Commit 4c248a43 authored by Cedric Roux's avatar Cedric Roux

nrUE NAS: bugfix: add sequence number to generateSecurityModeComplete

It was working because on initial connection, it is 0.
But it's probably a bad assumption.
parent 0147bb2e
......@@ -634,6 +634,7 @@ static void generateSecurityModeComplete(nr_ue_nas_t *nas, as_nas_info_t *initia
// set security protected header
nas_msg.header.protocol_discriminator = FGS_MOBILITY_MANAGEMENT_MESSAGE;
nas_msg.header.security_header_type = INTEGRITY_PROTECTED_AND_CIPHERED_WITH_NEW_SECU_CTX;
nas_msg.header.sequence_number = nas->security.nas_count_ul & 0xff;
size += 7;
mm_msg = &nas_msg.security_protected.plain.mm_msg;
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