Commit 2932551f authored by Robert Schmidt's avatar Robert Schmidt

Update 5G-OTA testbench image: add aerial, fhi72

parent e96a7eed
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Note: The available resources, and their current usage, is indicated here:
![5G OTA Testbench](testbenches_doc_resources/5g-ota-bench.png)
[PDF version](testbenches_doc_resources/5g-ota-bench.pdf) | [LaTeX/TikZ version](testbenches_doc_resources/5g-ota-bench.tex) if you want to modify to reflect your setup
[LaTeX/TikZ version](testbenches_doc_resources/5g-ota-bench.tex) if you want to modify to reflect your setup
### 5G NSA/Faraday Cage Testbench
......@@ -16,9 +16,23 @@
\node[label=above:porcepix] (porcepix)
\node[above right=-0.4cm and 2cm of porcepix, label=above:matix] (matix)
\node[above right=-0.8cm and 2cm of porcepix, label=above:aerial2] (aerial2)
edge (porcepix);
\node[right=0.3cm of aerial2, label=above:Foxconn, draw,
minimum width=1.7cm, minimum height=0.8cm] (foxconn)
{O-RU} edge (aerial2);
\node[below right=+0.45cm and 0.35cm of foxconn.east] (antf1)
{\includegraphics[width=0.3cm]{antenna}} edge (foxconn.east);
\node[below right=-0.1cm and 0.35cm of foxconn.east] (antf2)
{\includegraphics[width=0.3cm]{antenna}} edge (foxconn.east);
\node[above right=-0.1cm and 0.35cm of foxconn.east] (antf3)
{\includegraphics[width=0.3cm]{antenna}} edge (foxconn.east);
\node[above right=+0.45cm and 0.35cm of foxconn.east] (antf4)
{\includegraphics[width=0.3cm]{antenna}} edge (foxconn.east);
\node[above right=+1.3cm and 2cm of porcepix, label=above:matix] (matix)
\node[right=0.3cm of matix, label=above:N310] (n310a)
{\includegraphics[width=1.5cm]{n310}} edge (matix);
\node[right=.2cm of n310a, duplexer] (b77o) {n77} edge (n310a);
......@@ -27,25 +41,35 @@
\node[above right=-0.1cm and 0.35cm of b77o.east] (anto2)
{\includegraphics[width=0.3cm]{antenna}} edge (b77o);
\node[below right=-0.4cm and 2cm of porcepix, label=above:obelix] (obelix)
\node[below right=-0.6cm and 2cm of porcepix, label=above:obelix] (obelix)
edge (porcepix);
\node[above right=-0.5cm and 0.3cm of obelix, label=above:N310] (n310o)
\node[right=0.3cm of obelix, label=above:N310] (n310o)
{\includegraphics[width=1.5cm]{n310}} edge (obelix);
\node[right=.2cm of n310o, duplexer] (b78o) {n40} edge (n310o);
\node[below right=-0.1cm and 0.35cm of b78o.east] (anto1)
{\includegraphics[width=0.3cm]{antenna}} edge (b78o);
\node[above right=-0.1cm and 0.35cm of b78o.east] (anto2)
{\includegraphics[width=0.3cm]{antenna}} edge (b78o);
\node[below right=-0.5cm and 0.3cm of obelix, label=above:X310] (x310o)
{\includegraphics[width=1.5cm]{x310}} edge (obelix);
\node[right=.2cm of x310o, duplexer] (b78o) {n78} edge (x310o);
\node[below right=-0.1cm and 0.35cm of b78o.east] (anto1)
{\includegraphics[width=0.3cm]{antenna}} edge (b78o);
\node[above right=-0.1cm and 0.35cm of b78o.east] (anto2)
{\includegraphics[width=0.3cm]{antenna}} edge (b78o);
\node[above right=-0.5cm and 5.0cm of n310o.east, label=above:RM520N-GL] (quectel)
\node[below=2cm of porcepix, label=above:Cluster] (cluster)
\node[right=2cm of cluster, label=above:cacofonix] (cacofonix)
edge (cluster);
\node[right=0.3cm of cacofonix, label=above:VVDN, draw,
minimum width=1.7cm, minimum height=0.8cm] (vvdn)
{O-RU} edge (cacofonix);
\node[below right=+0.45cm and 0.35cm of vvdn.east] (antv1)
{\includegraphics[width=0.3cm]{antenna}} edge (vvdn.east);
\node[below right=-0.1cm and 0.35cm of vvdn.east] (antv2)
{\includegraphics[width=0.3cm]{antenna}} edge (vvdn.east);
\node[above right=-0.1cm and 0.35cm of vvdn.east] (antv3)
{\includegraphics[width=0.3cm]{antenna}} edge (vvdn.east);
\node[above right=+0.45cm and 0.35cm of vvdn.east] (antv4)
{\includegraphics[width=0.3cm]{antenna}} edge (vvdn.east);
\node[above right=+0.0cm and 5.0cm of n310o.east, label=above:RM520N-GL] (quectel)
\node[above left=-0.1cm and 0.8cm of quectel.west] (aq2)
{\includegraphics[width=0.3cm]{antenna}} edge (quectel);
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