• Thomas Schlichter's avatar
    NR_UE: make NTN parameter ta_CommonDrift_r17 configurable via command line... · e6627213
    Thomas Schlichter authored
    NR_UE: make NTN parameter ta_CommonDrift_r17 configurable via command line parameter --ntn-ta-commondrift
    While we don't have SIB19 support yet, UE gets this parameter from command line, just like --ntn-koffset and --ntn-ta-common.
    We use this value to initialize the UE's time-tracking PI controller accumulator.
    This allows to correctly track the time even if the delay is changing significantly (e.g. due to LEO satellite movement).
    We also use it to compensate for the time drift that happenes while performing the initial sync.
nr-ue.c 43.9 KB