• Cedric Roux's avatar
    T: isolate generated .h files when using make · 1111ecca
    Cedric Roux authored
    When using the make system to generate T files, if you change
    T_messages.txt you may have problems compiling the gnb with ninja.
    If you want to see the problem:
    First run: cd cmake_targets; ./build_oai --ninja --gNB
    Then: cd common/utils/T
    edit T_messages.txt, add a trace, for example:
        DESC = eNodeB uplink tick - one tick per ms at start of uplink processing
        FORMAT = int,eNB_ID : int,frame : int,subframe
    then run: make
    then: cd cmake_targets/ran_build/build; ninja nr-softmodem
    You should have an error looking like this:
    [3/81] Checking validity of VCD files
    FAILED: common/utils/T/CMakeFiles/check_vcd /tmp/develop/cmake_targets/ran_build/build/common/utils/T/CMakeFiles/check_vcd
    cd /tmp/develop/cmake_targets/ran_build/build/common/utils/T && /tmp/develop/cmake_targets/ran_build/build/common/utils/T/_check_vcd /tmp/develop/common/utils/T/T_messages.txt /tmp/develop/common/utils/T/../LOG/vcd_signal_dumper.h
    error: VCD_FIRST_VARIABLE is not correct in T_defs.h
    You probably added a VCD trace (variable or function) but you did not
    update T_messages.txt and/or T_defs.h in common/utils/T/
    Let's first isolate the generated T .h files when using make because
    we have two versions of T_IDs.h and T_messages.txt.h when mixing
    A next commit will regenerate T_IDs.h and T_messages.txt.h when
    T_messages.txt chages for the cmake system, because this commit
    does not solve the problem.
config_userapi.h 310 Bytes