Commit 64f55693 authored by Jaroslava Fiedlerova's avatar Jaroslava Fiedlerova

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/nrue-nas-security' into integration_2024_w24

parents 4d51b344 fc42a2a5
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -89,11 +89,12 @@ typedef struct {
uint8_t kseaf[32];
uint8_t kamf[32];
uint8_t knas_int[16];
uint8_t knas_enc[16];
uint8_t res[16];
uint8_t rand[16];
uint8_t kgnb[32];
uint32_t mm_counter;
uint32_t sm_counter;
uint32_t nas_count_ul;
uint32_t nas_count_dl;
} ue_sa_security_key_t;
typedef struct {
......@@ -88,25 +88,36 @@ static uint64_t MUL64(uint64_t V, uint64_t P, uint64_t c)
return result;
/* mask32bit.
* Input n: an integer in 1-32.
* Output : a 32 bit mask.
* Prepares a 32 bit mask with required number of 1 bits on the MSB side.
static uint32_t mask32bit(int n)
/* read a big endian uint64_t at given address (potentially not 64-bits aligned)
* don't read more than 'available_bytes'
* (use 0 if no byte to read)
* (note: the compiler will optimize this, no need to do better)
static inline uint64_t U64(uint8_t *p, int available_bytes)
uint32_t mask=0x0;
if ( n%32 == 0 )
return 0xffffffff;
while (n--)
mask = (mask>>1) ^ 0x80000000;
uint64_t a = 0;
uint64_t b = 0;
uint64_t c = 0;
uint64_t d = 0;
uint64_t e = 0;
uint64_t f = 0;
uint64_t g = 0;
uint64_t h = 0;
switch (available_bytes) {
case 8: h = p[7]; /* falltrough */
case 7: g = p[6]; /* falltrough */
case 6: f = p[5]; /* falltrough */
case 5: e = p[4]; /* falltrough */
case 4: d = p[3]; /* falltrough */
case 3: c = p[2]; /* falltrough */
case 2: b = p[1]; /* falltrough */
case 1: a = p[0];
return mask;
return (a << (32+24)) | (b << (32+16)) | (c << (32+8)) | (d << 32)
| (e << 24) | (f << 16) | (g << 8) | h;
* @brief Create integrity cmac t for a given message.
* @param[in] stream_cipher Structure containing various variables to setup encoding
......@@ -125,11 +136,8 @@ void nas_stream_encrypt_eia1(nas_stream_cipher_t const *stream_cipher, uint8_t o
uint64_t c;
uint64_t M_D_2;
int rem_bits;
uint32_t mask = 0;
uint32_t *message;
uint8_t *key = (uint8_t *)stream_cipher->context;
message = (uint32_t*)stream_cipher->message; /* To operate 32 bit message internally. */
/* Load the Integrity Key for SNOW3G initialization as in section 4.4. */
memcpy(K+3,key+0,4); /*K[3] = key[0]; we assume
K[3]=key[0]||key[1]||...||key[31] , with key[0] the
......@@ -181,11 +189,14 @@ void nas_stream_encrypt_eia1(nas_stream_cipher_t const *stream_cipher, uint8_t o
EVAL = 0;
c = 0x1b;
AssertFatal(stream_cipher->blength % 8 == 0, "unsupported buffer length\n");
uint8_t *message = stream_cipher->message;
/* for 0 <= i <= D-3 */
for (i=0; i<D-2; i++) {
V = EVAL ^ ( (uint64_t)hton_int32(message[2*i]) << 32 | (uint64_t)hton_int32(message[2*i+1]) );
V = EVAL ^ U64(&message[4 * 2*i], 8);
EVAL = MUL64(V,P,c);
//printf ("Mi: %16X %16X\tEVAL: %16lX\n",hton_int32(message[2*i]),hton_int32(message[2*i+1]), EVAL);
/* for D-2 */
......@@ -194,14 +205,7 @@ void nas_stream_encrypt_eia1(nas_stream_cipher_t const *stream_cipher, uint8_t o
if (rem_bits == 0)
rem_bits = 64;
mask = mask32bit(rem_bits%32);
if (rem_bits > 32) {
M_D_2 = ( (uint64_t) hton_int32(message[2*(D-2)]) << 32 ) |
(uint64_t) (hton_int32(message[2*(D-2)+1]) & mask);
} else {
M_D_2 = ( (uint64_t) hton_int32(message[2*(D-2)]) & mask) << 32 ;
M_D_2 = U64(&message[4 * (2*(D-2))], rem_bits/8);
V = EVAL ^ M_D_2;
EVAL = MUL64(V,P,c);
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