Commit bbd6f35a authored by Bartosz Podrygajlo's avatar Bartosz Podrygajlo

Fix for nr_ulsch_16/64/256qam_llr reading/writing past buffer size on x86 and ARM.

This fixes out-of-bounds access: nr_ulsch_16qam_llr, nr_ulsch_64qam_llr and nr_ulsch_256qam_llr.
For 256qam this also fixes incorrect llr calculation on arm: the existing AVX code for 2 REs
case produced results not in line with the rest of the code. A testcase check_2_res_256_qam was
added to visualise the differences which can later be used to revive AVX acceleration for 2REs case.
parent 871078a6
add_subdirectory(nr_phy_common) add_subdirectory(nr_phy_common)
add_subdirectory(TOOLS) add_subdirectory(TOOLS)
add_executable(test_llr test_llr.cpp)
target_link_libraries(test_llr PRIVATE PHY_NR GTest::gtest minimal_lib)
add_dependencies(tests test_llr)
add_test(NAME test_llr
COMMAND ./test_llr)
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