
if((fp->L_ssb>>(63-p))&0x01)//64 bit-map with the MSB @2⁶³ corresponds to SSB ssb_index 0
AssertFatal(ru->nb_bfw==(beam_count*ru->nb_tx),"Number of beam weights from config file is %d while the expected number is %d",ru->nb_bfw,(beam_count*ru->nb_tx));
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ int nr_phy_init_RU(RU_t *ru) {
/** \brief This function is relavant for the UE procedures for control. It loads the search spaces, the BWPs and the CORESETs into the MAC instance and
\brief performs assert checks on the relevant RRC configuration.
@param NR_UE_MAC_INST_t mac: pointer to local MAC instance
AssertFatal(searchSpacesToAddModList!=NULL,"searchSpacesToAddModList is null\n");
AssertFatal(searchSpacesToAddModList->list.count>0,"list of UE specifically configured Search Spaces is empty\n");
AssertFatal(searchSpacesToAddModList->list.count<FAPI_NR_MAX_SS_PER_CORESET,"too many searchpaces per coreset %d\n",searchSpacesToAddModList->list.count);